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@NickHalden Launchpad's time in the sun is gone, with the price hike to $10. It's crossed the "trivial price, let's get a few" barrier.
@angelatlarge Did you get a chance to study up on MOSFETs driven from GPIOs? That schematic you were going to cobble up, needs cobbling up :-) Ref:
@AnindoGhosh I've bitten the bullet and gone for the SMD option! Above you say "and a 10 kOhm resistor for pull-down from Gate to Source" -- i am not following this -- is my circuit diagram above ok (apart from BJTs instead of MOSFETs)? What resistor settings should I use where? — Brad 29 mins ago
@AnindoGhosh True that. You know what you can do for me in exchange? Read this:
A: Cheapest way to add wifi to a project

angelatlargeA very cheap way to add WiFi to a project, is to use a WiFi router as WiFi hardware. The router needs to be not-so-new in order to be cheap, and must support Serial/USB or JTAG ports on board OpenWRT (DD-WRT may work too, but I haven't used DD-WRT for this purpose) See OpenWRT supported hardw...

@AnindoGhosh Unless you read it already :)
@angelatlarge I had, yes. I was out of votes yesterday, though. Fixed now. :-)
@angelatlarge I'm always a strong supporter of out of the box alternatives.
@AnindoGhosh I pretend to avoid repbegging, at least some of the time, but I am pretty proud of this idea and am worried that it will get lost.
Speaking of which, @Kortuk I liked your comment on the Excel as timing diagram generator thing.
@AnindoGhosh Wait, what comment?
@angelatlarge No, that was Kortuk - He spoke up in support of some chap who managed to get every purist "I'm a real EE" person's panties in a twist by suggesting that MS Excel is a perfectly usable way to generate timing diagrams.
@AnindoGhosh I didn't see the first person pronoun in there, that completely changes the meaning.
@angelatlarge Yeah, age begins to tell upon our vision at some stage.
@AnindoGhosh Do you want a snubber diode in the diagram?
@AnindoGhosh Never mind, stoopid question
@angelatlarge In for a penny...
they are leds
They are LEDs but the solution ought to be generic if all it takes is a diode, no?
Well, the OP didn't ask for a generic solution...
@AnindoGhosh Am I free to go now?
@angelatlarge You're awesome. You will earn much good Karma over the years, and will have many giggling grandchildren playing at your knee some day.
@AnindoGhosh :)
@AnindoGhosh Why do you need the pull-down?
@angelatlarge Because otherwise, at power-up of the board, the gates will be floating, as the GPIOs start out high-impedance. This will cause the LEDs to all turn on, i.e. inrush current for all the LEDs plus all decoupling caps on the board, etc, therefore likely BOOM!
@AnindoGhosh Ah, for power-on purposes. **SHOOT! ** Forgot the current-limiting resitors. Should I edit or do you want to?
@angelatlarge Please. I'm struggling through some horrid stuff with Proteus right now, brain is fried.
@AnindoGhosh Done. Go. Approve.
@angelatlarge Done, thanks :-)
@AnindoGhosh awesome
I am out. L8tr people.
@angelatlarge Bye!
@AnindoGhosh Engineers - We should know that we are here to use what tools we have and get a job done at lowest cost possible. Religious devotion to tools has no place here.
@angelatlarge later
@Kortuk Agreed. Engineers are supposed to solve a problem by the most optimal means at hand, and if the problem isn't clearly stated in the first place, a good engineer decodes this based on experience, insight and some luck.
@Kortuk Be careful, though - or you might face the punishment of the thousand scoldings, from some people :-D
@AnindoGhosh Yes, often our jobs as engineers is to decode the specifications of a business guy.
BTW @Kortuk, Any experience with Proteus for PCB layout?
@AnindoGhosh Sorry, I know how to lay out a board, it is not something I have done heavily though :)
@Kortuk I just have simple queries... For now: How do I set a non-rectangular board shape in the board edge layer?
@AnindoGhosh :( I have never used that tool sorry. What i mean by having never done lots of layouts, I have had to fix dozens fix their layouts, but I have never really spent hours on end doing layouts and have never used serious serious tools to do them.
@Kortuk Well, I hope someone on here is familiar with this product. Thanks anyway :-)
@AnindoGhosh I really wish I could help :(
Hi everybody. I'm looking for a free electronic circuit simulator to test circuits with a 555 + speaker. do you have any suggestion?
has both speaker and 555 at the bottom of the parts
@tigrou Depends on what you are doing, but Circuitlab.com..... As nick said might get the job done.
ok thanks i'm trying it
@tigrou I hope it helps, it is very possible that this is not what you were planning to check. If you are looking for overdriving and such I am not sure it is what you want, but I will wish you luck.
even if its a web app, will i be able to hear sound from speaker ?
@tigrou No, you wont be able to hear sound from your speaker.
@tigrou That is what I thought, you might have something else you were intending. I have seen that on an iPad app before but I dont know of what would let you do that.
so in circuit lab, speaker just act as a resistor right ?
@tigrou I would have to go test voltage sources on it, but it should be a resistor in series with inductor as a simple model, I would think.
is "is there any free circuit simulators for doing that .... ?" a suitable question for electrical engineering?
@tigrou Asking for software for a specific task is really not a great question, sorry. A couple of the broad ones we have, but generally, getting it to play to your computer is a very very rare thing for an EE to do.
I can see how it would be fun, but it is not something I would ever do, sorry.
@tigrou ...why do you need that?
i'm a beginner i'd like to try some circuits in a interactive way
@tigrou usually people go the LED route
what do you mean exactly ?
@tigrou playing with blinking LEDs and such.
Off I go for a bit.
i have another question, not related at all to first one : i just discovered 555 IC component some days ago and how great it is (i'm a beginner). is there any other popular, cheap, very versatille IC component (like 555) i should have a look at ? (beside PICs)
@tigrou I find AVRs are easier than PICs just FYI
@tigrou are you familiar with standalone logic gates?
1) AVR => didn't know that. i will have a look :) 2) you mean a combination of AND and OR gates that fir in one chip ?
@tigrou well no usually it will be a package of like 4x 2 input NAND gates or something like that
@tigrou just out of curiosity, what age range are you in??
i'm 29
@tigrou oh, great! =)
I've been getting so jealous of these like 13 year old kids coming on here and asking beginner level electronics questions
@tigrou and it just occurred to me: have you not heard of an arduino board? its a small development board based on an AVR microprocessor that has an IMMENSE following.
a truly unbelievable amount of tutorials online about how to do stuff with an arduino, ranging from basic to fairly advanced stuff
@NickHalden : english is not my primary language and maybe what i say contains lot of mistakes, poor expressions and feel like i'm 10 or something :)
@tigrou no i think you're alright
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