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04:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

@DavidKessner man! you're zinging them today! Bazinga!
@rawbrawb The dark side of the snark is strong in that mod.
@DavidKessner evil he be!
@rawbrawb Mission accomplished! :)
@DavidKessner and not like GW considers it!
@rawbrawb GW?
@DavidKessner aircraft carrier, big sign, "mission accomplished",
@rawbrawb Oh, yeah. I seem to remember something. He was king or something, right? :)
@DavidKessner bingo!
@Sathya What are you up to in here?
@angelatlarge Did the coppers say anything interesting?
@DavidKessner Not really. One of the people who died lived right around here.
@DavidKessner Isn't it Un_A_bomber?
@DavidKessner I thought it isn't Uni as in Uno/Due, but Una as in "Universities and Airlines"
@angelatlarge Don't confuse me with the facts! :)
@angelatlarge You are, of course, correct. I hadn't been to the Psychopath Groupie meetings in a while, and I'm a bit rusty...
@DavidKessner closest one I know of is in canada.
@DavidKessner They found a circuit board today. I just hope that whoever did this used a PIC and not an AVR.
@Kortuk BAM!
@Kortuk LOL
@Kortuk bazinga!
None of you can prove anything.
ciao guys, gonna sign off now, see ya on the flip-flop!
@rawbrawb Later.
Time for me to take off too. Bye all.
04:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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