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@ThePhoton right, but my confusion is this
assume you have a four layer board, two inner layers are power plane and ground plane respectively
ground on layer 2
you have the PGND and AGND pours on top, according to their layout
if you do thermal vias directly from the PGND pour section, you're connected directly to AGND
so, it would imply that you need to make the layer 2, under the IC at least, a PGND pour itself
but then because you don't want those high power traces going over plane splits, you have to extend the PGND plane to allow it follow all the way until the traces stop or connect to the internal power plane layer
making your AGND internal plane far less contiguous and unbroken
at least that is how I'm seeing it / understanding it
@TobyLawrence I'm not sure which traces you mean, exactly (VIN and VOUT nets?).
@ThePhoton yes, those
Looking at it with this in mind, I think that PGND is the "global" ground, AGND is a "local" ground.
Look at the schematic on pg 1. They distinguis PGND and AGND with different symbols.
But I
But I'm still thinking...
it would make sense
you have that big AGND pour on the top side for the analog stuff and then you have the noise "chokepoint" of connecting it between those two pins (8 & 9) to the global ground (PGND)
Look at the bullet points above the layout. They seem to support this also (but I won't say they're perfectly clarifying it)
"Use large copper areas for power planes (VIN, VOUT, and PGND) to minimize conduction loss and thermal stress."
"Place a dedicated AGND copper area beneath the TPS84250"
Seems to say AGND is a local area, PGND is over the whole board...but not exactly perfectly clear.
it makes more sense that way... even as like a general "here's how to best keep that ground reference clean for the analog circuitry"
I think the diagram on the right shows PGND as a full plane layer (fig 41)
yeah, I think I'll approach it the way you're describing it
2 hours later…
greetz pplz
4 hours later…
good morning @AnindoGhosh
8 hours later…
alright, got that ground pour thing settled
1 hour later…
@TobyLawrence Miller Time!
@ThePhoton I hate Miller capacitance
@ThePhoton I think you misunderstood the question in this case: electronics.stackexchange.com/q/56970/14004
@AnindoGhosh It's possible.
bah, just made a noob mistake
changed my board layout before I had ordered a stencil for the prototypes I just got
and I don't have it under version control
Top o' the mornin', @DaveTweed
Hello! Just passing by ...
@ThePhoton The chap wanted to use an external 32687 Hz clock, as is suggested for several real-time-clock type purposes in various MSP430 documentation and examples, and as is provided along with each MSP430 Launchpad board for this purpose.
@AnindoGhosh That information was not in the question when I answered it.
@ThePhoton The original question before edits was "I want to use an external crystal for the timer" - same thing - want external crystal instead of internal timing.
When I answered, it looked like he was asking how to connect the timer peripheral to the uC's main clock, also there was an answer that suggested building a crystal osc from discretes and connecting to TACLK (now deleted).
Also, there's a difference between using an external crystal, and using an external crystal oscillator.
@ThePhoton Yup, there wasn't a mention of an oscillator. Xin / Xout are for a crystal.
@ThePhoton Sorry, I am wrong
@AnindoGhosh In linked chat you talk about an external clock, not an external crystal
@ThePhoton The subject of the question states oscillator.
Also, I think the key misunderstanding is he thought the datasheet is the whole documentation, and wasn't aware of the User's Guide that I linked.
@ThePhoton I do?
@ThePhoton Ahhh I see. I linked to save typing your name :-D
"The chap wanted to use an external 32687 Hz clock"
Not, The chap wanted to use an external crystal.
@ThePhoton Yup yup. Saw that.
@ThePhoton I got it right in the answer, but was careless in chat. My bad.
To be honest, it's not clear exactly which OP wants. Maybe he wants to know how to hook up a crystal to the XTAL pins like you answered.
Maybe he wants to know how to connect the timer peripheral to various clock sources.
Maybe he wants both.
Between our two answers, he ought to be able to figure it out.
@ThePhoton True.
@AnindoGhosh Third alternative I just commented on, he might not understand that the Timer is not the same as the system clock.
@ThePhoton Also true, going the level of pedantic comprehensiveness of the question (or lack thereof). :-)
oof, didn't realize I have ~100mb worth of assets for this project
now I'm waiting for this git push to finish, heh
going slowww
1 hour later…
ok, git repo finally created, pushed
hi all
@TobyLawrence hi can you help me ?
@Splinky potentially. I may tell you to go post your question on the main site.. but you can certainly ask me it. :)
@TobyLawrence thx, i want to communicate with pc from PIC but i don't have idea : what should i know to do that
@Splinky this is definitely a candidate for a normal question on the main site, and I bet if you searched for "pc pic communication" you'd find some good questions
generally, you'll talk to your microcontroller using a serial port on your PC
which is the same thing, generally speaking, as a UART port on your microcontroller
so you should search for something like "computer pic serial" or "computer pic uart"
@TobyLawrence i want to do that with cable after that i need to change to wireless
@Splinky there are relatively cheap TTL to Bluetooth solutions
again, generally speaking, TTL = UART = Serial = RS-232
voltages can be different, but the signalling is the same
so if you make your PIC talk to your computer over serial, there will be plenty of drop-in Bluetooth modules that convert TTL/SerialRS-232/UART to Bluetooth
and you'd have some sort of Bluetooth adapter on your computer that emulated a serial port
@TobyLawrence i tried the communication with pic but with an app labview
@Splinky the simplest way to talk to a microcontroller from a computer will be a serial connection over UART
@TobyLawrence i want to get information from serial port to my application that i need to create
@TobyLawrence but i don't know how get socket working in PIC or how things should work to get all work
@Splinky you'll have to search, either on EE or Google or whatever your favorite search engine is, and find a guide on how to use a UART peripheral on the PIC micro that you're using
@TobyLawrence i tried that with LabView installed and all working
@TobyLawrence but i need to develope my own application
@Splinky then get a Serial-TTL converter or a USB-TTL converter and get it working with a normal terminal instead of LabVIEW
then write your program and get it working :)
@TobyLawrence program with socket communication ?
@Splinky just google for how to access a serial port for the language you want to use
I'm sure there are many, many guides.
@TobyLawrence ok thx , if u have a simple one plz send me the url
@Splinky nope, I don't. you'll have to learn how to search better. :)
@TobyLawrence thx a lot :)
@Splinky no problem
@TobyLawrence i tried to receive information sent by pic with wireshark but i can't see any thing
@Splinky that's not surprising, because Wireshark isn't for sniffing traffic on serial ports
@TobyLawrence yes i think he can because with my wireless mouse he can sniff trafic in usb port

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