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good morning guys
1 hour later…
@jippie Sorry i missed this, Morning mate!
@jippie I hope I did not offend with my comments on your post. I think you would do a great job but I wanted to ask what others were going to wonder but possibly not ask.
@Kortuk not at all, (I think) I understand perfectly well what you were trying to accomplish
@Kortuk Was in the shower for a few minutes and I decided to ask you if you were 'sleeping on the job' here ;o) But unfortunately for me you woke up :o(
I'm off to work.
Enjoy! @all
Morning!!! @Kortuk @jippie
@clabacchio Morning mate!
So, what is everyone up to?
@clabacchio and for some reason I thought you were doing your masters this whole time!
Not your Ph.D.
@jippie you are hard at work writing comments and stuff I see.
sure, all afk
allo @jmort253 and @rfusca either of you still up?
@Kortuk it's the masters indeed
@clabacchio Ohh, then you are not a doctor yet!
didn't receive your notification until now
@clabacchio :)
@Kortuk yes I am :)
@clabacchio Here you finish your Ph.D. to become a doctor.
Is it different? I feel like there is something different we are not communicating well.
@Kortuk no I'm just distracted
now I'm doctor in engineering
@clabacchio With a masters?
@clabacchio This is a difference from US.
not even engineer, because you have to pass the state exam
The Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng. or D.Engr. or Eng.D. or Dr.Eng. or Dr.-Ing.) is an academic degree awarded on the basis of advanced study and research in engineering or applied sciences. In most of the countries it is the terminal research doctorate degree in engineering or applied science. It is awarded by many American universities including UC Berkeley, Texas A&M, and Southern Methodist University. It is equivalent to a PhD degree in engineering/applied sciences. To be admitted as a doctoral student, one must hold a Master's degree (rarely a Bachelor's degree) in engineering or relate...
@clabacchio ohh, that is called a PE here, I have passed the written exam you take to qualify starting your training but I have to have years experience and then take the final exam.
This is something we will have to discuss in detail
I need to get back to work. I am back on night shifts again.
away I go.
@Kortuk anyway I don't care much, I can say that I have 5k rep on stackexchange
@clabacchio Ha. I just like understanding these differences, it helps greatly when you talk to someone from Europe about what you do.
@Kortuk you'll never understand us :P
you know, old traditions and so..
@clabacchio Allo! My name is Max.
@Kortuk allo?
An engineer's degree is an advanced academic degree in engineering that is conferred in Europe, some countries of Latin America, and a few institutions in the United States. In Europe, the engineer degree is ranked at the same academic level as a master's degree, and is often known literally as an "engineer diploma" (abbreviated Dipl.-Ing. or DI). In some countries of Latin America and the United States, the engineer's degree can be studied after the completion of a master's degree and is usually considered higher than the master's degree but below the doctorate in engineering (abbreviate...
@clabacchio interesting.
so, not running in the election @clabacchio?
@kortuk i decided against running :/
well actually i forgot :/
1 hour later…
@Dean Ha, you still have time.
@Kortuk how long?
until 2pm so basically 2hrs from now??
thats 2pm BST
@Dean 8 hours left
ahh cool will write something in a bit.
@Dean Ha, I want to see how many we get today. I cannot promise I will be posting on your message then, it depends on if I have time and your post is up before I sleep.
@Kortuk I could run, but I don't know how present I can be, since this summer I'll be quite busy
@clabacchio your call.
@Kortuk what do you mean?
@clabacchio it is your decision if you think you can handle it, I just thought you might.
@Kortuk I really appreciate that!
But...if I think that I may be available in a couple of months, I'm still eligible?
I mean, what's the required time to guarantee?
@clabacchio you have always been active in chat with discussing the moderation issues.
@Kortuk I can give it a shot actually :)
@clabacchio I would say 30 minutes a day dependably is enough with occasional spikes, in the 1-2 hour range, but easily handed off, not requiring one person
@clabacchio As with Jippie the European time zone will help.
@Kortuk Let's try it! I'm really curious about the moderator's experience
2 hours later…
morning all
@W5VO Morning mate.
@clabacchio Will try to post a blurb for you.
@Kortuk so what was the final straw with tony?
@W5VO writing bad answers is not a suspension worthy offense. Making directed abusive comments are.
somebody get banned?
Hello all.
@rfusca 1 year suspension as of now.
@DavidKessner Morning mate!
@Kortuk wow, a year....who? what user?
nvm, found em
@rfusca Was about to say, bet that takes no work.
@rfusca But I want to know...
@Kortuk what warranted a whole year?
nvm, I found em too.
@rfusca Umm, I am not sure what level this can be publicly discussed. The explanation I already gave was to explain site policy, but we can discuss it in teachers lounge.
@Kortuk I just assumed that it was because he's Canadian. :)
@DavidKessner ha.
2 hours later…
@clabacchio got to post my feedback for you.
sorry to say @jippie you got some stiff competition last minute
@kortuk you guys may have a real election on your hands with the candidates that tossed in their hat
@Kortuk thanks for the nice post!
@rfusca I'm having lots of fun these days
@rfusca haha
@clabacchio nice
@rfusca sorry I was meaning with the new camera
I'm trying some old lenses
50 and 100 primes
old and full manual ones
100mm prime, very nice
@kortuk olin has this...'thing' about big images - electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/36342/… - i think he's using some browser from 1992 that doesn't scale images correctly
@rfusca Actually, the image was fairly large
@W5VO ya, i see the original, it doesn't look that big to me
on photo, he went off on some rant one day about big images...it was kinda funny
funny... considering that I would imagine you would often want the full resolution image
he does have an old computer running windows 2000, maybe IE6
@W5VO nod ya, but honestly, it turned out he was using some insanely old browser that didn't scale like everybody else
so it would look normal to everybody and massive to him
I wouldn't doubt that
We need to start a "Buy Olin a new computer" fund
@W5VO right!
i'm sure its stubbornness more than funds
and damn... it wouldn't take much, probably $500
@rfusca all but certain of that as well
but he did mention he has a lot of software that he doesn't want to reload. I can appreciate that
@W5VO nod for sure
and probably couldn't reload because of the age difference
or lost the box+serial number, or the company has gone out of business
he said it was for stubborness
and that he has all that
@rfusca in my "copious free time" I have some minolta MT lenses I think I'm going to try to convert to a Sony Alpha mount
@W5VO yes, you have tons of it, just a Ph.D. student with a kid and possibly moderator duties, you have tons of it
@Kortuk 2 kids
@W5VO Sorry, I somehow keep missingthat
@Kortuk it's ok, they both (sorta) sleep at night
Sorry, I am afk. I want to stay till time to vote, but I cannot.
@Kortuk yeah. Think I might step back, no way I'm even slightest competition for these other guys.
@jippie dont step back, you never know.
You never know how peoples ballots go, I doubt many could guess mine.
@Kortuk I think I can guess yours ...
@Kortuk ... in at most 16 tries.
There is an order, you pick a first second and third choice
so if I counted correctly, then you have 16 ways of voting
I have to dive into my basement, need to find the contract to proove I own my house
hope to be back quickly ...
@jippie haha
I hope 2 of the three I vote for win big time, but I am very happy to say we are currently overflowing with people I want.
@Kortuk yeah the bank doesn't believe my green'ish eyes
I am not picking the 3 acceptable ones but the 3 best of the good ones.
@jippie haha
Hi guys
i'm out
hi @clabacchio
@clabacchio Hello
@jippie jippie prove that you're good so I can leave the load on you
congrats man
sorry guys gotta go
@jippie thaanks!
@jippie Night mate.
@clabacchio Night.
@JonL Allo mate.
@Kortuk, good day.

Moderator elections... exciting :D
@JonL Very Very.
I shared my views, I get to see how much they matter on the election and I get to see what the community views as important in a moderator.
@Kortuk Does voting begin immediately after nomination phase?
@JonL Yes
We will currently not need a primary.
@Kortuk quick question: who gets to vote? anyone with an account? Or only users above a certain rep# ?
@JonL I believe it will be anyone with at least 150 rep.
@JonL You get a first pick second pick and third pick
@Kortuk cool. I missed out on the last election when I just started on this site. It'll be interesting to see how they unfold
the algorithm works in such a way that if your first pick wins on the first cycle, ie. is the most popular vote(there is some complexity, but this is a decent simplification) then your second vote will count a large amount.
@Kortuk Is there a FAQ outlining this info?
@JonL I was looking for it, the voting system is very interesting and they release all the ballots at the end in a raw format(anonymity is guaranteed though, the voters are just numbers in order of a randomly generated order I believe.).
@JonL This is the method used for determining winners from ballots.
The single transferable vote (STV) is a voting system based on proportional representation and preferential voting. Under STV, an elector's vote is initially allocated to his or her most-preferred candidate. After candidates have been either elected (winners) by reaching quota or eliminated (losers), surplus votes are transferred from winners to remaining candidates (hopefuls) according to the surplus ballots' ordered preferences. The system minimizes "wasted" votes, provides approximately proportional representation, and enables votes to be explicitly cast for individual candidates rath...
meek STV method.
why "night" @Kortuk?
@jippie I thought you said you were leaving
I need to sleep though, So I should go
I said I had to dive into my basement to chech my adminsitration, and of course that is totally 100% in order, so I was able to open a box and fetch the documents from it
@Kortuk ahhh
I am going to be really annoyed if someone whom knows would receive some amount of reprieve attempts to post their nomination 1 minute before to dodge that.
@Kortuk oh wel sleep tight then
@Kortuk now in english please?
@jippie historically you occasionally have someone whom really is not a great application for moderator on their own knows they will receive very negative comments, they then wait until the nomination is a minute or so from ending and hit submit, they show up for votes but dont receive the public reprieve those whom apply at the beginning have a chance to receive if they have issues, which I did as nicely as possible, mostly just asking them what they mean.
make sense?
@Kortuk google'ing for 'reprieve'
@jippie Ha. negative feedback is a good definition.
I think
@Kortuk ah that makes sense
In a week I get teh fun of training two new moderators and showing them the fun tools
and in about a year they will know them mostly. :)
@Kortuk, this weighting system is... interesting and a bit confusing
@Kortuk in that case you just ban them from the site a day before nominations end
would you happen to know what the "Quota" value means?
(votes - excess) / (seats + 1)
what is excess?
@JonL Quota is related to what is needed to be a win.
So excess is the number of votes excess the candidate needs. I ended up with quite a few extra last time and so anyone whom voted for me got a lot of their vote for others.
Q: How are moderator election votes counted, in plain English?

Popular DemandThe election page sidebar states that Stack Exchange elections use the Meek STV vote-counting method: After 4 days, the final voting results will be freely downloadable from this page forever, and we will calculate the 3 winners using OpenSTV with the Meek STV method. How does it work? I su...

@Kortuk perfect....
I'll give that a read during my lunch break :D
@Kortuk, how many seats are open for this round? Just 1?
@JonL 2!
Wish 3
now that I see the canidates.
hell, 6.
I could do with that, although we might over moderate.
@Kortuk if it were just 1 it wouldn't really make sense to do such a system...
@Kortuk I'd say 8,149!
which was what I was thinking when reading this
@JonL it still can, then if teh vote is heavily split up it selects the most popular using peoples second and third vote and requires a 50% match. It works very well. Saves situations where the third choice is selected because the first and second split their supporters.
@Kortuk, I see
if the community mostly agrees on two moderators and a section agrees on a different this system can make it both harder or easier to elect the third person.
ooh I rank #9 in the montly rep league, well above the other nominees ;o)
@Kortuk, pretty neat
@jippie Put it in there, feel free to pretty up your post, it is all that shows up on the election page.
@JonL Very, I loved learning about it when I ran last year.
@Kortuk, reminds me a bit about game theory
I was nervous last year when I ran and I am almost as nervous this year.
Is exciting.
hopefully we will elect more moderators next year for load issues.
@Kortuk I think its pretty cool that it's iterative
@JonL Yes, you can still get the raw votes from last election and see how it ran.
You can donate a little to get teh openSTV software for your computer to run your own validation(5$), they release the data in an importable way(simple human readable text format).
off i go
I thought dean would be our number 5 candidate, but I guess not.
@Kortuk Ah, so we're voting on 2 people. I was wondering...
@DavidKessner It says so on the page
@Kortuk And you expect me to READ?!?! :)
But seriously, I missed that little part on the right hand side of the page. Oops.
that is not as easy to read as I wanted
but I am too lazy to make a better zoomed in one
@DavidKessner :)
@DavidKessner Next election I will make sure is not on my vacation and I will lead more directed discussion and training on the system.
Honestly though, dont have too much fun. Sad you did not run either, but that would only further muddy the waters of my 3 votes.
I wish the company would just setup a webcam and pay me the 2 grand its gonna cost to fly me out there lol
Woo it's voting time!
i'm off to bed
2 hours later…
Well I voted.
@DavidKessner Reluctantly?
@JonL No. Just hoping everyone else votes.
@DavidKessner Got it. I'm not good at interpreting tone on the interwebz sometimes
@JonL No prob. I completely understand.

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