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@clabacchio Sorry, was busy
@jippie Later mate
Sorry, busy work day.
3 hours later…
@clabacchio you mentioned a beer being better than Westvleteren 12. Do you remember which one it was? Was it the one from the picture?
@jippie no, that one is the favourite of the Beer professor :)
you can ask the guy anyway
but it was St. something
St Bernardus?
good morning BTW @clabacchio
@jippie morning!
@jippie but maybe
I think so :)
@jippie he pointed some bottle but probably it was that, yes
ah ok
I have to disappoint my colleague then
because @clabacchio didn't pay proper attention
@jippie no really, 95% it was that
but it was hard to follow the guy, the place was loud and I was starting to feel the beer :)
no worries, i'll face my colleague. I won't tell him you failed, I'll take the blame.
@clabacchio (are you feeling bad already?)
@jippie nope :)
I've given my thesis to the professor :)
ah! so it is holiday for @clabacchio now?
@jippie heh no
I have to check it several times again
do the presentation
and study it, because in 8 days I have to defend my thesis
@clabacchio ah ... your professor in Italy?
@jippie yep
the bad part is gone
but still
woke up too early this morning ;o)
@clabacchio that's why you're leaving eindhvoen
@jippie yep, I have to prepare everything
and just to make it clear
I'm all but sure that the thesis is ok
@clabacchio Didn't we guide you well enough?
@jippie what do you mean?
@clabacchio everybody at EE, didn't we do a good job at helping you?
@jippie haha yes, you can still help reviewing ;P
@jippie ?
@clabacchio oh i'm used to saying "phone" on chat when I have to answer my telephone
@jippie oh :)
so people don't sit waiting for me to respond while i am away
@clabacchio @thesis well I hope you managed though.
@jippie well I can say that I've given something
any nice plans for today @clabacchio?
@jippie presentation :)
and I have to do some stuff
maybe also finishing the technical note
1 hour later…
@jippie I am a pretty big st bernardus fan. Not the best, but I enjoy it.
@Kortuk whoahh go wash your mouth
@jippie It is pretty good, it is no yeti, but it tries.
st. bernardus must be second best, because they use the recipe for westvleteren 12
Your European mouth wont handle the yet though
@jippie :)
actually westvleteren and st. bernardus are in / near the same village
@jippie I do enjoy them, I drink them pretty often, used to more, but it is more cost effective to do american and the regularity that I gets the trappist ales that are REALLY old bottles is disheartening.
so @Kortuk if 1000 rep is 0dB how much rep would 10dB be?
@jippie 10 times that.
@jippie 0dB is 1k
10dB is 10k
20dB is 100k
30dB is 1M
I am heading to bed
later guys
sleep tight @Kortuk
i'm off to work
@Kortuk still awake?
7 hours later…
@Kortuk dB is relative. You could say someone with 100 rep has 10 dB less rep than someone with 1000 rep, but to give it as a stand-alone number you need a reference
@W5VO maybe 1k is a sort of milestone :)
It's only after you have a reference that dB makes sense. For example, dBa is referenced to a specific sound pressure level. dBm is power referenced to a milliwatt. dBi is the radiated power gain relative to an isotropic radiator. Thus, I suggest the units dBr (deci Bels reputation), which is referenced to 1 rep
@clabacchio sure it is - it's 30 dBr
@W5VO no, but if you consider 1k as established
1 rep is -30 dB which sounds nice :)
@W5VO if you don't have negative dB's, where's the fun?
@clabacchio you don't have negative dB in audio (or you don't hear anyone talking about it at least)
@W5VO of course you don't: how can you hear someone speaking at -10dB?
@W5VO dB is a ratio between two "values", so of course there are negative dB's.
hey guys
@DavidKessner it was a play on words.
@W5VO Sorry, I'm slow this morning. :)
@W5VO @clabacchio @DavidKessner ... @Kortuk promised me a beer when I reached 1k rep. AND a beer for every next 10dB rep
so i was thinking, will this be dB as in Watts or as in Volts
the first being 10 × log( rep / 1000)
the latter 20 ×
@jippie Good luck getting the beer! :)
@DavidKessner is @Kortuk not trusted with promises?
let's focus on beer for this question ;o)
what's all this stuff about dBr ;)
kilo rep
as Einst. said.. it's all relative
yeah, except for my thirst, that is absolute
@jippie I prefer Belvadere Vodka to Absolute.
I found everything is relative even if absolute in some sense
@DavidKessner hahah
@TonyStewart that's a good property for a drink
@TonyStewart except for absolute zero
I discovered that in my late teens that merichino cherry and sour frozen lemonade can hide almost any amount of absolut.
even 0'K is relative
its 300 deg higher today ,,, than absolut zero
@TonyStewart that sentence is a 'relative' statement
'but it is 300K today' is an absolute statement.
another example to support my statement. anyone can describe anything in relative or absolute terms
Was looking at modifying my stove from convection glass to induction en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Induktionskochfeld_Spule.jpg
boils water 3x faster
and more efficiently
But won't heat up alum. pots or pans
which reminds me.. have to find why washer motor is stalled... Laterz
stalled motor is only relative
@jippie It's his mothers, he uses it when he comes home on the weekends to do his laundry. So yes, it's relative.
Fixed.. If not had to buy one since I'm selling house and already bought new one for Sept.
False symptoms.... Cold water off, solenoid made Humm sound of stalled motor
crazy prices here... 1/2 million$ for this townhouse and 3/4 million$ for a decent detached home
@TonyStewart Where is "here"?
2 hours later…
Hey @Kortuk
@W5VO But I specifically told him 1k rep and every 10dB past that.
@jippie dBr works for me, we will define the reference as 1000rep.
@clabacchio Sorry, I left, all okay?
@Kortuk hey!
@clabacchio Allo.
I've handed my thesis to the prof :)
@Kortuk I was writing this question about using a reflective object sensor, but I'm unsure if it would turn into a discussion item or not
@clabacchio Congrats.
@Kortuk :) well I'm happy about that, but it's not an achievement
I have to have him review it
@clabacchio I am sure you will get atleast 1 gold star :)
@Kortuk star?
@clabacchio In your first years of school here teachers will often give you a gold star sticker or a smiley face sticker or such to tell you that you did exceptional work.
@Kortuk btw, I'm going to fly back home on thursday
@clabacchio :(
@clabacchio Then to the US for october!
@Kortuk no, never did here :) You get your lunch only if you do the job :)
@clabacchio Ohh, you have to do the work, but the sticker is a way to let people compete for "best"
@Kortuk what a waste, taking the plane for just 1500 km :P
@Kortuk I was joking, trying to make it sound hardcore
@clabacchio I knew you were joking about lunch
@kortuk is asking for feedback on a design/algorithm a proper question for EE?
@jippie Umm, the best way to find out is to just ask.
@Kortuk but you'll get angry with me
@Kortuk and I don't want you to get all outraged just hours before you go on holiday
@jippie no, I won't. How often have you see me angry?
@jippie What is the question you are thinking specifically?
@jippie I actually leave on Saturday.
oh well I have a reflective object sensor, and I want to use it. I have a scope image and I have an idea how to program a microcontroller.
The question is if it I'm using the sensor in a practical way
@Kortuk or overlooking things
@jippie Umm, depending on how you word it it will do well or poorly. Take your best shot and ask, I betit goes well.
@Kortuk You really scared me the other day with some question you closed.
You know @Kortuk sometimes while trying to explain a problem to others, you automatically come closer to the answer you were intitially looking for. :o)
@jippie What one?
I discovered I can use my Android tablet to shoot (almost) brilliant pics of my scope :)
i'm off to bed guys
@Kortuk want to take a look to my thesis? I'd like some feedback, even thou I'm sorta ashamed
@clabacchio What's it on again? I forgot.
@DavidKessner wireless sensor networks and self-diagnosis
it's quite shitty, but I've realized why
@clabacchio Ahh, it's coming back now.
@DavidKessner (I know that feeling) :)
enjoy your evening @all
@jippie good night!
I'm about to go to sleep as well
Good night everybody.
@DavidKessner good afternoon :)
@clabacchio Yeah, whatever! :)

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