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What are your thoughts about data buffers on PLC slaves?
I just had a conversion where people say that this is not what a "real time" bus (EtherCAT in this case) is meant for. In this application the bus can be asynchron to the output of the slave, where in my opinion a buffer is necessary but its hard to explain and bring arguments when the other site just says: no, real time bus slaves should not need buffers.
3 hours later…
No idea. If someone with a BA in EE (or ECE these days) gets a job only doing PLC programming--are they considered an electrical engineer?
6 hours later…
@ThePhoton I hear alibaba has some good prices :) alibaba.com/trade/…
Whether you feel good about using it in a design and can read the datasheet (if they have one) is another question
@laptop2d This is for a real product, not a hobby project.
Next question: Any ideas where to look for a cheap R/R quad op-amp in QFN or similar size (3x3) package?
My go-to's for cheap op-amps (On Semi, Microchip, Diodes) don't seem to do QFN.
I found some options at TI and ST, so I'm just still looking for more choices.
QFN isn't a typical op-amp package for a "cheap" op-amp
(just being captain obvious here)
did you get rid of your picture on purpose?
@W5VO Yeah, I want to get a new one.
@W5VO This guy is less than $0.10 in volume from Digikey:
I'm also okay with CSP or little BGAs, but those seem even more rare than QFN
TI has been advertising a bunch of CSP op-amps, but I think those are mostly singles
@W5VO Yep, saw them.
and TLV9004 in QFN is one of my candidates so far
How is the over-temperature spec better than the 25 C spec?

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