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Trade shows for Electronics and Embedded in Silicon Valley and vicinity
hey there @NickAlexeev
12 hours later…
whats that "new contributor" nonsense I See recently on questions? why should you apply the rules of good content less strict to those people... oh, you are new, you can post crap and we do the work for you?
3 hours later…
Sorry to bother you, but can someone explain to me what the Vout pin is used for in this regulator?
Is this pin used for the output voltage? What does Pin 2(output) do then?
Are pin output and pin Vout directly connected? Or is this just a heatsink?
what else should it be than connected, it cant possibly have two ouptut voltages
@PlasmaHH Well... in principle, somebody can make an ill-designed regulator with two output voltages (which differ by, say, a diode drop). @Eggi is doing due-diligence, which is a right thing to do.
@PlasmaHH Thank you for the clarification. I mean in a world full of acronyms i am not too sure if Vout means the same for everyone.
@Eggi If you want further confirmation, look into the datasheets of the 1117 regulators in SOT-223-4 that are made by other manufacturers: TI, ST.
@PlasmaHH All I see is a 'blue hand' with some kind of notification that I ignored
"Cheshire cat" . .sometimes humor works in a comment @laptop2d
@Marla it was the first thing that came to mind
@PlasmaHH Yes, it's a good metric for how many users we loose because it's fun to be an asshole on the internet
@W5VO do we really want users that only hang around to earn under 20 rep/ don't vote / and ask questions we have to close because they are off topic? On the flip side some of them will stick around and contribute
@laptop2d Everyone starts with 1 rep. Can you tell the difference between someone who just doesn't know all the rules, and someone who doesn't care what the rules are?
Do you know what the impact of being an asshole has on other meaningful contributors on the site?
Any site like this will always need new users. Established users will leave for a variety of reasons, many of which we have no control over. To borrow a business phrase, "If you're not growing, you're dying".
I'm not saying that we need to drop any concern for quality, or spoonfeed new users. There is a middle ground that exists.
@W5VO I completely agree with you, sorry, I was playing devils advocate. I do think we should always treat people with respect. I think that there are many benefits to having new users join the community. At the same time, I could also see the quality go down slightly with many new users aboard as it might be hard to maintain a professional\quality atmosphere. Nobody needs to demean users at SE, however.
For some of them "contributor" is too much respect.
Can instructions like add r1, r2, r3 bypass the MEM stage of the MIPS pipeline?
Or it goes through the MEM stage without anything being done
If the MEM stage gets skipped, it would allow the result from another execution unit to go through the MEM stage, right?
If the integer ALU and FP division unit are expected to hit MEM stage together, it would introduce a delay of one cycle compared to the case where bypassing could happen. For example, the integer ALU result directly jumps to WB while the FP result enters MEM. Otherwise, one of the instructions would have to wait for a cycle.
Anybody have a recommendation on a cheap, low quantity (under qty 5), PCB service? What do you use?
@W5VO of you talk shit and can't hold up to being told you talk shit you shouldn't talk at all
Free speech is not a one way street
@PlasmaHH Take a chill pill, dude.
@ThePhoton nah, first have to finish digging that hole for my neighbour
@laptop2d OSHPark. :) Been getting a lot of spam from JLCPCB, although never used them. OSHPark boards are high quality though, never an issue.
PCBWay looks pretty good, 50$ for 5pcs of a 10cm^2 board
@laptop2d I use Sunstone and PCBWay
Sunstone for "ITAR" or equivalent?
Bare PCBs rarely are ITAR controlled.
It would have to be something quite exotic, and probably outside of the Sunstone's and PCBWay's capability.
Well, what I mean is designs you don't want sent to china, or maybe that's not a concern?
@laptop2d, I've used Sierra Circuits (protoexpress.com) and gotten good results, but it's nowhere near as cheap as OSHPark.
@ThePhoton I've used osh but sometimes the time is too long
If your design is simple, use the No Touch service to get the best price.
Good to know
well, if the design is correct ^^
@PlasmaHH Are you saying I can't hold up to "being told I talk shit?"
@W5VO not you, all those new people that complain
@PlasmaHH To be clear, we're not really talking about those situations.
1 hour later…
Anybody have a favorite way to get a "good-enough" voltage reference for $0.05 or $0.10? Voltage 1 - 2 V. I'm looking for better stability vs temperature than I'd get from a forward-biased LED or zener in this voltage range.
If you're lucky you may have a microcontroller, switch-mode controllers, ADCs that can expose a voltage reference.
@ThePhoton TLV431?
total jellybean part, can get you 1.25V with no external parts, probably going to be much better than a low-value zener
hey there by the way @ThePhoton and @NickAlexeev
btw @NickAlexeev -- I am so glad that this got migrated:
Q: Automatic A-B 240 V switch

TerrenceMy house is 150' long. The breaker box is at one end and the AC units are at the other end. I have a well pump at the same end of the house as the AC units are. I do not want to buy 8 ga uf-b underground to power the pump, when I already have 6 or 8 run and powering the AC. I would like to ta...

I'm not sure if anyone on EE.SE would have even been thinking that all that was needed there was a subpanel

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