@laptop2d only an fem sim could really tell much, you could be off by your estimates by enough to be insignificant, the only thing we can say that its intentional, they wouldn't do such things as mistakes
hi guys, Can you recommend a connector for JTAG? I don't care if i have to build the adapter myself. I am looking for something in a small form factor for an environment which contains conducting dust.
the pcb is bare but painted. There is no case. The connector is going to be on the border of the pcb. I don't want the manufacturer to program the device. I want to be able to program it in the house.
currently the idea is a usb jack with a protection cap but i don't really like it
@rdtsc Perhaps, the Tag-Connect has a benefit that its pads can be taped over to prevent the conducting dust settling on them.
Having said that, I'm not a huge fan of Tag-Connect. It saves the cost of a header, but it introduces several headaches. For 5- or 6-line connections, Tag-Connect takes more real estate that an equivalent Molex PicoBlade. Tag-Connect requires a specialized cable, which can't be built from common parts.
I get involved in industrial, scientific, medical projects. I use same header as the programming tool (e.g. 20-pin 2mm ribbon for JTAG), PicoBlade headers and home-made harness for programming, purpose-made bed-of-nails.
@W5VO In one of the threads, somebody had posted a picture of his programming connector, which he made by jamming pogo pins into a 10-pin ribbon cable IDC.
How hardy are laptops (say, a Lenovo ThinkPad) against faults in the AC/DC power supply? Do they have any level of overvoltage protection in the laptop itself?