Each OpAmp will have it's own maximum input voltage on the data sheet. And that means the voltage at the input pin of the OpAmp, not the input voltage to the entire amplifier.
@Marla I've read that in the op amp datasheet, it's written that the Maximum Absolute Rating of Differential Input Voltage is 32 Volt. It's a maximum rating for one op amp.
@Marla But unfortunately, the input is located at each different op amp. How do I measure it's maximum than?
look, the input of V1 and V2 is located differently, how do I know the maximum input then?
@Unknown123 . . I believe that the 32 volt maximum you refer to (data sheet) is when the OpAmp is operating from 30 volts (+15, -15). So, its a matter of input volts not exceeding Vcc or Vee.
@PlasmaHH How big is the bucket? Could it have been a marsupial?
I have to admit, I'm somewhat happily surprised by Microchip sending out offers on newly produced Atmel-technology based boards. (i.e. carrying a chip branded Microchip)
When I ordered the board I assumed it was old stock...
Hi there, do you know if there are pnp transistors in a sot 23 package where the collector is on pin 2 and emitter is on pin 3? As reference i want this one: https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/BC856_BC857_BC858.pdf where pin 2 and 3 are swaped?
That pinout is extremely standard. Not saying they don't exist standard, but "back in the day" when it was still Philips calling them to make a modified version was easier than trying to find something off the shelve.
@Eggi Did you ask this on the main site a couple of weeks ago? I remember a similar question, SOT-23, looking for pins swapped. Not sure if it was about a PNP type.
Please reconsider your decision on voting buttons
The voting buttons are an ever-present aspect of a bunch of sites' graphical identity, and they pull a disproportionate amount of weight in making the theming feel like a complete skin rather than just some surface-level attributes. My main site ...
sorry, i wanted to write some text too ^^ Sorry to bother you again, i am trying to replace this circuit, the duty of this circuit is, when sense is grounded that a 3.3V signal is applied to sense_in
there is the idea with n-channel mosfets, but i have no way to place any cap between gate and Source
Today's announcement at raspberrypi.org: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ On Sale Now at $35 describes several improvements. I was very interested to find out if the power supply had been improved, but when I listened to the video I simply could not understand what they are saying.
I'm a native speaker ...
@ThePhoton Are you here? I'm not sure about a question asking for the differential voltage gain. The answer is 800 but I'm getting 400.
I've tried two different ways but all gave me 400
The voltage gain is simply \$\frac{Vo}{Vd/2}=g_mr_o2||Ro3\$ using the half mode differential circuit. ro is 100k and gm=2/250. So Av=400
Ro3 is a few mega ohms
The other way I tried was to think of the input signal going through the emitter follower Q1 and common-base Q2. The result is: Av=A1*A2=1/2gm*ro||Ro3=400.