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Hello guys. I need a system which when you press a button It should work two audio amplifiers at the same time. These amplifiers should be able to sense remote controller from far like 200 meters. What is the best way to do it? How do amplifiers communicate with remote controller. Can I do this just adding a device to amplifiers for communication? That would be the best instead of building from scratch.
Thanks in advance
3 hours later…
If the Q ports of flip flops determine the state, how can present state and next state of a sequential logic circuit exist at the same time? I've seen some topologies stating that.
Anyone heard of a 'single board computer' or co-processor that is a fully featured computer, with Intel Atom x86 architecture, that goes into a PCI-express slot of another computer?
even ISA slots
are there any well known manufacturers/developers of these?
I need one that has USB 3.0 for connecting to a sensor, and i can run some machine-vision applications on it
I've recently found "COM Express" style single board computers which are cool, but not what i'm looking for :(
"trying again in 319.99978030999999998s seconds" you need to have precision in things...
need a %.6f or something on that
those 2 femto-seconds really count maaaaaaaaaaaaaan
well, why would anyone care, not worth any effort, just funny
it is funny yes
(and btw. this is the actual value, it is not supposed to be 320s , its a few microseconds less)
6 hours later…
@Asmyldof What's up?
Very little
Does it matter?
@Asmyldof Not really, just fishing
Well, my lost shipment of appliances has been found
Went to a trade show, now I'm trying to get quotes out of people
@W5VO "There is no point in trying if you think it'll fail" - ex boss
"You cannot hide under your couch" - ex girlfriend
"Yes I can" - me
"No you can't.... okay, I guess you can..." - her
"Do you want fries with that?" - No Dutch McDonalds ever
@Asmyldof ever?
Had someone try to sell me a piece of equipment, but we have 2 identical models in working condition
"Service plan? I think it's to take working parts from one to fix the other"
Dave's interview with that Keysight guy has a few interesting things. Too bad that information density of videos is always so low. I wonder if there is a way to just read the subtitles of a video
@PlasmaHH Agreed - interesting hearing a bit of their methodology. Haven't seen the third part. On really bad density ones I'll increase the playback speed.
2 hours later…
@PlasmaHH If it's a video Claude Shannon would be annoyed at I usually crank the speed up to 2x
3 hours later…
I wonder if there'd be interest in a "high vacuum systems" stackexchange
I doubt it, but you can try....
While you're at it, ask them if they'd like to buy a CMU200
on account of they got unlost again
The few other forums on the net related to vacuum systems seem to be pretty active
Fusor forum's pretty good, but it seems to suffer from an excess of vitrol and general prickism
Every discussion becomes an argument

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