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My house smells of olive wood smoke
4 hours later…
Is there some place where I can draw something like this online...?
3 hours later…
@deostroll i doubt it. If you need that crap, just install it, it seems to be free
2 hours later…
@Asmyldof there are two markets for tube amps: audiophiles and musicians. Neither of those functions like you've described. Audiophiles spend money because they want to spend money and the fact that the crap is expensive is important.
And for musicians, there's a huge niche on the market for modelling but so far no company has tried to fill it.
You get either really high-quality professional gear from Fractal or Kemper, or you jump down an order of magnitude in price and get reasonable, but not-quite-there gear.
all in all, for a cheap-to-medium tube amps, there are no SS/modeled equivalents that sound as good.
@deostroll Autodesk Circuits
it allows you not only to draw it, but also simulate it, which works nicely
2 hours later…
@BartekBanachewicz doing repair for several bands I can say that they suffer from the same delusion as audiophools. If everyone around you says tubes are the best, but your opinion is different you better not tell because then nobody wants to talk to you. Those that don't care have the equipment that they like for individual reasons. Almost all tube amps I had to do with are there because they were a cheap find on some flee market or similar
@PlasmaHH MY point still stands
2 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
all in all, for a cheap-to-medium tube amps, there are no SS/modeled equivalents that sound as good.
By equivalents I obviously mean gear using SS technology costing more or less the same
That is totally a matter of opinion and setup
@PlasmaHH Literally everything about electric guitars is about opinions and setups
but when it comes to solid-state amps, there's mostly a consensus (that they're not as good)
Solid-state guitar amps have been on the market for decades
The problem for inexperienced or stubborn people is that they drive their setup into distortion all the time. And there for most people tubes sound better
@PlasmaHH Distortion is a huge part of the electric guitar sound.
It's not about being inexperienced or stubborn at all
it's just how the instrument is used
And since solid-state distortion is horrible, you need to model the tube characteristics anyway
There are also hybrid amps utilizing tubes in the preamps with a solid-state power section, but guess what - they're also not as good
First of all, music is not solely guitars and amps are not used for guitars only. Second, there is distortion and distortion. Guitars benefit from controlled distortion which is easy to get right with all kinds. But after that equipment adds additional distortion which people all the time get wrong
@PlasmaHH Of course, but I was talking about guitar amps specifically
Dsp distortion for guitars is dead easy and indistinguishable from tube amps
You'll note that the end power stages on concerts or venues are exclusively solid state-powered
@PlasmaHH That's not true at all.
It's "easy" when you only want to get the mastered signal to sound the same
@PlasmaHH guitar amps are the weirdo, just like x86 ;)
in the mix, on the mastered track, listening on regular gear - sure
But when you want to actually power a guitar cabinet with a guitar speaker, things get way more complicated
it's only in the recent years that we've seen solid-state power stages that sound indistinguishable from tube amps, and they're still expensive as hell
my point being, they're still more expensive than a lot of the tube amps they're supposed to model in the first place
There is quite a difference between reproducing the original sound and distorting in a good sounding fashion. Ss does the former, tubes do the latter. If you run both kind with very low thd, they have indistinguishable sound. But people don't do that. Tubes are regularly run with far more thd
I am aware of that. And agaim, I specifically talked about guitar amps, which are build specifically to utilize the tube distortion.
@BartekBanachewicz exactly -- guitar amps are basically unique in this
If I run my wife's guitar through my effect mixer it exactly sounds like a tube amp
@PlasmaHH "exactly"
@BartekBanachewicz yes, because it uses the distortion profile of an existing tube amp
it doesn't help that a big part of the sound can be impedance interaction effects between the output stage output impedance and the speaker in its cabinet -- this happens for tube amps because they have a higher output Z even with the transformer than a solid-state driver
@PlasmaHH and yet it doesn't sound the same through the guitar speaker for the vast majority of gear utilizing this principle
@BartekBanachewicz my guitars have no speakers
@PlasmaHH look what @Shalvenay wrote above
@Shalvenay and many more which I sum up under "running tube amps with much more thd"
A "guitar speaker" is a speaker made for outputting the signal of a guitar amp, usually put in a guitar cabinet.
if your modeled signal goes straight into FOH, noone's gonna notice
but then you need to model the cab as well
@Shalvenay that site is missing out on servo drive
@PlasmaHH yeah, the author didn't cover that for some reason or another (if you have a good link I'd like to see it)
@Shalvenay I don't have much links. I used to sell audio and hifi stuff in the late 90s, not much interwebs around back then
@Shalvenay the most fun was selling overpriced B&O stuff to arrogant idiots
audiophools :P
@Shalvenay you wont believe how many people wanted their equipment painted in the same colour as their car...
1 hour later…
Finding metric speed squares isn't really easy..
@PlasmaHH Swanson
@Asmyldof can only find Imperial. One metric for 48eur... Ridiculous
First hit in NL
Didn't really look, because can't be arsed
@Asmyldof might be an influence for our next holidays... Though still 10 bucks more than the Imperial on Amazon...
In any case it is too late, I found out the hard way that 45° on my miter saw are not real 45
1 hour later…
my logic analyzer from AliExpress is already in the country
18 days, not bad
@PlasmaHH ouch
1 hour later…
can i use just a signal generator connected to a breadboard with an led and a resistor to pulse it?
@georg check your generator's maximum current output.
also to actually see the pulses, you might need to really slow it down
@BartekBanachewicz This is my setup imgur.com/a/nXev4
i can connect a dc bench power supply too, just don't know exactly what to do
@georg what are you trying to achieve exactly?
pulse an led
@georg so you've set the signal generator to like 1Hz presumably
you've connected it through the resistor to the LED
you've set the output voltage to about 4-5V
@BartekBanachewicz 5V 1Hz
@georg and what happened?
led not lighting up
@georg what's the resistor value?
you should probably also check the resistance and current ratings on your generator
a small LED isn't much, but it could be too much. In this case, you'd need a transistor
@BartekBanachewicz hooked a transistor in series: imgur.com/a/Rkkoc
still nothing
@georg um, are you sure you know how to use a transistor?
i don't :p
or the breadboard, for that manner
@georg well, don't connect stuff you don't understand together
breadboard yes
@georg are you sure? because I only see one leg of the transistor connected
10 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@georg what's the resistor value?
also this ^
also are you sure the LED is connected the proper way
@BartekBanachewicz in the non transistor configuration, if i switch from signal generator to dc power supply then my led works
so everything is correct except the signal generator
@georg well it might just have very low current limits, which is OK. You need to identify your transistor and wire it correctly (not "in series", geez)
the idea behind the transistor is that it almost works as a resistor that's controlled with voltage from your generator
@BartekBanachewicz do i need a npn or pnp transistor?
@georg either is fine, you just need to connect it correctly.
random link
i don't know what to do with the transistor
@georg wire it as on the schematic in the link
ok, the load is the led
yeah. B should be connected to your generator output
which side of the breadboard is ground
@BartekBanachewicz it's arbitrary right?
@georg yep
the breadboard is just a set of wires
sometimes they're labeled for easier identification
i'm gonna follow the diagram labeled npn
@georg is your transistor an npn transistor?
i did it boss
@BartekBanachewicz but
it is not pulsing
just it is just on
@georg sigh. And what do you think is connected to what there?
you've bypassed the resistor
take a close look at this and compare with your circuit
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not sure about the yellow wire
@georg again. look at the diagram. Look at your circuit. Think what you're actually connecting.
@BartekBanachewicz This? imgur.com/a/eMmp3
@georg it's starting to resemble something that could possibly work sometime
24 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@georg is your transistor an npn transistor?
it looks like the first one at the top
the legs are outward
not straight
@georg I'm not asking how it looks. I'm asking you to read the labeling, put that into google, find the datasheet and ensure it fits your application.
43 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@georg well, don't connect stuff you don't understand together
=>PNP silicon
so i need to rewire
@georg mhm
@georg you should've checked that before you connected anything
I have a solid light but not blink
i have to go to work though :/

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