@BartekBanachewicz There is not a single thing that old electronics does that I cannot recreate as good as any 48bit DAC can ever output it using a floating point processor
@BartekBanachewicz I see EddingEffect
I have correlated Edding ink's adhesion and Copper Sulphate concentration inversely
Results have not been peer reviewed, but red Staedtler works the best up to "pretty old" etchant
Edding pens seem to very much be a Ferri Chloride masker
Also, make sure nips stay fresh, makes a big difference. don't use them on porous materials and such
@BartekBanachewicz There is an inherent spacial effect in having a mildly reverberous room that we get used to. Expensive headphones (such as which professional gamers use) with the right tools can recreate those effects pretty well, but that is the one thing in audio experience I can agree on based on factual research
For fun find your closest anechoic chamber and ask if you can sit in it on your own for 10 minutes in a coffee break or some such
Some people nearly loose their minds before the first 15 minutes are over.
@PlasmaHH Especially the clearly scientifically based differences between how an amplifier colours the sound if it's encased in rosewood or ebony are mind blowing!