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Anyone know of a usb-serial adapter with like 5 uart channels?
running out of FTDI boards
I think mike from the mikeselectricstuff youtube channel had something like that once
2 hours later…
@Giskard42 FT4323 has 4 ports
@Asmyldof Neat, I'll look into that.
Right now I've just set up an arduino mega to multiplex
2 hours later…
Are there operating systems or versions of an OS that are known as stable and secure such that you can put it on and not worry about updating it once it's configured?
@EwokNightmares If you compile your own linux with just the stuff you'll need you can be pretty confident that I'll be safe forever
that sounds like a good idea and I've seen a lot of linux spinoffs that are lightweight and secure like snappy, but is it safe forever even if I have it sitting on a network that could potentially be accessed by outsiders?
@EwokNightmares Would there be a service exposed to the network?
like an ssh server, or something like that?
If there isn't, your attack surface is basically zero
If you even take a current minimal distribution, turn off all services and block all ports except whatever custom software you're running, you can be pretty assured you'll be safe. However, I'm not a security expert, you'd probably want to ask this question on security.stackexchange
Potentially, but these are ideally data collection computers that collect off hardware and then transmit that data to a central server/database periodically
@EwokNightmares How secure does this need to be? Are we talking loss-of-life or something?
@Giskard42 Thanks for this advice. It's interesting to think of attack surfaces and such.
Eh, well the data on them have critical importance legally in case of loss of life, but the system itself should not have any role in safety/human interaction.
The worst that would happen is someone gets into the computer and replaces/interferes or destroys the data. The second worst thing that could happen is someone gets on and steals the data, but that isn't as big a deal.
Hmm. With an up-to-date linux distro, ssh key login, and the typical hardening stuff, I think you'll be fine, but if the data is important to the business I'd almost want to ask a security expert
However, can you set up your system such that even if someone were to break into the computers no data could be tampered with?
I'm thinking encryption in place of some sort...
I'm sure you've thought about that stuff already
@Giskard42 No I haven't. The encryption is something I didn't consider but would be great if the OS can take care of that for me. I will have to put this past security experts, so I just wanted a good first shot on my own.
If whatever you're collecting data from can send the data pre-encrypted, then you don't have to worry about how low your attack surface is at all
Any tampering would be apparent and reversible
But I guess that doesn't help you against destroying the data
If the "central server/database periodically" part could be changed to sending constantly, then you can make your life a bit easier by putting the security requirement on the presumably-secure central server
I don't know if that's possible, just throwing out ideas
@Giskard42 The idea is that the data is stored locally for some months as a backup, but it is continuously transmitted to a server as well. Maybe the local data could be encrypted too.
@Giskard42 Good point. I haven't considered what the server/database should be but I think that thing can be handed over to security experts. I am looking at raspberry pis as cheap data collection nodes and so I am worried about the security and reliability on those for now. I might even use redundant computers at these locations.
@EwokNightmares If you're using Rpis and it's not a huge amount of data, first thing that comes to mind would be to use two Rpis, have one run normally connected to the data system and the network, and another that
acts as a read-only encrypted store
@Giskard42 So the second is off the network all together?
I like that idea too :D
If your data collection system can't use two rpis simultaneously collecting, you can even link the two via I2C
One collects the data and sends it over i2c, the other recieves and encrypts
@Giskard42 That would make things easy at least for a first shot. I'll have to buy a rpi and learn this stuff.
Note that if anyone has physical access to the Rpis, even if the Rpi is encrypted, all security is lost
@Giskard42 Hopefully I won't have to worry about that part. The real problem in hardware I worry about is that the reliability requirement (constant up time and data integrity) is very high, without any consideration of malicious attacks.
that's also why I like redundant Rpis
Constant up time to the server, or constant data storage uptime?
constant data collection and storage
How much data are we talking about here, perchance?
They're meant to monitor radiation levels in real time, so it would be time stamped pulse quantities
Every second or so?
half a kb per second, then, I'll assume?
at least initially but it would be nice once this system is on a network that hardware status and stuff could be exchanged in addition to the data
If the amount of data is managable, I'd almost throw on an Attiny logging to an SD card or something
Zero hackability
Coin cell battery'll run it for weeks
Et al
One of these would operate like a multi channel scalar if you heard of those. You could have 20 detectors putting out pulses and then every second, an array of 20 buckets is created with a time stamp, so even less than half a kb /sec even.
Yeah, so even just an Atmega directly connected to the detectors, logging everything live to an SD card.
Our product has similar requirements; if our system turns off a pump for about 5 minutes, $40000 in damage occours
Internet connected, logging data to a central server
We have a cheap ATtiny watchdog on the board that just constantly monitors what the other chips are doing, and if anything goes awry, it turns on the pump
Redundancy is the best kind of security :)
@Giskard42 It seems so simple. I thought I would need to have a vxworks real time system or a national instruments compactRIO to meet reliability "requirements' although none exist formally.
@Giskard42 That's pretty funny. I wonder if they would complain if it was an Arduino board?
Oh, wait. Radiation counting? Does the system need to be invulnerable to flipped bits?
@Giskard42 No, they will be remote from the detectors
Ah, okay :>
I was going to say, rad-hardening an Rpi is going to be difficult
Given that they freak out even at visible wavelengths raspberrypi.org/blog/xenon-death-flash-a-free-physics-lesson
@Giskard42 Yes, anything in radiation would probably be with an FPGA not running software
I guess you could still use linux boxes, though
@Giskard42 ew that's the stuff I don't like about using these hobby parts
given that SpaceX uses non-rad-hardened stock linux computers on their rockets
I already had to squash peoples dreams for wanting to use an arduino in a finished design
maybe I'm a snob to hobby parts, but it seems like a bad idea to rely on them for design work other than prototyping
Definitely for stuff that people rarely use, yeah
But for flagship stuff like Rpis et al I'd almost feel better using one
If enough people use something, there's a very high likelihood that all bugs will be found and mapped
Yeah, I'm not going to pretend I'm a better engineer than the people who make those things, but at the same time they don't worry about a lot of stuff I might need to be worrying about like EMC
rPis are definitely a contender for this application though
@EwokNightmares If you don't need quite as much power as an RPi, you could consider using an ESP32 or the suchlike
with MicroPython
Eh, actually, ignore that, that's terrible advice.
Why is that? Software reasons? It looks nice for hardware.
You're probably using Ethernet not Wifi, and there are better options for a bare ethernet device
Looks like I'd have to run their SDK instead of an OS
MicroPython has a port for them
which is a nice intermediate between bare-metal and the convenience of linux
Well it's interesting. I had no idea there's stuff like that out there.
Hm, a green TO220 tab, thats nothing you see everyday...
Have any of you ever encountered a problem where the internal RC oscillator on a SAM won't start up?
surface to air missile?
sysclock_init() just hangs waiting for the 12M rc oscillator
@PlasmaHH Ha, no
I hope they don't use RC oscillators on those
Doomsday will be +-10% then
Atmel SAM ic
I don't see a reason why they would need a precise clock..
anyways, surely on broken ones the oscillator won't startup ;) but if you link a datasheet maybe someone can point you to the thing that is necessary for it to happen that you forgot
What's weird is that on the same board made in-house, there's no problem
It's just this one batch of board-house-produced boards
atmel.com/images/… Datasheet, but it's a doozy
I'm just trying to narrow down what would cause this issue
We've previously had issues where the external slow-clock not running would cause this
But the slow clock is running
lets see...
Oscillator and PLL Power Supply

1.08V to 1.32V
1.2v here
Little noise
XIN tied to GND?
page 377
not sure if really necessary, just looking for possibly related stuff, dont know that chip
Yeah, I think it's not required
well, you can try if it helps though ^^
I can try, none of our other boards had that connected and they powered up fine though...
I think I skipped over a note saying something about having to wait for the PLL to wake up properly or something..
do you see something on XOUT? not sure if you would see something there
Yeah, if I step through the code with JTAG clock, it powers up fine, waits the required time, then switches to fast RC clock, then waits forever for main clock to be ready
@PlasmaHH Let me check, thanks for the help btw
any kind of interrupt that is not handled properly happening during that phase?
Nothing on xout, no interrupts enabled yet AFAIK
Tried switching to 4mhz osc instead of 12mhz, same problem.
shouldnt it startup at 4?
in one section I saw something mentioned about interrupts possibly happening when setting this or that bit in some clock related registers...
@PlasmaHH Yeah, default is 4 I think
but nope, doesn't start up with that
in the worst case, go through every occasion of the term "Oscillator" In the datasheet and look if it is done like it says there
Okay, will do
SAM4S series (always specify the entire series at least!) to my knowledge doesn't have the PLL Conf Erratum, which is unlikely on SAM4 to begin with, so can't be that
Your code watches out for CCP registers Giskard42?
@EwokNightmares Not sure, but I've tested on an old board and the code doesn't work, so It's a software issue
Imma revert the code and test again
What did he mean by "batteries must be floating with respect to each other" there?
how can they be floating if they share a common ground?
I know to change the clock control registers you need to write to the configuration change protection register for the next instruction to go through
@BartekBanachewicz That's odd
Yeah I don't get that either
You can ask @jippie himself. But presumably, @BartekBanachewicz, he means that the one cannot directly derive from the other in an unknown way, which may introduce an offset between the two ground points which then gets shorted out.
Of course that offset will also invalidate the transistor operation
@Asmyldof So e.g. connecting grounds of two batteries of different voltages would be ok in that scenario?
@BartekBanachewicz If they relate to each other and there's an offset, say 1V, one ground will be at 1V with respect to the other, thus connecting their "grounds" will short out that 1V and create problems, so you can't connect them. If they are either already guaranteed to be same ground (One battery with a high-side regulator of some sort, for example) or they are 100% floating, the connection can be made without risk and in the case of floating it has to for the return path
Installer for scanner software, specifically, only scanners: "Only run this option if your printer isn't working properly". Yes. It's not working properly. It only scans. I thought it was just a scanner, but now I find out it's actually a printer, so, no it is not at all working properly. Never was.
I guess the Printer=NotPrinter problem is hard
Would anyone be willing to take a quick look at this, and potentially provide feedback on how to help facilitate the question's answer? electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/265621
I've been stuck on this for a good while now.
2 hours later…
Hey guys, I've been tasked from my lab supervisor with finding a programmer to set up a basic BT or BLE library for arduino for the ESP-WROOM-32. I know someone who is qualified but he asked for a list of specifications and I dont think either of us knows enough about bluetooth to quite make that.
Basically if we could send json packets to and from our esp32 board (partnered with a phone), that we should be able to basically do anything we need. Translating that to what needs to happen on the BT side is an issue.
@Shalvenay you're name got fixed
ah, yes, I think ti happened because I hit one of those "take this comment-convo to chat" links
It's official.... I have bought an INSANEEEEE amount of lab gear
@Asmyldof huh?
whats cakestreamer?
@Skyler My new cake streaming service platform

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