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@Undo Find a board with the ATSAMD11C / ATSAMD11D / ATSAMD21
They are cheap and have built in USB, which means that if all else fails you can use Atmel Studio to hack together an ASF project with USB serial
In fact, if you were to want a 1000 I could clunk together a board design that ends somewhere in the $5 to $9 per piece in hardly any time at all
2 hours later…
Look where the world has come to.. A great MCU with USB for under $1 even for 100pcs..
@abdullahkahraman D09D was introduced nearly 2 years ago
So, 16 kB is enough for a simple USB HID application?
I guess I will have some time in couple of months to play with these SAMD series. But my priority is with the EFM series from SiLabs, since I noticed that beforehand, she wins :)
@abdullahkahraman USB stack need only take 4~5kB of Flash when taken from ASF and maybe 1/3rd the RAM in the D09D14
Regardless of what it does
Wow, that stack is really small
@abdullahkahraman No, you just choose one function
If you want a full stack you'll probably have too little space
I think it is great.. Why would I need a full stack with such a simple micro anyways? Give me HID or CDC Serial and I'm done :)
When is the next "episode" of Off the Clock ? :)
Should have been posted two weeks ago, but I'm having serious troubles staying awake after the emotional drain that is day-time mo through thu
So, probably also not going to finish the robot in time. Very likely not to, in fact
But I will keep working on it whenever I can until it does something fun
anyone has a favorite way of holding (relatively) small pcbs in call kinds of angles to work on? I destroyed my flimsy plastic small pcb holder and the big one is, well, big...
@PlasmaHH I have a rotatable/angle-able bench vice I use most commonly, since I kept the plastic protective covers for shipping it and use them to protect PCBs from clamping force
Pretty nice Stanley one
I never use such a thing
@Asmyldof Waiting for that :)
@abdullahkahraman try it, its useful
Like this?
Why is the angle important? I cannot imagine working with that
@abdullahkahraman what do you do if you have to measure something between two points that are on opposite sides? or (de)solder something that you have to hold on one side and (de)solder on the other?
@PlasmaHH lol I have a hard time
However, when I am doing these stuff such as measuring-desoldering, I am repairing industrial electronics and they are hardly just a PCB :(
@abdullahkahraman I try to get the bare pcb out when doing any soldering, makes the washing step afterwards easier too
Sometimes we have some devices that makes me, as a 27 years old young guy, say: "I'm too old for this shit"
smd isn't that new ;)
Of course, afterwards I really eager to punch my desoldering station for not having enough thermal capacity :)
practice desoldering with desoldering gun in one hand and a soldering iron in another. works fine. 8 layer board with heavy power planes, all set to 450°C and boom ^^
@PlasmaHH Or just get the Weller 120W one?
@Asmyldof if I would need that much heat often enough, sure, but for those few cases its not worth the effort. rarely it is an easy through hole part that fails on boards with many layers and planes
@PlasmaHH I'm quite happy with my central-vacuum powered Weller Solder Sucker. Then, I did also buy the WD2 station that drives it a few years before
yeah, I have been quite happy with weller products int he past too, and should my budget ever allow it I will surely have a look there again
hm, now that I saved 300€ on this mixer....
@PlasmaHH WXD81 is about the 300 euro range
Or was that WD81?
The full set of WD2 set-up I have still retails around 2500 I think. If you count my vacuum mod even more, since you'd need a WXD2 station for it without the mod
I think that before upgrading that I rather upgrade the basically nonexistent cheap chinese bare pcb function generator and counters...
and if I had 2 grand that I don't need I would buy a SA
or maybe before than a nice dslr but that would be mroe than 2k€
I have this, and on the back of the station it says 212W
that looks pretty flimsy to me
That is PACE!
Anybody knows a site to sketch arduino which i can show my work and let you understand what i did so that you could see where the error is
It may be simulation or just sketching site
i found at last... thank you
2 hours later…
My grades are all in!!
I only have centi and tardi
Gotta love an obviously hand-drawn schematic with a document-details box
4 hours later…
Chasing chickens, y'all
Or to put it differently, I shot 5 minutes of attempts at video, spent 100 minutes editing and now have a 20 second general intro that's mediocre at best
Very clearly should not give up the day job
Eh, long story

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