@user367890 Fun fact: pine resin isn't sap. The purpose of sap is to carry water and nutrients throughout the plant. The purpose of resin is to heal injury and to defend against burrowing insects.
Can anyone interpret the information on this relay: It says 10A 250 VAC, 10A 125VAC and then below those it says: 10A 30VDC, and 10 28VDC and it also says: srd-05VDC-SLc. I know that the coil requires 5v which I'm assuming is the srd. What does the 10A 250VAC AND the 10A 125VAC mean? I'm assuming this is the max the relay can switch but what is the point of putting both of those phrases on the relay, why not just 10A 250VAC?
@NickAlexeev: Thanks. After a quick check on translate I see it was resin I meant. Remember I read about it in a radio-magazine from the 1940s :P I chew hardened resin from spruce. A nice “chewing gum” :)