@Skyler because that's certainly acheivable with NiMH. would you rather the charge circuit be on-board and just have a micro-USB on the thing for charging, or would you rather have the charge circuit located offboard?
@ThreePhaseEel on that end, ive had difficulty getting accurate readings on my current draw. I used an ammeter to test out my light directly connected to a CR2032 and it said ~18 mA
BUT, I've had my light connected to a battery since we last talked
@Skyler You glue the chip down on the board. Then pressure-weld little tiny wires onto the pads onto the chip, and the other end onto pads on your board, which you have had the foresight to have gold-plated.
If you just want small, you probably are more likely to buy WaferScale Bump Packages
@ThePhoton Depends on how you do it, if you have people manual bond it, maybe it'll be linear, but if you want it to potentially beat out WS-packages you'll have automated wire-bonding, which you also want to be set-up for your small batch
Or your process will change and I have seen how many things they can do wrong without properly identifying it unlit weeks later the result comes back
@Asmyldof That's because you hire an outside service, there's going to be set-up costs: You tell their engineer what to do, their engineer makes drawings and instructs the tech, mark-up in case they screw up one board, mark-up to make a profit, ...
@Asmyldof Apparently it is now go-dove.com...It was the auction site that sold off the fiber optics industry back in 2002-2003 and then again in 2009-2011.
@Shalvenay a little question, in terms of choosing a switch for this, I was thinking since I need to pick something I might as well electrically isolate the light component from charging, so that if the device is on and it fell in water it wouldnt be effected
@Skyler aah. yeah -- an on-off-on SPDT switch would do -- common to the battery positive, one terminal to the charge current output and BAT input, and the other terminal to the boost converter
@Asmyldof We're like 8 years in to a bull market and the US just elected a republican president...expect things to go through the roof in the short term and then crash spectacularly.
@Skyler huh. must be the chat acting goofy. and no problem man, it was an interesting design exercise (and also gave me a chance to finally start getting my head wrapped around how to apply NTC thermistors)
He's gotta be sponsored by Hakko, seeing as he doesn't tell you about the flux he's dropping on everything, also, these are vastly personal preferences
And his through hole was jarred during solidification
@Asmyldof Also it appears he's biased towards hoof tips and doesn't recognize the benefits of our lord and savior of solder bridges, the 45 degree chisel