@Shalvenay think about what you do when deciding (calculating) how to slow down, how to avoid collisions, etc. Our minds do calculus and differential equations without conscious though
@W5VO my father (age 89) just gave me his Kenwood TS940S transceiver. I may have to get a license again. Haven had one since 1975, WN0ZED (and you probably recognize it was a novice)
@Shalvenay I just took the "practice" test for technician and for general, passed the tech test, failed the general test. Just because I didn't know the rules. The technical part is easy
because you're not just memorizing the privileges that you have in total, but also what is the exact part of the band that is Extra only, or which part does an Advanced class have as an added privilege?
@Marla I've used one of those, it's a really nice operating radio
@W5VO I am not a member of the Amateur SE site (beta), but I notice that the main drive on that SE is antenna design. I guess now that you can't really design a better rig on your own (cost effective) it makes sense. So I like that since my interest in is antenna design
I left Ham radio just as SSTV began
(slow scan televison) for those not knowing
also, am surprised that SSTV is still of interest. @W5VO , do you know why SSTV might still be relevant ?
Noobie question : I once had a coil that I loved - - - It's current was was below and above. I asked on the Exchange - - They said I was insane - - - so I'd settle for an energy exchange.
Come on, I expect immediate results. This is EE SE, you guys are supposed to know all the answers, I don't have a schematic or data sheet, you should be able to answer my question
I was tickled with an App on my Android. Tuned in morse code, the App uses microphone as input, prints the code on my phone.
I made similar on my Coommodore 64 back in the 80's
@W5VO - also, back in the 70's , I was novice, and could only find crystal for 3.4 or something, can't remember the exact frequency. Old trick told to me, use lead pencil on crystal to increase frequency, it brought me into band. The things we did
I haven't found anything relevant as regards using lead pencil to increase frequency of crystal. I can't remember where I heard that(yikes 40 years ago). But as I swiped the pencil across crystal, the frequency did increase.
Could someone help me please? I don't understand what is going on here in my circuit. I am getting some weird oscillations whenever I press my force sensors labeled (Rs0, Rs1, Rs2, Rs3). When nothing is pressed, I get a stable clean signal. But right when I press the sensor, I get oscillations. I have added a 220pF cap which acts as a low pass filter, but I don't understand why its not working when I press the sensor.
The transistors are to select which force sensor is active. Please note that these sensors are high impedance (>5 M ohm when unpressed, and ~50k ohm when fully pressed)
Does it depend on the value of the cap I chose since the sensor's resistance changes as it is pressed?
@W5VO wait i'm trying to understand something first. My Rf is actually a digital pot, so if I vary the resistance, my low pass filter changes its cutoff frequency right?
@W5VO since the cutoff frequency = 1 / (2*piRC)
so where I put my 220pF cap at, my filter changes if I change the digital pot since it varies the resistance?
@W5VO yes that was the original intention. I wanted a way to control the range and resolution of the force sensors. Using a digital pot in this configuration does this.
^without any capacitor, I see this
and my Rf is 130K ohms
If I vary Rf to 800K ohms, I see this:
I don't understand why I am getting these different oscillations and different responses. The expected output is a stable ~50mV when no sensor is pressed.
@W5VO Yes the first op amp has a bias of 500mV, so Vout1 will always be >500mV, but the second op amp subtracts the offset and amplifies to 0-5V. So it should be about ~50mV
@W5VO I added a 0.1uF ceramic cap instead of the 220pF in my circuit
I'm messing around with some LTSpice sims for fun... My initial reaction was based on seeing oscillations on the output of the second op-amp... and then I noticed that I neglected to connect VDD on the second amp
your amplifier response changes near 0V because you don't have a negative voltage rail
and if you're saying you get a good response off the first op-amp
Hi everyone, could someone help me understand how to read the sn754410 datasheet (ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn754410.pdf) At the absolute maximum rating section (7.1) it mentions Ip (Peak output current) and Io (Continous output current). I want to understand if the power source that Vcc2 is connected to provide a current of 1A would also mean that Io = 1A? Does the current at Vcc2 affect the peak output current and/or continuous output current?
THe continuous output (assuming adequate heatsinking and operating conditions...) is 1A as you stated BUT a 1A PSU doesn't mean the peak output of this chip will be 1Amp
you should have some decoupling capacitors not only for ... HF decoupling but tank capacitance for a Hbridge
this will provide a high-ish peak current pulse capability
Okay, I see on the datasheet it recommends a 0.1uF capacitor at Vcc1 and Vcc2, is this what you're talking about when you mention decoupling capacitors?
I'm not sure about inductance and getting those values.
I was originally using a 3.0V that was giving 0.85A current even though I know that's well over the recommended minimum. I actually want to use a 12V power supply.
3.0V because I thought the 1A would mess up the chip.
I'm not too sure, but here's what I think I understand: In order to have a 0.5A output (or my desired current at the output) I need to use PWM at vcc2, best achieved with a 555, yeah?
Oh, I tried doing a BJT h-bridge and one of my transistors overheated. Then I was told that it's hard to find proper h-bridge schematics... I don't really know what I need to do.
"proper H-bridge schematics" are a dime a dozen. The issue is there are a number of REALLY BAD topologies out there that "might" work for a very specific case...
Also you don't need a H-bridge UNLESS you need positive AND negative current.
the frequency is the important part... THIS is going to be driven by the load inductance... The higher it is the lower the freq can be. If the load inductance is too low and thus the switching freq would need to go up (to balance V = Ldi/dt) then well... you need to check thermals and capability
The PWM would be at 1-4A to then appear at 1-4Y
- personally I would potentially only PWM one pin at a time.
and HI to the equivelent other
significantly cut down on the switching losses. regulate the current considerably better (via the zero volt loop)
I was letting that sink in... Let me see if I get it, I put the PWM at the input pins (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A) and the pwm/current at the input pins will be seen at the output pins 1Y-4Y.
its still important to roughly know because say the inductance is 1nH ... PWM control will be ... interesting
you can either use an LCR meter (meh...) do some calcs (core permubility, number of turns...) or if you have an osciloscope... pulse it and measure hte current rise
@JonRB, if I don't use PWM on any of the input pins and connect Vcc2 to a 12V DC power supply, what would the current be at my input (A) and output (Y) pins?
Well since the load is essentially an inductor and a resistor... at t=0 (ie once EN is sent to the chip) the current would be 0A & it would increase, exponentially, until V/R = 12/5 = 2.4A
This is why I stated you need PWM to regulate the current to your desired 0.6A.