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@Asmyldof what'd you make?
.... the LED ringlight
2 hours later…
@Crasic Was it you asking about the maximum voltage of the CC LED driver? If so, any insights in what is interesting in the 700mA to 3A current range? For the redesign I have challenged myself to add an external MOSFET option for higher current and voltage without melting the PCB or making it larger
5 hours later…
Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy, what I assume to be your, new year
I have no more thinking power. So I should go home. But I don't feel like going home.
Yay, free wifi... Just a bit cold
howdy y'all
And good morning (I don't care if it's not morning where you are now. It will be within 12 hours. So just remember that I said it now.)
@BrandenBoucher better question is what year it is there
still 2015 for 15 hours
I will be hiding on, or under, the couch for the majority of tonight. Possibly. See ye later
enjoy new years eve @all
type to you next year.
1 hour later…
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Proposed Q&A site for professionals, students, hobbyists and enthusiasts using both 3D and 2D CAD software.

Currently in definition.

2 hours later…
interesting -- are they talking about including EDA tools?
I don't think it should but I'll start a fire there and ask!
Actually, nah -- lot of words to type :<
@Asmyldof hey we were chatting about my project a while ago, and you had sent me this message.
@Asmyldof "It's very possible the loadcells have some light dependance, but don't forget that when you actively hold a book between the lamp and the circuit, your hands can also work as a sort of EMI-lightningrod. Since your body is a coupled capacitance to the environment. If you want to truly experiment whether it's light dependence you should not move the lamp and build something between it and the circuit with plastic and/or cardboard and remain at the same distance.
Other than that, breadboard circuits with all kinds of wires running around are a very good target for noise. Step one wo
I wanted to clarify the reason for adding the grounded metal plate to the circuit. This is to avoid the signals to go through my microcontroller to GND, correct? So I connect the metal plate to my battery's GND and connect all GND's in my circuit to the metal plate, which effectively bypasses my microcontroller and directly connects everything to GND
1 hour later…
There once was an EE named Roy - - - - Who welcomed the new year with Joy - - - - The schematics were tossed - - - - To hell with the boss - - - - It was nice to enjoy the employ
great minds think alike!
early Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you too, since I'll probably be offline at midnight
Last time I went out on NY Eve, we partied like it was 1999. Wait, that was 1999
I decided to have a cocktail early, and it loosened the Limerick in me
That was a trip reading that up there, I was talking with my buddy who does rap music, helping him work out a section that needed to rhyme with "boy"
oh , goodness, now I have to avoid answering questions. I don't want to wake up tomorrow having to apologize and attempt to delete my answers
@Marla don't worry, I'll do my best to cover for you :)
lol! last time I got on the Q&A side drunk I got suspended
@Shalvenay good to know someone has my back
not drunk, just a little giggly
@MickLH "never drink and answer Stack questions"
Ohhhh now I get it. Drunk drivers tend to crash.
I really do appreciate humor, and sometimes it is difficult to maintain professionalism in my answers, because the humor can add to the answer.
But humor isn't for the answers, and also, humor doesn't always cross cultural lines, and here on EE SE, we have lots of different cultures all together trying to understand our science.
@MickLH -- apologies for winding up on a different page than you a while back. that was my fault for not being clear enough with what I was saying.
@Marla indeed -- there are quite a few cultures represented on EE.SE, which has its ups and its downs.
(Inglish isn't very easy for me to digest, for instance)
@Shalvenay No hard feelings here, I'm sometimes a jerk
@MickLH yeah, I'm not a diplomat myself either
from time to time, I have had to edit my comments or answers because as I read them, I realized, I don't want to sound that way
I still felt the same
just didn't want to be known that way
oh, darn, I just realized you can't "star" yourself. My Limerick will be lost to all time now.
ah, how nice. A star :) thank you
I taught my children poetry (and Limericks because children love fun things) when I had to re-do the wall paper in the kitchen. So 2 weeks before we took the old paper down, I encouraged them (and myself) to use permanent marker on the walls and to write poetry.
I still have the scrolls (rolled up wall paper )
@Shalvenay - I just realized you are the EEL on EE SE. I didn't know one could have a different name for different areas here.
@Marla on mainsite, yes you can -- sadly, you can't do the same on chat.
You thought the post-christmas arduinocaplyse was a joke.. but then this happened.
Q: Why resister after LED?

TooGeekyI'm new to electronic but very good with Software. I bought the Ardunio Starter Kit. In the first chapter we made a circuit and placed the resister before LED on anode side and provided the 5v and resistor here make sense. In the second (https://www.arduino.cc/en/ArduinoStarterKit/Prj02) projec...

@MickLH yeah, flagged as dupe. at least the newb is fessing up to his newb-ness
I just viewed that question. Alas, we must all start somewhere. I remember making a battery holder (as a youngster) I bent a thin steel to hold the battery. I had difficult time figuring out why my battery got hot when I placed it in the holder. But that is how we learn.
I guess he kinda fessed up, but it was like he was trying to conceptually hedge something
...I'm new to football but very good with Driving. I bought the Pig With Skin. In the first chapter we...
Ego often gets involved here on questions and answers. Ego is part of a human being, and is difficult to deal with.
@MickLH I had commented to Asmyldof that I thought that Arduino newbies (often referred to as Arduineeis) was a good thing. Means that lots of youngsters are at least trying to learn EE or science.
I think it's a good sign for humanity too, just sometimes I get frustrated or worried
@Marla yeah...the problem with Arduino newbies is when they start trying to run before they walk :p
Like when I see people trying to switch mains with a MOSFET
@MickLH yeah...(although a PVI+2 Nch MOSFETs is a pretty nifty "universal SSR")
yes, and each of my children (and now grandchildren) have tried that run while learning walking. Cut foreheads, skinned knees, but they will get over it
There have been times when I have literally sat here laughing until tears, from some of the questions
Nice thing is that none of the questioners has posted a "hey, I tried this and have 2nd degree burns from it , WHY ? ??
I figured they learned from the "2nd degree burns", and didn't need to post a question
or as Olin might say (forgive me), "You Dumb Cluts, What did you Think would Happen"
sp : clutz
@Marla The last line of the limerick could also be "It was nice, now I'll go self-employ."
@NickAlexeev I like that Nick. Thank you. I struggled with "employ"
and the rhythm is better too
@Marla yeah, that'd be a scary moment for me.
When I was first on EE SE, I thought the emphasis on safety was OVER Done. I have since realized that the emphasis IS Important, You MUST (giggle) emphasize safety
I didn't realize how naive so many were
most only do EE as a hobby as oppose to a living
@Marla yeah, it's crazy how many people JDGI when it comes to electrical safety
@JonRB I can see that now
@Shalvenay JDGI ?
@JonRB that too. I'm fairly close to the point where I could do it for a living if there was much of a market for it where I lived, but I'm still more of a Computer than an Electronics engineer, and go to a school where I can't get lab experience with the really sticky parts
@Marla Just Don't Get It :/
got it
I googled it, but didn't show any meaningful
@Shalvenay Did I tell you about the guy who thought he was supposed to feed both legs of mains into one side of a dimmer switch, and split them again on the other side?
Because, after blowing his breaker a couple times, he deduced that the dimmer switch was faulty.
@MickLH Drum roll, Timpani
@MickLH yah. :/
I should find the link from the Gentoo forums where someone advocated connecting NEUTRAL to a posters computer case to earth it "since NEUT and EARTH are the same"
it's amazing how many folks sleep through physics 1, and how much of this stuff doesn't get taught in physics 1 even though it should
Shalvenay Did I tell you about the guy who thought he was supposed to feed both legs of mains into one side of a dimmer switch, and split them again on the other side?
I've wanted to write a set of DIY.SE blog posts that are "Electricity for the Rest of Us"
My high school physics teacher was the football coach. Guess how much Physics I learned from his class
Maybe we should suggest that all noobies have to read our last 25 minutes of chat discussion. Now that would be a hoot
@Marla 0. I had the benefit of an AP-grade physics teacher in HS, and we still didn't do a great job with E&M stuff
I have said it before, and worthy of saying again. I was so fortunate in my career. I always wanted to be a teacher. Then one day I realized I was a teacher, only I got to choose my students. Doesn't get any better than that.
the hilarious part is that the fundamentals of electricity really are not rocket science
"current flows in loops" is the single biggest thing people miss, yet it's probably easier to understand than the manglings of electricity most people are taught
The biggest mistake I have found in "general knowledge" is this : Current follows the path of least resistance. I have spent years re-teaching youngsters this is not true.
"voltage across, current through" "Thou shall not short circuit a charged capacitor, thou shall not open-circuit a charged inductor"
so sayeth Moses :)
4 snippits I picked up at A-level and the rest is maths :)
@JonRB I just viewed your profile. Glad to see others who endeavour in the field of high energy (hi power)
its the best :)
I deal with motor-drives for aircraft actuation :)
@Marla My high school physics teacher worked on the space program
@W5VO I never had the joy of that
I believe he said he worked at McDonnell in the 60's
I remember seeing Alan Shepard going up in that rocket. Here in Colorado (USA) , we got up at 4 AM to see that. Very inspirational to a young girl. My dad encouraged me
and one of the things he worked on was part of the Mercury capsule
@JonRB wasn't douglass then
@Marla that too. current follows all paths in inverse proportion to their resistance
true :)
@JonRB pre-merger :p
@W5VO \o/ that must have been awesome
I did get a college prof who did test engineering at a defense contractor (can't recall offhand which one though), which was nice :)
@Shalvenay No kidding! He did failure analysis and destructive testing of aircraft, and when you asked him what he did, he said "I destroyed things"
one of the best teachers I've had
I asked this question of several very knowledgable people : Who was the only man to ever crash a Lunar test craft, (and survive)
is ok to google it
@W5VO nice! the aforementioned college prof was a big test fanatic as well, which I liked :)
during practoce
yes, Neil
no need to google
I saw a docu on that a few years back.
so, after he crashed it, they entrusted him with the very first real landing. So maybe our new Arduino (ardu-weenies) just might be ok after all
he talked about doing Fourier analysis on vibration readings by hand
the human mind is quite the device. real time Laplace transforms and Integral calculus.
@Marla yeah, they'll get better with time :) it's the "circulating misconceptions problem" that really gets you with that community, though
@Marla yeah, I admit I'm not as good at that as I ought to be
@Shalvenay yes you are, we (for the most part are) you just don't realize it

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