@crasic thanks for the reply :) to measure the chicken coop the sensor would be always (27x7) connected with it and it shouldn't drag due to continuous load
@yogece something you connect to a PC, a seperate component that requires you to build support circuits, or something usable with a microcontroller like arduino? There are countless weight sensors of various types out there
well that certainly depends on what sensor you buy and what kind of accuracy you are looking for
you can have a camera pointed at a bathroom scale and have a script extract the weight of the chicken coup. Or you can use a fancy load cell and sample it every few seconds.
@MLM Other people will not be the ones dealing with your leaks (of... from... onto...). In the engineering world, AdaFruit would simply carry the appropriate fittings. It sucks that they don't.
@PlasmaHH Doesn't every decent program have options to repeat patterns along certain lines and such? Even if you don't know them, in Altium the copy-paste feature is powerful enough to make it a much lighter load.