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I may be overlooking something simple:
B = rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), A = rgba(255, 255, 255, .25)`, A is over B. How do i calculate the resulting rgba color? There is a wiki article but I am still unable to calculate the correct value. I even made a demo to help explain: jsfiddle.net/MadLittleMods/FEy54/4
(64, 64, 64)?
@ThePhoton Alpha? This is what I get
Or (96, 96, 96)?
@ThePhoton how did you calculate that value?
@MLM I think if you add another layer you'd have to recalculate everything --- but I don't work with this stuff and am just bs'ing
@MLM I noticed that just "B" isn't 0,0,0, so there must be some assumed background color
So I guessed that the background is assumed white and just "B" is giving (128, 128, 128),
rgba(96, 96, 96, 0.625) is super close to B = rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), A = rgba(255, 255, 255, .25), A is over B`
and averaged that with 0.25 * (white)
@MLM Like I said, just BS'ing and trying to guess what the colors are that actually come up on your applet.
@ThePhoton It's just chrome
@MLM ???
The amount I know about javascript could be summed up by "I saw the extension was .js so I assumed it was javascript"
I am working with Chrome's rgba blending/compositing. Just want to figure out a single rgba value that will show up the same as multiple blending. jsFiddle is a sandbox to play with html, css, and js
The blending is called source-over which applies to many things
Does it not follow the rules given here?
In computer graphics, alpha compositing is the process of combining an image with a background to create the appearance of partial or full transparency. It is often useful to render image elements in separate passes, and then combine the resulting multiple 2D images into a single, final image in a process called the composite. For example, compositing is used extensively when combining computer-rendered image elements with live footage. In order to combine these image elements correctly, it is necessary to keep an associated matte for each element. This matte contains the coverage info...
C_o = C_a (alpha_a) + C_b (alpha_b)(1-alpha_a)
@ThePhoton that looks right (same as other wiki as well). But that givea 64
So am I just missing blending rgba(64, 64, 64, .625) with white?
Actually that would give me a opaque color when it should be trans
If you put another layer on top I guess you'd get
C_o = C_c (alpha_c) + C_a (alpha_a)(1-alpha_c) + C_b (alpha_b)(1-alpha_a)(1-alpha_c) ?
(Should say "over" rather than "on top" I guess)
@ThePhoton the wiki article you linked is ample as the one I did btw.
It's not obvious to me whether you can express (A over B) with a single RGBA that would blend the same with any other color you put over it.
Or maybe I should keep reading the wiki where it tells how to calculate the composite alpha.
@ThePhoton I think you can I just do not know the right calculation. See image:
Those rgba layers are overtop the image
@MLM I think there's a formula in the wiki link, but I'm not 100% clear how it applies.
I had no trouble calculating the resulting Alpha output using the formula on the wiki but the color is just going over my head.
alpha = .25+.5(1-.25)=.625
ahhh I got it!
we were forgetting to divide by output Alpha
so (63.75/.625) = 102
rgba(102, 102, 102, .625) is the correct value
I got that from this SO post but I see now that there the last formula in the description section of the wiki was correct
@ThePhoton Got it ^
@MLM good deal
@ThePhoton Thanks for the help sussing it out
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
@jippie morning
@jippie How about it, now?
just a second, need to start a filesystem formatting job
@abdullahkahraman whazzup?
@jippie I'm fine, how are you?
I see you ran out of 1k resistors?
W1-HL is the output of the microcontroller?
@jippie yes
so that swings between 0V and 5V at best, right?
if W1-HL is 0V then Q4 is .. what's the word again?
@jippie Ooops, I saw the short because of the zener :)
short? zener?
stay with me here
@jippie The word is HIGH
anyways Q4 is not conducting, and Q1 seems conducting.
seems fine
@jippie Why? Q4 will have 5.6V on its base when W1-HL is LOW!
Won't R5 pull it down?
@jippie Will it be enough?
@jippie If it will pull it down, what is the purpose of the zener? The input will see a high voltage anyways
ok, so let's say Q4 is conducting when W1-HL is low, right?
what is the state for Q1 in that same condition?
@jippie Conducting
@jippie Simulation says I'm wrong, too :)
can you estimate the current through Q1 and Q4
@abdullahkahraman (on a side note, I personally really dislike the configuration with BJTs where the collectors are connected together)
(last time I did that I severely burnt my fingers, many years ago, still remember)
(it is pretty difficult to turn the transistors off quickly enough)
@jippie lol, sorry
@abdullahkahraman why sorry? not at all
@jippie you've burnt your fingers!
@abdullahkahraman ohhhhhhhh
@jippie I hate this thing about English.. When you apologize, you say sorry, when you are sad about something and you share your sadness, you say sorry..
@jippie Ooops, microcontroller won't be able to turn Q1 OFF.. :)
Stupid me..
A: Square Wave Voltage Level Shifting (Take 2)

Russell McMahonSorry - rushing - more later if needed. Try this for now. This came from someone (on PICLIST perhaps?) on August 13th - MAY have been Olin. Can check later. I use a different arrangement and will discuss later if needed. This a more clever circuit than may appear, despite its apparent simpli...

@abdullahkahraman yup
@abdullahkahraman you can replace the top BJT by one configured as a current source. Then you can pull it down and it is reasonably quick discharging the MOSFET too,
/me is out to grab something to eat.
@jippie bon apetit
@jippie You've told this to me before, but I still cannot understand it.
@abdullahkahraman What happens if you replace R15 with in the above diagram with a current source of say 10mA? Consider both situations where the input is low and the input is high.
In the current diagram the base capacitance is charged/discharged through either R14 or R15
@jippie Yes, I see, for example for this one the current source is 2.7mA.
@jippie You mean Q14 and Q15?
With a current source the charge is pulled out of the transistor capacitance until the current source hits the power rail
@abdullahkahraman yes the lower one
but you can replace R15 (top) with an independent current source, a simple one.
@jippie Oh, I see your point now.. What is your suggestion for that current source?
a simple bjt configuration, or if you want to go near perfect you could throw in a current mirror :-p
@jippie Hell no! :)
@abdullahkahraman you are an analog specialist, or at least you told me once. Current mirrors are simple and cool.
@jippie I am NOT an analog specialist. I just love analog more than digital..
Of course, there is no control, lol
I think simplest one is the above schematic with red text on it.
I've came up with this:
@abdullahkahraman looks good
@abdullahkahraman Yes I've seen zenervoltage increase too when they get hot.
but you have resistors in there to limit current
@jippie Not for D?. (Ops forgot to re-annotate).
loose the zeners, keep a spare controller and the .hex file ;o)
@jippie Hahahahha!
This actually is not my project. It is a friend's friend's graduation project.
I am paid just to write the software, but my heart couldn't resist on giving a schematic. He simply cannot do this.
so when the software fails it is your fault
and when the hardware fails ... it is your fault too :-p
I hope you can pay your insurance from your pay check :-p
@jippie hahaha, too bad :) That's why I will not demand any money for the schematic, so I will not feel guilty when I no longer help for the schematic and hardware.
@abdullahkahraman its a good excersise anyway, you learn a lot for it
This is an elevator project. He doesn't even know that a stepper motor will not turn with just connecting the wires to supply.. I really feel sorry for these guys, they obviously picked the wrong department.
@jippie Exactly, and it is fun!
a stepper motor is just a fancy asynchronous machine
or an asynchronous machine is just a fancy stepper motor
having said that ... a stepper motor probably runs just fine(ish) from a three phase net (better NOT try it though)
@jippie I don't even know what is an asynchronous machine :)
a three phase motor
@jippie Yeah, I just know its name now :) And I can guess that probably it runs with three phase AC.
@jippie That edit was necessary lol
/me is out.
@abdullahkahraman tty later
@jippie thank you for your help :)
2 hours later…
I'm using an OPA847 opamp, it has 3.9Ghz gain bandwidth. My input signal is 5Mhz and I'm amplifying it by x50. Would I be fine with any opamp that has 250Mhz (5*50) total GBWP? Or are there other factors I need to consider?
3 hours later…
is there anyone
1 hour later…
Nobody is here @rAsHmI
@rAsHmI @Everyone was here before though
hey @angelatlarge and @David
@jippie hi
@angelatlarge did I have some good garlic in my dinner ... I'm so thirsty
3 hours later…
@jippie And I shall return q+:

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