@MikeBorden The unclean creatures whom Peter is to "slay and eat" symbolise Gentiles which are to be "killed" (through water baptism), - the passage refers to the Gentile mission, and has nothing to do with food laws. Peter had misunderstood that vision, which is why he stated that he had not eaten any unclean animals. Do you think the fact that Peter had not eaten any unclean animals by 40 CE shows that Jesus abolished the dietary laws? It's the other way round (obviously).
@MikeBorden If "the kingdom of God is not meat and drink", how about stop eating and drinking altogether? To abuse that verse to convince yourself that you can eat what God has declared unclean, is very sad. I assume you're Trinitarian? They usually misconstrue one verse after the other.
@MikeBorden You seem to refuse the meaning of the yoke of bondage: it means misusing the the Law of Moses (including the Oral Law) as a vehicle for salvation. The Gentiles who are addressed in Galatians wanted to get physically circumcised because the Pharisees had told that otherwise they can't be saved. If one starts with such works-righteousness, then one must go the whole way = obey the entire Written Law and Oral in order to get saved.
@MikeBorden One cannot attain salvation through law adherence, but one can lose one's salvation through law breaking (which remains sin as the Epistle of James tells you). Providing you are regenerate, your law violations have not been forgiven to provide a fresh start for more law violations. However, I strongly doubt that you are my brother. There are some 2 billion lawless "Christians" like you, and as per Scripture they will all descend into Gehenna once they have taken their last breath.
@MikeBorden "The liberty wherewith Christ has made you free (from "salvation by works" and the law of sin and death) is not a license to transgress Mosaic Law, - which you are subject to IF YOU HAVE BEEN SPIRITUALLY CIRCUMCISED (which I strongly doubt). But if you are regenerate/born again, then you are subject to Mosaic Law.
@MikeBorden If you belong to those idiots who think they are born again because "they have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour", then you're likely beyond the point of rescue (which I hope is not the case). Do you pray regularly in the Spirit/in tongues? It helps you to walk in the Spirit, and if you are in the Spirit you will try to avoid breaking the God-given instructions as to how you should live (Torah means instruction/teaching, NOT LAW).
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