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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

There is breakfast, lunch, supper. Supper is like the last meal of the day. But there is also a dinner, that is considered the main meal of the day, but it's timing may vary. In EN speaking countries it is usually in early evening. Supper may be in late evening as light meal.
In some countries the main meal is at very early afternoon,so it is rather dinner than lunch. While in EN speaking countries the lunch is more as a snack, or sandwich or like. Having sandwich on lunch in France would be a mortal offence. They have 2-hour lunch break.
I have mixed feeling about pickles: I like them, but I also somewhat don't like them.
Love/hate relationship?
What about sauerkraut and all yummy things make from that, like Борщ ?
@Poutnik ohh I love борщ when it's made yummy (which it is, most of the time, fortunately). :D
Sauerkraut... hmm...
Ah. Well, yeah, I often see it on the table but didn't bother to try it.
I'll try it out next time we have it, thanks to you.
I started liking such foods relatively recently, earlier I didn't like neither pickles, neither "Sauerkraut", neither onions, etc.
Preferences change over time, I like food that I disliked as a child's, and sometimes vice versa.
@Poutnik Sadly it is blocked here :/
Connection timing out.
YouTube also blocked us lol
(autocensored political opinion)
I assume Wikipedia is blocked as well, as some big countries do not like what is says.
Wikipedia is not blocked, surprisingly enough.
I saw Wikipedia being on the verge of getting banned here, though it was long ago and I don't remember the details.
Valašská kyselica je tradiční polévka z východní Moravy, jejímž základem je kysané zelí. == Složení == Další suroviny se mohou lišit podle krajových zvyklostí. Přidávají se brambory, smetana nebo mléko, klobása, hříbky či sušené švestky. Setkáme se i s variantami s uzeným masem, vejcem, mrkví, fazolemi, česnekem i paprikou. Sběrem rozmanitých receptů na kyselicu a hodnocením gastronomických podniků na Valašsku, které ji vaří, se zabývá stejnojmenné občanské sdružení. Velmi podobnou polévku – kapustnicu, tradičně připravují v posledních dnech kalendářního roku i na Slovensku. Jeden z receptů tetičky…
No EN page for it there
Czech does have some similarities to Russian.
I kind of like all soups (we eat soups, Cuckoo) with sausrkraut. But as a child, I hated sauerkraut with passion.
Czech has lots of similarities. The major difference is the script.
ugh class ended rn
oh okk ya guys injoy
@CuckooBeats I'll soon have to go btw
ugh = you great heroes
She likes us.
wanders out
/afk sleep
Injoy is a special kind of joy, local to India, like repeating mantra until nirvana comes.
3 hours later…
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I can read and understand Russian, but cannot actively use it in writing or speaking.
BTW, foundation of Cyrillic has been invented in Great Moravia in late 9th century by Konstantin/Cyril, one of two emissars from Byzantian Thessaloniki.
Lunch, dinner, supper differences:
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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