20 hours ago, by
Montréal Cité-État (what is in the tank) for diving and marine life-sustaining applications.
@guillaume31 Je t'avais mis le lien, je viens de préciser la question avec son contenu. Il y a des trucs que je ne peux présenter et un contexte avec différentes informations que je ne peux partager, c'est tout. J'ai essayé de couper la poire en deux, et j'ai fait une erreur et le résultat est plus ou moins heureux. Tu te plains de quoi déjà ??
Combien de questions as-tu posé, toi, sur notre langue ? Aucune, c'est vraiment dommage.
@Lambie So, it was "life(-)supporting" so you ended up being right about this. On the other hand I posted a link where sustaining is used in such a context.
I've updated the question to reflect some of this. I can confirm this is not related to marine life.
As in animals, wildlife in the sea.
I don't know the specific applications. Maybe a room/compartment underwater connected to some offshore rig and which uses the same type of product to support the life of the people who are there for work.
So at this point, no need to derail this further.
Although I am thankful for you showing me the error of my ways with support/sustain (although I don't suspect this will change much of anything in terms of translation, and I believe because of the link I provided etc. that life-sustaining is also possible in context), I think our discussions show we cannot get along.
This is based on a long-standing history between you and me. I am one who tries to promote women, who has respect for people who have seniority, and who tries to support people coming from diverse backgrounds. So you have no idea how it pains me to not be able to get along with you.
I perceive your behaviour in ways that truly aggravate me. I believe you must have faced difficult and uphill battles to behave in the way I perceive you behave.
For me, things of great import and irrelevant, but things of small import are very important. Not being able to get along with you and make you see the light in terms of contributing other stuff than comments about the English language feels to me like a great failure.
I am really stubborn and have lots of empathy and I have hoped for things to change. But I must come to terms with the fact our differences are irreconcilable.
And therefore I would request we never ever interact again on this network in any way, shape or form.
If you comment on my content for clarification, I may update it to reflect a valid concern. But I will not reply or engage. Ever. Best of luck to you.