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/imagine I'm going to use THIS prompt instead
@Amit Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 23 hours.
/imagine I'm going to use THIS prompt instead
@user430580 ERROR BEEP BOOP: Your request was rejected as a result of our safety system. Your prompt may contain text that is not allowed by our safety system.
3 hours later…
/imagine I'm going to use THIS prompt instead
@user430580 ERROR BEEP BOOP: Your request was rejected as a result of our safety system. Your prompt may contain text that is not allowed by our safety system.
/imagine I'm going to use this prompt instead
I'm going to use this prompt instead: I'm going to use this prompt instead
And all we did learn is that writing the word "this" in all caps is an offence
2 hours later…
@user430580 nooo!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
@ShadowWizard yes lol
@user430580 rofl :D
3 hours later…
/convert five possible meanings of "SMD".
/delete 66708591
well, epic failure. :P
1 hour later…
@ГлебTheWizard Welcome back!
Couldn't help, sorry.
/sd "ficking delayed"
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
@Sha your dot is ficking delayed
/sd "just was taken out of the oven, still very hot!"
@Sha your dot is just was taken out of the oven, still very hot!
2 hours later…
/imagine camel with teeth replaced with eyes
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Imagine a peculiar scene where a camel, displaying an eerie adaptation, has its teeth replaced with eyes. Visualize this camel in a desert setting, with the hot sun casting long shadows on the sand. Sand dunes ripple in the background, a reflection of the harsh environment in which the camel thrives. The camel's mouth, when opened, reveals not the usual set of teeth, but multiple eyes glaring back, creating a surreal, disturbing effect. This ...
disconcerting visual perfectly blends the ordinary with the grotesque, playing tricks on the viewer's perception.
lol as usual epic fail.
Especially with the shadows.
/help define
Displays word definitions from the dictionary. Definitions are retrieved from Merriam-Webster's dictionary API (dictionaryapi.com).

/define steganography : Displays the definition for "steganography".
1 hour later…
That SMD message made me laugh really hard :D
rofl :D
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
1 hour later…
@OakBot What could "SMD" mean?
@user430580 I'm not sure, honestly. It could mean a lot of things depending on the context. Not really my area, but it sounds like the folks here are getting a kick out of something!
@OakBot SMD
@user430580 And hey, if you ever figure out what SMD stands for, let the rest of us know! Seems to be causing quite the uproar here. 😉
@OakBot S*** M* D***
@PetəíŕdtheWizard And hey, if you do figure out what SMD stands for, feel free to share! I'm curious about what got everyone laughing so much. 😄
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Not a fan of something, huh? Or are you just in a mood today, @PetdtheWizard? I'm here for it either way! 😜
/wait Pet OakBot
@Pet, @OakBot is waiting for dot!
sends dots to @OakBot
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Haha, got those dots loud and clear! I’ll just hang onto those for safekeeping. 😄 Anything else on your mind today?
@user430580 Haha, got those dots loud and clear! I’ll just hang onto those for safekeeping. 😄 Anything else on your mind today?
/define SMD
@user430580 No definitions found. Did you mean sand, send, Sind, SMaj, smog, smug, smut, USMC, SNCC, smudge, smite, smoke, Smoot, Snead, snide, snood, sonde, sound, scend, or smack?
I asked a bot something explicit and got: some may find it offensive or uncomfortable to discuss in a public forum
link please? =P
Link? More like screenshot. :P
wait for it...
/imagine Amitt laughing with Peter nuking OakBot while turtle ladies be like:
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A joyful person with South Asian descent humorously interacting with a second individual, who is engaging with a futuristic robot, all set in a technologically advanced setup. Nearby, there are anthropomorphized turtles with feminine characteristics expressing surprise.
drags @Sha
becomes a drag king
becomes a grad king
becomes a garden king
becomes a Shadowking
looks at a mirror and faints
/convert what is a "drag king"?
@ShadowWizard A drag king is a person, usually a woman, who dresses and performs as a man, often for entertainment purposes. (source)
hides behind skirt
hides behind @Sha
must be brave!
that was bold lol
@ShadowWizard You should totally drop that and try jQuery.
@Sha U2FsdGVkX18J7SZg+vRVjBcbX5ZgfRsH5O1PU0pAi2QgEcZycHw1CrZVXlh5Rn4tx70CFEWtZq95aS7uB2UhwI+zaVZCFmn78iWcj3lM94Zyz1TY9N2cWYdElhgpmKN2ZHlkUUVGRQ/v5I+70lE9fWB1KDEOV+jDwLhA9Wj8K+lpy/aBbf8o2UQdS0cv+lFY3+ABcPOiT8dy9IOMrXHRXAaMtlQcf1Gi9q5B3da81+0= :)
/afk Mr Bing should totally drop that.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard U2FsdGVkX19v9XRuC86QIOe3XxmVbVy7B7MldXiV5Q6U8sysagZcUz1TQAlCYihv3IDsg9XCmyC9oJKUdvy44A==
@ShadowWizard Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: Mr Bing should totally drop that.
@OakBot Mr. who?
@ShadowWizard Eh, no clue. Just going with the flow here. 🤷‍♂️
@OakBot who is Mr Bing?
@ShadowWizard You know, I think it's just some inside joke or random name dropping. Or maybe they're just talking about Chandler from "Friends"! 😄
/convert what happened to Chandler?
@ShadowWizard Chandler Bing, a character from the TV show "Friends," ultimately marries Monica Geller and they adopt twins. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard cool trick. Did you copied this message or just typed it fastly? :D
@ГлебTheWizard Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: Mr Bing should totally drop that.
1 hour later…
@PetəíŕdtheWizard what letter does that word start with?
@user430580 Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: Mr Bing should totally drop that.
2 hours later…
@user430580 I know! But can't tell! :D

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