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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@RoryMcCune Damn, that Zamfoo thing is hilarious...
3 hours later…
Damn, 13 hour battery life for the new Macbook Air. theverge.com/2013/6/17/4436332/macbook-air-review-13-inch-2013
@TerryChia Is there a Miss Scott Pack?
3 hours later…
@Simon do you mean a genderswapped version of @ScottPack, or a wife?
@TerryChia I think the word you're searching for is "pathetic".
@TildalWave no, all those things means you ARE a developer. Just not necessarily a good one ;-)
@TildalWave I think its the other way around. A programmer builds a product that does what it says on the box, the developer is worried about the box too, the internals, the performance characteristics, etc etc.
@Hennes Really? Slackers.
for us it was more like "Oh, this is urgent? We won't get to deal with the urgents till next week. This week we only deal with ON FIRE, and needs to have been delivered 2 weeks ago."
1 hour later…
@AviD The satellite is launching in 72 hours, are you done yet?
@this.josh "Oh then I should be done just in time to deploy it by the prelaunch checks."
What do you mean integration test failed? How long will it take to fix?
@this.josh I hate those questions. I DONT KNOW YET.
It just needs to work exactly like the last one...
Except not exactly because the last one didn't work
There was a dilbert once, where PHB asks dilbert: "How long will it take to handle any unforeseen problems?"
I actually had a manager once that asked that for real.
Manager's reserve take account of all those right?
Yes I am sure we don't need our own CRC for TCP/IP.
Yes a handshake requires BOTH sides to transmit and receive.
@this.josh "manager's reserve" sounds like a fine pretentious and foul smelling whiskey.
that's how it takes 2 months of work to change the color of a button.
No, I can't alert you after the power fails.
The controler will NOT have any POWER, thats why!
No, the LEDs won't work either.
@this.josh oh, just plug in your fax machine and I'll send you some.
3 hours later…
@AviD oh well that's semantics anyway, for which I rarely care too much as they hardly change the fact-- yeah I'm probably not a very good developer LOL
I'm so bad I'm good :P
@ManishEarth g'day ;)
2 hours later…
@AviD Any would be awesome.
@AviD I haven't worn a dress since college.
@ScottPack you work in a college
@TildalWave Fine. I haven't worn a dress since undergrad.
@ScottPack You know what, even if you wore a kilt with traditional undergarments on really windy days, it would be fine by me
I might have problems with that with a bit more bendy fellas, not you tho :)
i'm pondering something... just a wacky idea, but aren't LEDs supposed to be photovoltaic if you reverse their polarity? how good of an efficiency would we be talking of here?
@TildalWave I've not read that, but I would imagine they would be fairly inefficient due to the tiny surface area.
@ScottPack heh I loved those stop-motion play dough cartoons when I was a kid
I'm having trouble finding a youtube video of Eddie Murphy as Gumby.
@ScottPack ah it's just me and my crazy ideas, I was reading about some "(Almost) transparent solar cells built into smartphone screens", and thought hey, build a proper LED display and just collect back whatever it picks up when it's supposed to be black... not sure tho if that's even remotely feasible
@TildalWave most of the time if I'm not using my phone I put it in my pocket, where there is no light
@LucasKauffman But if, when the screen was locked, the phone charged itself would you be more likely to sit it on your desk?
mmm true
@LucasKauffman Ok, but half of the pixels could be black while lit by other surrounding them... couldn't they collect something there and make it less consuming?
I have bought a beach chair for my phone
@LucasKauffman made of beech?
@TildalWave I imagine it'll be more useful to have the current direction tied into the screen lock. So you lock the screen, it shuts off, and the current changes direction in order to go into charge mode.
@TildalWave Assuming you could actually get a density high enough to have high enough resolution then the entire screen would be the charging bits.
@ScottPack sure, that'd be more efficient but why not switch it whenever you could? I mean, we're talking of black pixels there, it's already switched off, why not switch polarity at the same time?
@LucasKauffman I got a rubberized stand as a speaker gift from Security Professional's last year.
@TildalWave Oh, so change the software such that there is no off state, just on or reversed?
@ScottPack exactly... but there is probably some pretty good reason why nobody did this before... I don't know enough about it
@TildalWave We need a super nerd to explain it. Where's @TerryChia when we need him?
@TerryChia Report for nerd duty!
Ha! Since I started watching GoT I've always thought that the Dothraki language is actually a real language but with a different name
@Adnan Isn't it just made up?
the grammar, pronunciation, and the whole structure sounded very real.
@ScottPack Yup, I've googled it a couple of minutes ago and turns out it is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dothraki_language
@Adnan That's what I thought. They did a fantastic job designing, though.
Volarian is the same. You'll hear it later.
@ScottPack At first I thought it was made from a Semitic language like Hebrew (because they're using "ana" for "I'm").
@Adnan I thought it sounded like something out of persia
I thought it sounded Mongolian.
> Peterson drew inspiration from George R. R. Martin’s description of the language, as well as from such languages as Russian,Estonian, Inuktitut and Swahili.[4]
which puts all of our guesses pretty close in geographical sense :)
Though I was joking about Mongolian.
ok... mongolian is a bit far, but I'd guess their language borrows greatly from where all indo-european languages do (?)
This is interesting. It's a quote from the guy who has created this language
> You know, most people probably don’t really know what Arabic actually sounds like, so to an untrained ear, it might sound like Arabic. To someone who knows Arabic, it doesn’t. I tend to think of the sound as a mix between Arabic (minus the distinctive pharyngeals) and Spanish, due to the dental consonants.
hmmm... how does xor-ed English sound like? :))
@ScottPack So I guess I'm the only one with a trained ear, because I thought it sounded Arabicish
joke... it's a bit like ROT26
@Adnan I don't remember if I even tried to compare it to an existing language.
@Adnan I clearly heard some words that sounded exactly like ours or of languages related to ours, tho most of it again then completely different... so it it didn't take me that long to figure it out it's a made up language... but yes, it sounds quite convincing
@ScottPack an asian fellow?
That's a negative. I'm quite occidental.
@GreenFly You should come here more often
@ScottPack wot you have eyes for teeth?
@ScottPack You scared the guy away!
damn that's occhi :(
@TildalWave You're a strange strange boy. Occidental means western.
@ScottPack What?
@ScottPack or "a mistake" said with an eastern accent.
@AviD :-)
@AviD Well played, sir.
@ScottPack Is the language spelled Volarian? I always thought it was Valyrian as well.
@TerryChia It is Volyrian, I messed up and missed the edit window.
@TerryChia I think this. Also, I'm not clear on something. Supposedly, as a Targeryan, that is her mother tongue, and she learned it as a child. However, when she first met Drago, she had no clue of the language. Also, she's been told she speaks it with a horrible foreigner's accent.
@ScottPack are you sure its the same language?
@AviD No, Dothraki and Valyrian are two different languages.
@TerryChia I'm finished with you.
@ScottPack That's what she said.
@TerryChia The student has learned, my work here is done.
@TerryChia thats what I thought, @ScottPack the @Expert said otherwise.
To be fair, she was raised on the run in the Free Cities. She may have learned Valyrian as a child but the closest thing to a "proper" Valyrian colony these days would be Volantis.
@AviD Dothraki is spoken (obviously) by the Dothraki, the people Daenerys married. Valyrian is spoken by the old Valyrian freehold (which the Targeryans were a part of) as well as some of the free cities.
@TerryChia yes, yes, I know this much.
56 mins ago, by Scott Pack
Volarian is the same. You'll hear it later.
thats what bothered me...
I didn't read it as meaning it was the same language...
ohhh. D'oh. Can somebody lend me a facepalm?
@TerryChia The Free Cities were mostly colonies of the Freehold, but I think were so far off on their own anyway.
@AviD I think that was a continuation of this.
57 mins ago, by Scott Pack
@Adnan That's what I thought. They did a fantastic job designing, though.
just realized @ScottPack meant that... well, what you just pointed out.
@AviD Right. He wouldn't have heard Valyrian spoken yet.
@ScottPack Yeah, they became "independent" after the Doom.
@TerryChia The term "became independent" is a bit of an understatement me thinks. :)
@ScottPack heh true.
George RR Martin should expand that part of the GoT universe if he ever gets done with the last two books. I think that would be really interesting to read about.
LOTR is still the gold standard for made-up languages though.
@TerryChia I thought Klingon was.
Drag races tonight. It's gonna be legen... Wait for it... D@ScottPackary.
@TerryChia I thought Latin was.
@Simon So giant douchery all around?
@TerryChia You are forever banned from the Official Web Association for Scott Pack.
@AviD Well, LOTR has a few completely different languages. I think Klingon is only one? (Not that into Star Trek so I'm not too sure).
@Simon Man, that sort of fanboy-ism for @ScottPack isn't appropriate. I thought that was only reserved for @RoryAlsop.
@TerryChia Dude, have you seen his hat?
Pretty cunning, doncha think?
@ScottPack Everyone who joins the OWAFSC (Offial Web Association for Scott Pack, of course) will receive a replica.
Damn, Cracked has solved the Edward Snowden puzzle! cracked.com/quick-fixes/…
@Simon I think your acronym needs a little work. Words such as 'for' are typically left out and my last name starts with a 'P' not a 'C'.
@Simon that is some twisted acronymizing to avoid calling it OWASP....
@ScottPack I almost left the 'for' out but decided it would look awesome. Now, about the letter C, y'know, I guess it's related to my wildest dream.
@AviD We gotta stay low profile.
@ScottPack heh guilty as charged :) yup I realize what it means it's just rare to see it used outside of literature these days
@TildalWave Oh definitely, it's a very underutilized word.
@ScottPack yarp .. and especially when you consider the opposite orient is actually far more used
@TerryChia I am currently working on the goblin equivalent... met Nekrogoblikon on Saturday.
Yes, that is a band
@TildalWave Less so these days, but still, yes. Quite more heavily used.
they play Goblin metal
Apparently that is a thing
So dirty electric versions of Down Down to Goblin Town?
@ScottPack erm...nope. More like shouty metal :-)
very good fun
with goblins
I notice that Nekrogoblikon is on Pandora, but Metaltech isn't. At least there's one band that likes to be listened to.
@ScottPack I think Pandora wanted us to pay them for the privilege
We are on many others
I tried Spotify, but it wasn't as customizable as I wanted.
yeah - it annoyed me a wee bit too
What I really wanted was to just have a constant playlist of songs that I like and are conducive to working. For me that ends up being a bit honkin' smorgasbord of styles and bands.
So I really liked that I was able to add multiple seeds to Pandora, something I really couldn't with Spotify.
@ScottPack ^this
Clann an Drumma isn't on there either. Too bad, they have several good beat heavy songs.
@RoryAlsop also pandora doesnt work internationally...
I did love it though, back before they closed the overseas gates, for the same reasons you mention.
@AviD How is that a problem for me?
@ScottPack Selfish Americans.
I think it has been proven almost a century ago, that isolationism doesn't work well for the U.S.
@AviD It works out pretty well for the rest of the world though. ;)
@TerryChia meh. We're not happy unless we have those unhealthy burgers, gas-guzzling cars, and subrate radios.
oh damn, that was the '80s talking.
Since we're on the topic of Spotify's failures, here's an interesting post-mortem on a security issue they had with account hijacking. labs.spotify.com/2013/06/18/creative-usernames
@AviD You're confusing not caring about other countries with isolationism.
for any appsec-y types, a cool security bug based on canonicalization and unicode labs.spotify.com/2013/06/18/creative-usernames
@RoryMcCune That was a very interesting read.
@Adnan yeah I like that kind of weird problem, shows how tricky it can be to predict security issues..
Downloading that RAM takes ages. I wished they bzip2'd it
@ManishEarth What the hell?! It actually increased my RAM by 128MB.
How is that possible?
@ManishEarth I know! I can't believe it myself!
@ManishEarth Have you tried it?
@ManishEarth Could it be modifying something in the OS itself to show some fake value?
@Adnan nope. I thought it was malware
@ManishEarth And that's how you troll the troll with a higher tech troll :D
I've tricked a few people by using subst on Windows cmd and claiming that I increased their hard disk space
@Adnan oh lol
@RoryMcCune yeah, I've had to deal with similar issues. Always tricky, those.
also shows how difficult it would be to detect this in the code, and that you need multiple forms of review. Very interesting to me.
@RoryMcCune Interesting but at the same time pretty stupid. Well spotted by the attacker tho. I guess such things will be a lot more common for English speaking developers as they're not used to having to support "strange characters" with internationalisation. Basic rule of a thumb is always use same constraints as you're gonna use to retrieve your records, and preferably - set them up directly on your database and avoid such headaches.
i.e. if that non-unicode username had a unique index on it (it must have had index anyway), then this attack wouldn't have been possible
@TildalWave thats not quite correct.
it would depend right back on encodings.
I still remember, that was one of the first hard lessons I learned as a rookie programmer...
@AviD actually, do it right, and you end up with slightly better user account security than using non-unicode allowed usernames only - when the username is already taken, you don't really show to the would-be new user exactly which username you mean, it could be any representation in unicode of what you transcode into more narrow char set
my R&D manager at the time said "That's a damn big tree you're climbing up."
@TildalWave sure, the key there is "do it right".
there were several problems here, starting with relying on a faulty library. 'course, they didnt know that...
Encodings is hard.
@AviD yes, but my point was that you and me and Adnan and all of us that use "non-standard" characters every day know this and is pretty basic stuff ... and that I understand that it can avoid some English only speaking developer quite easily
@TildalWave yes, that part is true - but that alone would not solve the issues.
@AviD no, you have to know pretty damn good what you're doing if you're gonna depend on encoding only, that's true... that's why I never do, I always use binary encoding for such things (you never know, remember Win98 that came with different keyboard layouts for eastern Europe?)
that kinda screwed up all databases for some guys here
OK, technically we're not Eastern Europe, but MS used to believe so LOL
I was 7 when Win98 came out.
@Simon And you were not hacking other people's databases by then? What kind of lame kindergartens do you have in Canada? :O
j/k :P
@Simon of course, now we also know how old you are :))
@TildalWave I didn't go to any kindergarten :(
@TildalWave Ugh, time to update my profile.
@Simon yeah hehe
Eventually it will all be filled up.
@Simon dangers of DMZ ;)
@TildalWave It's ok, I don't have anything to hide anyway, hehe. I'm like Scott Pack.
@Simon that's a scary proposition
a. it wasnt just "non-english", it was outside the base plane (3.2). Most European languages wouldnt fall into that anyway.
b. It was in a 3rd party library, so unless you go and check that specifically, you would be screwed.
c. Even if you do handle the translations, still can miss certain planes.
d. the problem, as they point out, is non-idempotency. not usually the issue.
@TildalWave But I love his hat :(
@Simon @TerryChia wasnt even born when Win98 came out.
An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
Yes I did it!
@AviD where's that from?
@AviD Damn, he's young.
@TildalWave sorry, delayed response to your previous comment on the matter.
@AviD ah, OK... I was agreeing with you BTW, unless you somehow missed it :P
I wonder if typing this will do something: Winnie the pooh!
BTW can clouds (real ones) explode? We had some really loud explosion, I thought it should be half of the city missing or something... nowhere anything, but it was a bit strange up in the skies with a lot of fresh vapor, steamy and hot
meh. old news.
@TildalWave yes, it's called "thunder". happens often in a rainstorm.
Or when Thor is around.
@AviD oh c'mon ... I'm not 2 you know?
@AviD A single extremely loud explosion with nothing to see after it, maybe just one small cloud looked a bit funny, as if something was playing with it not long ago
ball lightning?
@TildalWave ah, okay - thats probably a bit of reality seeping through, you get a stolen glimpse of the wool that was pulled over your eyes.
@AviD OK I'm officially now calling it "the Avi" you asked for it :P
hehe wut?
I guess I've been watching too much Dr.Who lately.
@AviD something happened, nobody can explain it... "oh, it must have been teh Avi"
@TildalWave oh excellent! I love this.
You have my full support. Like a jockstrap.
@AviD Let's not use it then.
@AviD like you had it when kicked in balls by 15 women?
so you people do listen to the crap I say.
@AviD only if it hurts you more than it hurts us, you're our SpongeBob :)
@AviD any word already who's gonna be the next doctor?
And I say this for nation of security.se, God bless the boobies!
@TildalWave no clue. They wouldn't tell me, I'm not British.
I hear that they considered @RoryAlsop as the next Doctor, but then they realized he wouldnt be believable as only 1100 years old.
My money is on the guy who plays Sherlock, whasisname Cumberbund.
@AviD Did you know that @RoryAlsop is so old, that on his next birthday he will start at 0 again?
@LucasKauffman @RoryAlsop is regenerating??
@LucasKauffman you're saying he's an unsigned small integer?
pfffft - were you guys just checking I was here
@RoryAlsop hehehe. Nah, we assume you're always here. Like Omnipresent Man.
It's a bit like Santa Claus, but with a scary mask and you don't bring presents
@LucasKauffman oh, but I do...
@RoryAlsop For some reason I think I wouldn't enjoy your presents ._.
@LucasKauffman they contain explosive material :-)
@RoryAlsop whisky is explosive :3?
@LucasKauffman Oooh - don't think so but worth a try
@RoryAlsop sounds like one of those plans which you think are interesting when being drunk, which end up in scourged eyebrows
Scourged? I think that could be even more painful than scorched
@TildalWave sonic boom? One in the UK made the news recently for being V.loud....
@RoryAlsop Scottish version of Molotov cocktails...?
@AviD well you won't be thirsty while protesting
To be fair - being 20 feet away from this was a bit warm:
@RoryAlsop Is that rammstein?
they have been known to burn themselves... on several occasions :p
Got some pics I'll pop up later
@RoryAlsop so t'was good then?
@LucasKauffman not surprised - Til was standing in a 20 foot wide ball of flame for about 5 seconds before trying to boil the keyboard player mit Benzin!
@RoryMcCune Unbelievably so
@RoryAlsop cool!
@RoryAlsop best band apart from Rammstein?
Every band we saw was superb. Nothing to do with not having any solid food or soft drinks between Thursday morning and last night, honest
Maiden were best
@RoryAlsop ahh yeah that would be good..
then Rammstein, QotSA, Alice in Chains, Motorhead, Turisas, Nekrogoblikon (yes, really), Europe, Dragonforce, even 30 seconds to Mars
you'll need to attend to your duties tho' there's a smurf been around in Livingston! I knocked one of them almost out but ran out of XM.
@RoryAlsop I saw Alice in Chains once, but it gets quite monotone after half an hour
Devin Townsend was amazing on acoustic guitar with no backing - he is a hard rocking Canadian nutter
@RoryMcCune I saw Sainsbury's had been hit - I remote recharged stuff a couple of times, but no XM at Donnington
@LucasKauffman Actually, his voice was utterly amazing
UFO were pretty awesome as well - despite having toured for the last 40-odd years
@RoryAlsop yeah I didn't realist till the missus was doing the weekly shop (I get to go portal then) so had a bit of a pop...
@RoryAlsop so did dragonforce do through the fire and flames?
@RoryMcCune Guess it could've been, but no trace of whatever would make it, and if it was, then we're talking of one giant mother of a sonic boom. Everyone just looked at each other "WTF was that".
@RoryAlsop whoa. Iron Maiden are still touring? And AinC too??
@RoryMcCune Yeah - they aren't so tight live, so I was a bit less impressed
@RoryAlsop there is I think only one group I attended which really blasted me of my socks: youtube.com/watch?v=UOoI1c6btfY
@AviD Surprisingly good. And Maiden had a Battle of Britain spitfire come overhead at just under 200 feet (their rule is over 500 feet :-)
@TildalWave this was the story on the uk one bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-22926813 apparentl houses shook so could be similar...
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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