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00:00 - 16:0017:00 - 00:00

2 hours later…
@David Morning..
@Adnan What is this smiley sorcery in your profile?
@Adnan Is it? IS IT??? grumble freakin hippies....
@Jefff @RoryA - hahaha, watch out, he is sending the snake oil vendors after us haters...
@Simon Tell me what you think. It'd be interesting to hear
@AviD It actually was a good morning.
I stayed at work from yesterday 10:30 until today 15:00
I broke my last record
@Adnan wow, sounds productive. possibly.
though I was grumbling at calling it "morning", not at the quality of it.
dont mind me, I'm just a grumpy old man.
@AviD Orrey orrey... Geewwd morning!
@Adnan sorry, I don't speak Celtic.
Hmmm.. today I noticed that some of my old answers got upvoted. I think I have a secret admirer.
To be fair, I wouldn't blame them, my sexaaay pic plays a great role.
You are a Quest Giver after all.
@ScottPack What's that?
@Adnan I think its a subtle euphamism for fudge packer.
@Adnan It's detailed out here. bit.ly/11HOmvg
@ScottPack Oh.. Jesus! It's not helping at all
What's a 'quest' or NPC?
Too much to read
@AviD I wish I didn't Google that
@Adnan lol
"I just bought a few kilos of chocolate fudge. Can somebody PLEASE help pack it for me?"
@Adnan Obviously not a gamer?
@Iszi No, not really. I've played Half Life and Counter Strike back in the day, but I hardly thank that makes me any close to being a gamer.
@Adnan In many modern Role Playing Games there exists an in game character whose sole purpose is to provide something for the players to do.
The ones we mod message always be crazy about the Cabal.
@Adnan They send them on missions such as "Kill the evil dragon" or "Bring me a hammer". These missions are often called quests.
@ScottPack Nah, those missions I call "grunt work". To call them "quests" dilutes the term.
@Adnan These people are subsequently referred to as Quest Givers. In some games they are identified by having something floating above their head. A question mark, an arrow, or a chalice.
@Adnan Sarcasm on the Internet is hard to detect.
@ScottPack fetch this, fetch that :)
@Simon I'm actually being honest, you can try to guess how it's done.
@ScottPack Borderlands is rather backwards about this. Quest Givers with new quests available have an exclamation point, whereas Quest Givers for whom you have a quest ready to turn in have question marks.
@ScottPack heh - with javascript off that just says "let me that for you"
@ScottPack Oookay, I think I can see how that relates to me.
@Simon Was that sarcasm as well?
@Adnan Yes, you see, in your picture you carry a chalice....
@ScottPack Perhaps I should start reading more
@RoryAlsop That's because the Intarwebs doesn't work without javascript and, as a result, only luddites like Chris Siebenmann use NoScript these days.
@Simon You'd have to forgive me, since I don't know you that much (visavi the slight knowledge I have of the guys around here), I didn't assume you're being sarcastic.
sigh I think now I'm stretching this more than it was supposed to.
and no.. that's not what she said!
@Adnan that's what he said
@ScottPack you're forgetting the possibility that his browser predates javascript
@Adnan Are we stuck in a sarcasm infinite loop? Nah, I wasn't being sarcastic at all, I find this quite interesting. I've noticed the "?" character at the end of the link, it most-likely has something to do with this.
@TildalWave Fair enough point. These days even links supports javascript. I keep forgetting about Mosaic.
Come on people! Delay your upvotes a bit more than 3 hours.
Any Tor users around here?
@Adnan you want me to stop that EC2 script?
A friend in Iran is getting a strange error message
I'm reading something from Tor right now, does that count?
@Simon Sarcasm infinite loop? Nawww, we'd neeeever do thaaat.
> Vidalia has connected to a running Tor process that requires a password. Please enter your control password.
Hum, interesting, I didn't know you could do this with <a> tag, that's where the magic has to be. It shows the content inside the <a> tag depending on the link the person is browsing, right @Adnan ?
@Adnan Precisely where my mind was at.
@Simon based on the existence of ? character within the referer string I reckon
@Adnan What's all that then?
@ScottPack I have no idea, I've never seen it before. Couldn't find a solution onlien
@ScottPack Somebody suggested something about web control panel, but it seems to irrelevant.
Yup... security.stackexchange.com/users/16228/adnan? now let's all click but only once :)
@TildalWave Actually I'm keeping track of all the clicks
@Adnan I wouldn't know, I've never dealt with the Tor network. It seems more trouble than it's worth.
@Adnan well your server's logs are and you never check those, remember?
@ScottPack Yeah, but the guy's only option to use obfuscated Tor. Apparently, obfuscated SSH isn't working anymore.
@TildalWave I have all my programs output to > /dev/null 2>&1. It's really fast.
@Adnan meh
@Adnan That's a funny scene, abusing sarcasm can really make a situation trivial.
@TildalWave Actually, they're not exactly server logs. The images are served by a php script, there I keep some info. | IT | Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 23:12:29 | Sad | security.stackexchange.com | IT | Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 23:12:45 | Happy | security.stackexchange.com | FR | Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 23:18:02 | Sad | security.stackexchange.com | FR | Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 23:18:03 | Sad | security.stackexchange.com | XX | Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 23:34:48 | Sad | security.stackexchange.com | XX | Wed 12 Jun 2013 - 23:35:45 | Happy | security.stackexchange.com
@Adnan Sweet! Our poor IPs :(
@Simon It's basically like this: I have two images there one is empty (1x3 transparent png) and the other is the smiley. Depending on the HTTP_REFERER (if it contains ? or not) I serve the sad or the happy face.
@Simon way too easy to extract them yourself if you wanted to anyway
The two images alternate.
@Adnan How do you execute the script though?
@TildalWave Through the chat I'm assuming?
Someone got click happy.
@Simon No script... when there's ? is in the referer string then he serves an image for smiley face and redirects sad face to a 1x1 transparent image, and the other way around for when it doesn't
@TildalWave Doh, right it makes sense.
@Simon Yes, there's a script behind. I have a rewrite rule in an .htaccess file that rewrites the smiley_happy.png to smiley.php
@Adnan why use PHP for that? You could easily do it all with ModRewrite rules
@TildalWave Because I suck in RegEx (like every other "developer").. duh!
@Adnan hehehe well at least you're honest
@TildalWave aaand I want to create custom logs.
@Adnan which can also be solved in .htaccess :P
@TildalWave Well, then I don't know apache stuff.
Is stackexhange chat the only place on the Internet where people are nice to eachothers? I think so.
@Adnan think of it this way... you could completely disable your PHP interpreter and regain some self-respect :P
@Simon Hehehehehe... that's a very mislead conviction.
@Adnan Oh :(
@Simon For example, nobody likes @Scott here.
We all think that @RoryA is super old
We like @Terry, though. He brings a young spirit
@Adnan Actually, you're right, even I don't like him. I'm gonna go ahead and say that I'm joking in case things go wrong.
@Simon Except that I wasn't joking.
@Simon But since I haven't seen you that often here, I'll assume you're new, so I have to say this: Yes, we all joke around here. I think most of the people who stick around take almost everything lightheartedly.
@Adnan Are you part of the Sarcasmoholics Anonymous?
@Adnan Cool, that's the kind of the community I like.
@Simon So don't worry about it at all. Everybody will automatically assume the good intentions in what you say.
@Simon Except if you mention something is hard, long, wide, in the mouth, etc. Basically anything that can be understood sexually, well always be understood sexually.
Hence the tag up there to the right.
@Simon I'm really glad there's no audio from @ScottPack's :))
@Adnan In that case, I think that @RoryA is very old too.
@TildalWave Oh Jesus! If I weren't an atheist, I'd pray for some god thanking him for that.
@Adnan you can pray for some god if you're an atheist ;)
@TildalWave Aw, now I wanna know why :(
@TildalWave No, I mean actually pray.
@Adnan you meant pray to... you said pray for... which is in line with atheist's beliefs ;)
@TildalWave English, hitting me again. I'm sure @Terry likes to see that
@Adnan Don't worry, he's fast asleep now
or is it she?
@Everybody-who-likes-to-cook You should really REALLY try this 'sous vide' cooking. I've never had a more tender chicken breast or pork neck steak in my life.
It's just brilliant!
@Adnan honestly, I think you'd want higher temperatures than "55 °C (131 °F) to 60 °C (140 °F)" for poultry
not sure what temperature is required to kill off salmonella, but I'm pretty sure it's higher than that
@TildalWave Well, for chicken, I've tried it two times. Both times @ 65C
> To protect against Salmonella infection, heating food for at least ten minutes at 75 °C (167 °F) is recommended, so the centre of the food reaches this temperature.
@TildalWave The key here is that you cook it for several hours. I've tried 4 and 5 hours
@Adnan I dig that it makes for a really tender and juicy steak but I avoid poultry and fish with this technique
@Adnan several hours in which you might be providing ideal conditions for bacterial infections to grow in... I don't wanna sound too anal, just wanted to warn you it might be a bit dangerous, especially if you're not too sure about meat origins or you had it sitting in your fridge for longer times before preparing it
@TildalWave I actually follow the USDA poultry cooking table
@Tildal I tried to do my homework as well as possible before even thinking about it.
@Adnan that's cool, I retract my warnings then, obviously I didn't know the cooking time also affects its growth, I thought it needs to reach certain core temperature
seriously? one episode of dr.who equals 140 messages?
you girls talk too much.
@AviD when cat's not around...
@JeffFerland We should start calling ourselves "The Cabal of Eveel Moderators".
"The Cabal of Eveel Moderators... who hate Switzerland."
@Adnan while talking food preparation and you like to hunt, here's one suggestion if you haven't tried it before ... game mince (pretty much anything that you'd hunt for, except for poultry and fish), tightly rolled together with some fresh herbs in a few sheets of aluminium foil, throw in the middle of a campfire for roughly 30 minutes (depending on the toughness of the meat)... enjoy ;) It's really simple but the juices keep in and the fat melts out nice, making it really tender
@TildalWave Sounds fantastic for rabbits and squirrels!
@Adnan didn't really try with smaller game but worked wonders for deer and wild boar
@Adnan Sad Scott is Sad.
@ScottPack Sad panda.
@Adnan the ball of mince should be pretty big tho, kinda like a meatloaf size
@ScottPack c'mon you know what it means if @Adnan doesn't like you... you're either too rich, or just too damn good looking
@TildalWave That does track.
@Adnan makes me feel like noone bothers with me anymore. Can you even hear me? Can anyone hear my comments?!?
@AviD Awwww.. but you haven't told me anything creepy recently.
@ScottPack It's orrrey! @AviD will tell you something creepy and you'll no longer feel sad
@Adnan not out loud ;-)
@Adnan Since when has Avi been creepy?
He's always seemed perfectly cromulent to me.
@TildalWave You say it as if I have assets with which I can have leverage and "pickyness".
@ScottPack @Adnan is now googling for define:cromulent
@TildalWave Exactly!
@TildalWave I don't have the means to hunt big game.
@Adnan then those smaller chewy critters should do too, but I didn't try, I imagine rabbit would cook slower than squirrel?
@TildalWave Hmm.. Actually I haven't tried cooking directly after the hunt. I always marinate with something acidic to take away the 'gamey' taste.
yknow, I'm all in favor of eating all the things, but those just dont sound appetizing at all.
Now I wonder how a porcupine would taste like :)
they're like.... rodents.
reminds me of Stallones scene with the ratburger.....
Umm..Not sure if this is real or not.
Q: Can viruses carry over by network

AshamedI don't know if this is the right place to ask but I heard that adult websites (porn) has viruses. I usually used to look up porn on my iPhone (I won't anymore) my question is that even if there aren't viruses for iPhones yet can I still affect other PCs on my network?

@TildalWave just suck on a cactus to get the same sensation.
@Xander hehe, funny thing about it is I tried reading the name as some arabic form. Then I realized it was commentary.
@Adnan never had squirrel but rabbits I did... I mean I ate them, @AviD's here ieeeeeee!!!
probably is "real", probably just a completely clueless and misguided 14 year old.
@AviD that's what she said
@TildalWave yeah, well.... I recommend you make sure it's not @Adnan's.
Someone mention food?
@Simon What you say?
@lynks Where are you? Long time no see
@Adnan - I am puzzled by all this talk of avatars and question marks etc - I see nothing strange anywhere... Feel I have missed out on some excitement
is it just the profile pic?
@RoryAlsop Go to my security.stackexchange profile
@RoryAlsop The smiley on the right side
@TildalWave heh
@RoryAlsop Click it
@Adnan hmmmmmmmmm
last time I did that my iphone gave porn to my network
may not actually be true
I don't have an iphone
@RoryAlsop The link goes to security.SE, and AFAIK there's no XSS
so you're safe
@Adnan I'm just joshing - I finally figured it out. Just about the time @tildal pinged up the Simon pic
@RoryAlsop does it happen often that by the time you get something children draw you a picture?
@TildalWave I dunno why, but that just seems....Creepy, Mellon
@RoryAlsop yeah prolly ... sometimes it just doesn't come out right, sry
@TildalWave Draw on the picture where the bad man touched you, Simon. "Well, he pressed me here, on this blue bit, and then..."
@RoryAlsop hehehe didn't hear this one in ages :)
aaaand rep-trained.
@Adnan again???? Sheesh
The reptrains jeff caught annoy me a bit
that guy has far too much rep
@RoryAlsop #5 in the SupperCollider.
@Adnan hahaha SupperCollider - I like that. It's like steak pie being fired around a large tunnel at CERN into a bangers and mash heading the other way
@RoryAlsop That's the kind of imagination I lack
@Adnan Once you've had as many food fights as us old timers, you will realise it isn't imagination, but memory :-)
@RoryAlsop You mean like actual fights with food? Throwing food at each others?
Also, #3
@RoryA As a Celtic band you guys should come play here. dublinirishfestival.org
@ScottPack yes. That is all
@Adnan yeah - you mean you haven't?
Parse error.
@RoryAlsop Never
@Adnan food in Scotland may be a better wwapon...
@RoryAlsop I can't imagine throwing haggis at people
@CodesInChaos I suspect you mean Atwood and not Ferland?
@CodesInChaos I didn't know how deep of a wound Ferland's move to FB left :)
@TildalWave hm?
@CodesInChaos Ferland is at Facebook now ... he quit Oracle ;)
seems to like low rep companies
@CodesInChaos I don't think he'd disagree
Remember that time @Jeff worked for a reputable company? Yeah, me neither.
00:00 - 16:0017:00 - 00:00

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