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@TildalWave I wasn't satisfied with any of the answers so I expanded: security.stackexchange.com/questions/3170/…
@evilsoup If the software is properly written and configured, then no, Google won't be able to read its contents and hence will not be able to cache it. I can't tell you whether the specific program you mention in your question is well-written or easy to use, that would require a security analysis which is far more than what you can expect from a Stack Exchange post (doing this in industry would typically run into ~10k$). — Gilles 7 mins ago
that's good enough for me, if you can expand that comment into an answer, perhaps with some information on what exactly 'properly written and configured' entails (so that I can put some questions to the forum software devs) then I would accept it. — evilsoup 1 min ago
@Gilles meh, all he needs is password protected access to it .... which seems to be your theme of the day :))
soup all
@D3C4FF morning! :)
How goes it? @TildalWave
@D3C4FF Fine, you? Here tho, seems @AviD was particularly enjoying himself today :)) (check the star wall)
@TildalWave Indeed. I hope someone films @AviD being kicked in the nuts by 15 different women!
@D3C4FF hehe that'd be nuts :)
xD Glorious transcript.
@TildalWave just fyi, he wasn't a real politician :P
@D3C4FF yeah I figured it's acted but after I posted here... there's more of those in there they're all pretty hilarious... I love that one with the oil tanker's front fell off ;))
@TildalWave "clarke and dawe" :)
@D3C4FF tho that ograsm video is real... you've seen it, right?
@TildalWave @AviDs one of him being kicked in the nuts? :P
@TildalWave Hahaha yeah, its real xD
@D3C4FF neah kicking in the nuts is clearly against the family friendly policy of DMZ :)
in more ways than one ;)
@TildalWave If i had a family i'd choose death for them over spending an hour in the DMZ
@D3C4FF I think @ScottPack would disagree, he's clearly found ways to enjoy having a family AND being here... where else could he share his findings on how water proof his children are, and till what depth can they be considered water resistant? :)
Tho I think his terminology is a bit off... most commonly, the question is at what age are they watertight ;)
@TildalWave After the age of 18 all bets are off :P
1 hour later…
@AviD Don't worry, that's about the most tragic scene for now, there is quite a drastic drop is death after that point.
Lifetime OWASP membership for $500. :O You get a metal membership card. That's kinda cool.
@TerryChia I do like OWASP....
@D3C4FF Wrt to your question, sounds like the kind of fun the people at Offensive Security do: offensive-security.com/offensive-security-solutions/…
@TerryChia Yeah, its not that its not an interesting/fun thing, i'm just a bit concerned about potential 'collateral damage' and since its something that i've not tried outside of my labs, i'm not sure what (if any) is the best approach
dude this is insane ^
No need for any weighing in. Just read the guy's comments.
A: Why store the password salt instead of generating it?

Charles AddisIt looks like you're talking most specifically about web applications [since your example code is in PHP]. Like the other poster said, taking the salt directly from the password itself poses an increased security risk when two users chose the same password. However, taking the salt from the Use...

> Using a random number generator, however, you run the chance of duplicate salts.
What shitty RNG is he using?
@TerryChia Read the line after to know it. He's thinking of hashing the timestamp
@Adnan His scheme isn't bad. It's just an overly complicated way of accomplishing something that can be solved by get_some_bytes_from_your_rng().
@Adnan If you read his comments a bit more carefully, you'll notice he's having a revelation moment here, figuring it out what salt is to the password hashing as he's typing it down... first by getting it wrong, then being corrected, then agreeing by not saying it so, and failing on some other point... ad nauseum
@TerryChia This is exactly why I didn't downvote his answer; it's not a bad answer. My problem is with his whole idea about security
I mean come on! Only script kiddies would pre-compute hashes?
@Adnan Yes. The real pros let someone else precompute them.
You can't seriously call yourself a pentester without pre-computing some rainbow tables for root, admin, and administrator before launching your attack.
Okay, that was probably an overstatement.
Morning @Lucas
> This is security by, well.., security.
@TildalWave I know! It made me laugh when I wrote it :D
@Adnan I can't even wrap my head around it, it's too early... but I like the sound of it.
@TildalWave Oh you've just reminded me of a club song I hate!
> Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
@TildalWave Psch. I've done 1,417.32 Ft climb. And instead of catching a freaking elevator. I actually climbed it ALL.
@Adnan that sounds so teenager-ish ... 1) something 2) who cares 3) but I love it
Took 10 hours up and down
@TildalWave and that's why some mixes of this song are heavily used in clubs.
That's a not even 1000Ft
@D3C4FF Oh man you know we have mountains also here ... but that's still kinda nuts, imagine the wind and all the movement of the construction with it, you don't see that on his helmet cam... and nothing much to hold on to, and no security line at all... dunno seems pretty bold to me
@D3C4FF What did you climb?
Woodside Omega Transmitter (station G, now Woodside VLF transmitter) near Woodside, Victoria, Australia uses an umbrella antenna carried by a high grounded lattice steel guyed mast. Unlike many of the other Omega Transmitters, Woodside is not a "hot tower," that is, one which is insulated from a ground connection by large ceramic insulators that support the entire weight of the structure. Rather, the tower is electrically insulated from the topmost guys which served as the radiators, similar to the metal radials of an umbrella without cloth covering. The mast simply supports the downw...
@TildalWave All we had was scaff hooks, same as that dude climbing, but we set up ropes to rappel down.
So it was 6 hours up, and 4 hours down...
@D3C4FF Damn! That's almost half a kilometre of that! That's awesome!!
@Adnan Yeah, fucking intense.
Oh, did i mention there was a storm rolling on by as well?
@D3C4FF I don't think you watched that video till the end... or at least till two thirds of it
@D3C4FF I always think about doing it. It's just there are really strict laws about that here.
@D3C4FF you would love some caves here ... well, syphons really, but some are over 1km straight down
@D3C4FF Did I already say that I hate you? Because I do now!
@TildalWave Better? 500m of nothing below :D
@D3C4FF Scratch that.. damn!
You got me really excited!
last one for ya @Adnan @TildalWave
@D3C4FF nice exposure :)
Nothing like a good view of the milky way ;)
@D3C4FF Where did you put the camera to make it so stead for the whole period?
@Adnan Pushed it over the balcony on the tripod, sat on the feet and hoped to god the quick release would hold :P
Anyway, plan is to learn base jumping, and save my self 4 hours of down climbing next time :P
@D3C4FF you did your landing training? you land pretty darn fast with base jumps and the spare shoot only
@TildalWave Never jumped out of anything ever :P
I'm sure i'll pick it up ^_^
Hearing people talk about awesome stuff, and I'm thinking...
@D3C4FF well I doubt you wanna learn by breaking every single bone of your body on your first jump, so you better take some courses and do a few normal jumps out of an airplane first
@Adnan You gotta get outside, and then masturbate ontop of a tower half a K up in the sky
I pee'd off the top of the tower :3
@TildalWave Its probably not a bad idea...
@TildalWave Wait, jumping out of an airplane is a normal jump? What's abnormal?
@TerryChia forgetting your parachute for one
@TildalWave You know when you're going down the stairs, and there are those last three ones, I jump them all at once. Does that count?
@Adnan Obviously not. Stop showing off until you jumped four at a time...
@TerryChia but but but.. I need more training!
@Adnan @TildalWave @TerryChia watch this trailer/movie :P Its awesome :D
especially the guy on the slackline, 'Sketchy Andy'
@D3C4FF Jesus! The guy who fell at the end!
@Adnan xD
@D3C4FF Oh yeah, and fuck me long-ass comment on your question, right?
@D3C4FF Holy shit.
This is what happens in Australia when people get bored in the city :P
@TerryChia Now i feel like going climbing again!!
Anyone a fan of Jimmy Eat World here?
@D3C4FF Since you know your way around these stuff, what is that technique you use when you jump from 1.5-3 meters and you break your fall so you don't break your foot?
I tried to Google but couldn't find anything useful.
@Adnan You take as much shock through your legs/lower body, store than energy in them as 'springs' and then leap forward converting the rest of the energy into forwards momentum which you use to roll diagonally across your back forward...
And practice.
From smaller heights. Cause otherwise you'll break the tiny bones in your feet
That's how i think of it anyway ...
@Adnan make sense?
@D3C4FF It does. I just thought that it had some kind of a name
"Parkour Roll"
@Adnan If you plan on trying it, i suggest starting on grass from like 20 cm high, and practicing rolls only on concrete (you'll know 100% when your doing it wrong as your back will be torn to shreds)
I did parkour for... 4-5 years?
But haven't done it in about 8 months since i started doing muay thai and climbing more often
@D3C4FF Oh no, I don't plan on doing parkour at all. Your video just reminded me that sometimes I'm in a situation where I need to jump a meter and something, and I want to minimize impact on my knees and ankles.
@D3C4FF but yeah, this video is very helpful. Thanks
@Adnan i wished i lived in Europe, it'd be heaps more fun there... super dense population. Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane all have really spaced out cities/suburbs
Makes doing all this kinda stuff quite hard
@D3C4FF That definitely doesn't apply here.
@Adnan which part?
@Adnan No i mean, its super dense or spaced out?
@D3C4FF Spaced out
@Adnan Yeah, so you should take advantage of your parkour-able city :D
@D3C4FF Damn! I think I'm a bit confused.. wait wait..
Spaced out does apply.
Oh, so its like Aus, where you can't readily jump between buildings?
@D3C4FF Exactly
@Adnan Ah :( Then you can feel my pain :P
@D3C4FF Just curious btw, what pen test company are you working for?
@TerryChia A small private firm, not Stratsec or something :)
@D3C4FF D3C4FF Security ltd.
But i don't want to associate this account with them in any way, cause i ask questions here which relate to engagements from time to time and it'd be bad for them to get linked back at any point
@LucasKauffman Oh shi-!
@D3C4FF Cool, understood. :)
2 hours later…
@Adnan Why does it not help the asker?
> If an attacker has the ability to add a self-signed certificate to your trusted store, the browser will verify that the fake website the attacker is using to attack you is in fact authentic. This has obvious security implications as you will have no ability to verify a website's authenticity through the SSL certificate.
I explained the risk of having the ability to add self-signed certs....
@TerryChia The key here is.. "by an attacker". The OP's question is about temporary development certs that he obviously trust (after all, he added them himself). If an attacker has enough access to install self-signed certs on your machine, then they have enough access to install a keylogger or, heck, a rootkit.
I took back the actual -1 because I think it was a rush judgement. Your answer is not useless, I apologize for the quick judgment.
But I still think it does not answer the question.
@Adnan @TerryChia i'm with Adnan on this one, it addresses the issue of self-signed certificates but it doesn't answer the question of the OP
@Adnan @D3C4FF Ok.. Then is there an actual security risk? I don't think so right?
@TerryChia yeah, and that's the question. Because the linked article says there is a risk. So he's confused ;)
@TerryChia I think I agree with this. I don't see any risk here. You created the cert, you added it.
@D3C4FF @Adnan Alright, I'll edit my answer a bit. There should be no risk unless you stupidly publish the root CA cert somewhere.
Now, there is and offshoot risk. Maybe they mean that if you're used to seeing your own self-signed certs then you want notice malicious ones. So it's sort of human-based attack multiplier (multiplier? I don't remember the actual word)
@Adnan What? 10x score bonus for an attacker if he finds random certs in your trusted root store? ;)
@AviD @RoryMcCune @D3C4FF Mobile Haswell parts: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/06/…
@TerryChia Well, like I said, offshoot.
I'm thinking the Haswell chips will make a Retina Macbook Air an actual possibility.
Yeah.. thanks to me!! :D
@Terry I'm famous now!!
@Adnan You aren't famous until you are a Thomas Pornin Certified™ French Speaker.
@TerryChia Does it count if I can make non-French speakers think I can speak French? (Only works on bimbos, though)
Hi @Adnan, I was simply commenting on your comment (I'm not the OP), there is nothing more to discuss really, other than repeating myself... You made the comment, "Educate your kids, befriend them, make sure they exercise self-judgment." In the real world, parents need to be proactive in regards to their kids "security" online.
No matter how educated your kids are (however old they are) it is not always sensible to allow them to "exercise self-judgment". To many parents that would be seen as simply a blasé, riling comment from a non or very naive parent. Kids are kids. However, I'm not suggesting "spying" either as the OP suggests - that is hardly "proactive".
@w3d Well, I can agree with you to some extent.
@w3d I'm probably a bit biased because whenever I think of parenting or growing up environment, I always think about my case.
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@TerryChia err.... i don't like this 'Anti-virus/anti-malware' on a chip business. Whats that about?
@D3C4FF You mean this?
I think that's just the requirements from Intel for what can be branded an Ultrabook.
@TerryChia Yeah, the Av/Am layer there, whats that all about then eh?
@D3C4FF "Ultrabook" is a specification from Intel. I think that's the minimum requirements for manufacturers to brand their notebooks an Ultrabook.
So I'm guessing all Haswell Ultrabooks must come with an AV.
@TerryChia Yeah i understand that, but how is AV/AM incorporated on the CPU?? Or is it just software as per usual
@D3C4FF No, it's not part of the CPU.
@D3C4FF Hi
@Terry Actually, what is a VPN concentrator? Is it like old-timey dial-up concentrators, but with VPN?
@TerryChia :|
From what I remember from my networking classes, they are basically dedicated machines to connect to using a VPN.
@TerryChia How is that different from dedicated VPN gateway? (a server only to provide VPN access)
“Using a random number generator, however, you run the chance of duplicate salts.” No you don't. If you get duplicate salts then either you aren't using a proper RNG, or your salt is too short, or your system has been running for a few billion years. “A way that is not easily replicated (by slicing it, shifting letters, replacing certain chars, etc)”… Words fail me. This isn't security, it's children playing with decoder rings. — Gilles 14 mins ago
too harsh?
@Adnan afaik, it means its a device dedicated for VPN connections...
the alternative being vpns from a firewall for example
@Adnan I think it's just terminology/marketing.
@TerryChia Probs :P
@Gilles Not at all. He's a grown up, he should be able to take it
well, not too harsh. Rude, maybe. But I don't want this guy anywhere near my security.
@Gilles Not rude either.
@Gilles Children playing with decoder rings. +1
@Gilles I know, I might be a bit biased here as well, but I still think it's not rude.
@Gilles Nope. On teh money. +1
@D3C4FF @Terry So it's basically just a box with nothing but VPN server. Stick a Cisco label on it and earn $$$?
Also, to everybody. Please please please, by now it's safe to assume that the regulars here: A- Are able to Google. B- Know that HTTP and FTP communicate in plaintext. C- Know that HTTPS on login only, isn't enough because the session data are transmitted in plaintext.
I know, this has nothing to do with current conversation, but sometimes it gets a bit frustrating around here.
@Adnan Yep. The idea being that if you buy a firewall, there's usually a limit of x (say 50) number of tunnels/connections you can have at once. If you buy a concentrator the limit should be xxx (say 500). Thats always been my understanding anyway.
@Adnan Referencing something in particular there?
@D3C4FF Not at all.
@Adnan Just checkin' i hadn't made some stupid totally wrong comment somewhere (It happens :P )
@D3C4FF No no no. It's just like if you said "can I use telnet to execute command x". Knowing you, it would be pretty silly to tell you "lol omgwtfbbq! don't use telnet you n00b, use SSH".
I mean, come on. If you guys here didn't already know tht telnet communicates in plaintext, who would know?
Speaking of n00by questions and/or answers. If I have admin access to my Windows machine, can I override certain group-policy settings set by the domain controller?
@Adnan Not easily
-it depends-
@D3C4FF On what?
How well they've locked down the machine. If they've restricted you from making GP changes
@D3C4FF It's my machine, I have admin access to it.
> If I have admin access to my Windows machine, can I override certain group-policy settings set by the domain controller?
@Adnan Yes
@Adnan The way i did back in the day when i wanted to change screensaver settings is described here: blogs.technet.com/b/markrussinovich/archive/2005/04/30/…
Reg hack it.
@Adnan Of course this assumes that you have the ability to access the registry.
@D3C4FF Already tried this. Changed the entry in the registry, rebooted, still the same. The entry is still changed, by the settings are still the Group Policy settings.
What setting are you trying to change?
@Adnan Is GP set to 'enforce'?
@D3C4FF I want to make Windows Update automatically download the updates but wait for confirmation to install. Currently, the Group Policy makes it download and install automatically.
@D3C4FF I don't know, I'm not the sysadmin, but I'd assume yes.
@Adnan 1) have you tried just changing it in gpedit.msc? 2) is it local machine policy or local user policy?
@D3C4FF 1) Yes, to no avail. 2) I believe LM.
@Adnan Do you have any simpler things to test with, like screensaver timeouts etc?
@D3C4FF Very few things are enforced by GP here. AFAIK, only Windows Updates and trusted certificates. I've already modified the trusted certificate settings and it successfully overridden the GP.
But the same isn't working with Windows Update
@Adnan Do you have WSUS in your environment?
@D3C4FF Yes
I guess I have no choice but to use KillPol.
@D3C4FF Thanks for the WSUS reminder! Turns out there's a separate registry key for that one, and KillPol found it. Although I've triggered a HackTool anti-virus alert, at least now I can modify the Windows Updates settings.
@ScottPack @AviD Pretty... interesting how the portrayed the Red Wedding in the latest GoT eh?
@TerryChia SHADDUP i havent seen it yet
@lynks Heh alright. Have you read the books though?
@TerryChia nope
It's waiting for me when I get home tonight
@lynks Alright, will not discuss it. :P
Well I wouldn't normally mind, but I heard someone saying they really envied anyone watching that episode who didn't know what to expect
And I was like...that can be me!
@lynks Well, I know what it will be about going in (having read the books) but actually seeing it happen still shocked me.
@TerryChia heh, interesting :P
Anyone knows any good resources, books or on the web, on the topic of fuzzing? It's a topic I will really like to explore.
Huh, interesting. It says here that both @AviD and @RoryAlsop has more than 500 edits. But only @RoryAlsop has the Copy Editor badge. Is the "post" that counts towards the Copy Editor limited to certain things?
@TerryChia You could have 10 edits at the same post, but it would only count as one towards the badge.
@Adnan Each individual edit counts on the security.stackexchange.com/users?tab=editors&filter=all page?
@TerryChia Let's test it.
@Terry I'll use your posts in addition to mine, alright?
Huh! No idea what is going on! The badge progress appears to be different form the one in the editors page which also different form the one on the user profiles under Revisions
@TerryChia Exactly.
@Adnan Similarly retags don't count either.
Q: Trust vs Reputaion

PHPstTwo frequent term in soft security are trust and reputation. Some authors try to make these two words distinct (see http://eprints.qut.edu.au/archive/00007280/01/7280.pdf as an example). After a months of studying, now I thing there are two interchangeable words. Is it true to you too? I think fo...

Yay - I got copy editor. Is that good, or does it just mean I am pedantic...? :-)
I would say Narq @lucas
@TerryChia Yeah, it was pretty well done. Fucking Freys.
@Terry Here's your Sec.SE profile in Lynx
@TerryChia I'm still shocked that Bolton has always been held in such high regard. Sure, I understand that they've been bannermen to the Starks for time immemorial, but their house sigil is a a crucified living man who's been skinned. Come on!
@Adnan reminds me of when I had to write cobol :(
@LucasKauffman I'm not sure which is worse, COBOL or Scheme.
@ScottPack COBOL is even older than @RoryAlsop
@ScottPack Meh, I have no problem with Roose. It's Ramsay that's fucking sick.
@LucasKauffman Luckily I never had to.
@Adnan Interesting...
Why are you using Lynx again?
@TerryChia Roose is your intelligent villain. He's definitely dark, but you can't prove whether or not he's actually evil. Ramsey on the other hand.... That dude is a goddamn psychopath.
@ScottPack I feel they overdid the torture scenes in the TV series though...
Even the books weren't so explicit about that...
@AviD, @Jefff, @Hendrik - agree on getting security tag blacklisted?
Q: We don't need the security tag

GillesThe tag security exists on the site. It should be an intrinsic tag (blacklisted, but treated as a site tag when evaluating incoming migrations). This is a developer-only action.

@TerryChia I disagree. In the books it was very clear that Theon suffered much more than he's been shown to on the show.
@TerryChia I also think they've done a great job of demonstrating what Theon's been going through. As a result we'll understand what happens later much more personally.
@TerryChia Stupid bet. I have to make some webpage that looks the same on a list of 12 browsers. One of them is Lynx.
So I just decided to go through Lynx to see how other websites show there
@Adnan Ouch. Did the bet specify the complexity of the webpage?
@TerryChia :(
@ScottPack Yeah, but the books didn't describe the torture scenes in detail.
But luckily, so far, I'm able to manage
@Adnan What are the 12 browsers?
@Adnan Who did you offend to get that task?
Isn't that a modern version of Dante's Inferno? Level 3: Cross browser compatibility including IE6!
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Opera
- IE
- Lynx
- Kindle
- Safari
- Mosaic
- Safari on iPad
- Konqueror
- Whatever XBOX uses
- Whatever PlayStation 3 uses
@Adnan Wait, how do you get a mobile browser to display a webpage exactly the same as a desktop browser...?
Mosaic? Somebody's not being serious!
@TerryChia Exactly doesn't mean 1:1
Safari, Chome and Opera (assuming it's the webkit version) should be pretty easy. And I always thought XBox uses IE.
Konqueror as well.
@Adnan Mosaic and Lynx? What type of userbase do these guys have?
@LucasKauffman It's a bet. I think it's supposed to be hard. :P
Can't you just submit <html><body><p>Hi!</p></body></html> then?
Or alternatively, <html></html>. Bet they can't render that differently!
@LucasKauffman I've claimed I was able to break one guy's web app in less than 10 minutes. I failed. Now I pay
@Adnan Lol, so you loosing the bet meant you had to write this site?
@D3C4FF I think I found another hardware porn for you: theverge.com/2013/6/4/4394294/…
You need that! :P
@D3C4FF The bet was they could ask me to do whatever they want. I've already ran naked in the street because of a previous bet, so they wanted something more challenging
@TerryChia Yeah i've already been salivating over that one... Tripple monitors set up in that chair from yesterday :D
31.5" is a bit on the big side though. I'd prefer the 4k in a 27" screen
@Adnan mmm maybe you just stop making bets
@LucasKauffman Or make bets that you win.
@TerryChia Didn't they? Did they only describe the aftermath?
@TerryChia Where's the fun in that?!
@ScottPack I only remember the part where Theon started to think of himself as Reek. I didn't remember any explicit torture scenes.
@LucasKauffman As long as things don't end up on YouTube, it's alright.
@TerryChia Ah. I still think that, because of the story telling differences between print and video, that showing the scenes as they did were much better. They've not really shown very much, but we'll definitely understand Theon's downward spiral.
@TerryChia In the novels it's easy to get inside someone's head and be shown the why and the how of their broken condition. It's much harder to do that visually without showing the breaking.
@ScottPack Fair point.
Throw this over to Crypto?
Yep. Done
@TerryChia The Wedding was about halfway through the 3rd book, yes?
@ScottPack Yup. I think so.
@TerryChia I'm very nearly finished with Wheel of Time (about 75% through book 12 of 14). I'm debating on what to start reading next.
You just know it's gonna happen sooner or later.
@TerryChia Does GG run a web browser?
@Adnan Don't think so. From what I have read about it it's a very barebones device pulling data from Google's servers.
@TerryChia Give me a web browser, and equip it with an easily-trainable brainwave sensor, and I'll buy it. Other than that, not my thing.
I'm sure most of the guys here aren't big fans either
@LucasKauffman Hehehehe... I laughed through almost all of it. Thanks for sharing
God the train is way better than sitting in traffic
Our Top 10 closing hammers.
@Adnan That's actually quite scary - makes me look like a bad guy :-/
@Adnan Woah, I actually VTC-ed that many times?
sec.se or crypto? I'm guesing sec.se
Q: What is the difference between SSL and X.509 Certificates?

vernomcrpI used openssl to create a X.509 certificate but I don't quite understand the relationship between a X.509 and a SSL certificate. Are they the same? Is a SSL certificate just a X.509 certificate that is used for SSL?

@TerryChia Not all of your VTC. The number of successful closures you were part of.
@Adnan Is that who was the last closer?
@Adnan I see.
@RoryAlsop Don't feel bad. We all know that we're just gang and you guys are the gang leaders.
@ScottPack Sec.se is more appropriate imo.
@TerryChia I thought so too. I'm a little wibbly sometimes with crypto.
@ScottPack I think crypto is for when you want to magicky crypto math to appear.
@TerryChia All the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Sure.
@ScottPack Another one I didn't get.
@Adnan I've got over 200 reviews in the close vote queueueueue, and I know I've close voted outside of that as well. So, granted, some of those will be Leave Open, some of those might not have gotten closed, but in any event it seems like I should have more.
Of course, I also flagged a fuckload for VtC before I hit 3k, and a fair number of questions I've closed were probably later deleted for cleanup.
4 mins ago, by Adnan
@TerryChia Not all of your VTC. The number of successful closures you were part of.
@Adnan Not including deleted questions I presume, aye?
@ScottPack I'm not entirely sure. You're able to see some privileged information in the Data Explorer, so I think you should be able to see delete stuff.
@TerryChia @LucasKauffman @RoryAlsop And the other 10k+ers. Anybody can give me a link to a delete question? Preferably older than 2 months.
@Adnan Hm. On my review stats I notice that 10 of the questions on the first page (out of 50) had been deleted.
That's one. A 10ker will have to see the question itself
Now we wait..
@Adnan For what?
@TerryChia Click here and give us the question's link
@Adnan There you go, question number 30134.
@ScottPack Deleted questions are not included
@Adnan Jerkfaces.
@Adnan Is count of close votes an accessible field in a user entry? Edits, flags, and votes are already in there.
Apparently not in the schema. Lame.
@ScottPack Yup, you have to "calculate" them yourself
I go back to my previous statement.
Chaps FWIW, I don't think this question should be closed just 'cause there is no perfect technical answer. — Rory McCune 5 hours ago
@RoryMcCune - I VTC-ed on grounds of ambiguity. The question is mixing monitoring and filtering in a way that spying and parenting don't.
That's a dupe
But where's the dupe?!?
@Parents here. I know, @RoryA, @AviD, @AndyMac, and others. Do you guys spy on your kids online?
@Adnan Not really, no. We do insist that when they are online on a PC, laptop or tablet that they do it in the front room, so they are aware we could look any time we wanted. And they know that they would be unlikely to successfully hide activity from me if I wanted to see it :-)
I focus much more on education
The war stories I give them are real...
@ScottPack Your own? You can see it under individual review type ("recent reviews") and it displays your number and the "leaderboard"
@RoryAlsop Sounds about right
@TildalWave Can you rephrase your question in the form of a question containing fewer pronouns and more context?
@ScottPack He's telling you how to view your own close vote count.
@Adnan I'm claiming that it's not a good measure since it won't account for VtCs that occur outside of the queue.
@ScottPack Didn't read all your conversation. I thought the question was where to see your VTC count?
@TildalWave I was wondering if there existed an attribute within the user object that contains that information that would be query-able in the database.
@ScottPack Oh yes that's true, dunno why it's so... I've been doing it a lot, opening the review queue and the voting on the link to the question/answer itself
@ScottPack Well it should be somewhere, they're building those stats on election candidates, so that data must come from somewhere
@ScottPack I think there should be a better way. Querying...
@TildalWave That's my feeling as well.
@ScottPack what the hell I'll have a look... I can spare 20 minutes
@TildalWave It doesn't appear to be in the user table schema.
@ScottPack might be is just missing from the list, I'll see if I can display the whole user table structure
@ScottPack :O
The only way to get close votes is by reading the closure comment and then parsing the text to extract user IDs :O
@Adnan That sounds a lot like work.
@Adnan Sucks
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