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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@JeffFerland feel free to add sorting: pastebin.com/QM94zrTr :P
Is the first character after all occurances of x printable? Is the first character before x printable?
hello @JeffFerland
Okay, I have a hit!
Line: 15 Col: 41 ã?VTe*ã
and hello to the rest of the crew.
Line number includes the new lines between the actual lines of text
@Saladin Hello.
@Adnan what do you mean by 'hit'?
oh wait i gotcha
@lynks @JeffFerland come on people! We need to do this!
@Saladin Wanna help us with a game we're playing?
@Adnan the only other 'close' pair of those chars, is near the end: ãÀì.ã
lol thanks @Adnan for the invite but i'm afraid that i won't have much time ..
i'm here for a certain question..
@lynks Was it wrong to assume that the password is typed with an English keyboard?
@Saladin Ask
ok good
@Adnan it might be, given that he says in one of my comments that he 'just used two blocks from the text' (in answer to me saying the password had to be indistinguishable from the background)
provided that each one of u e.g 10 million dollars in budget to buy / invest in any given commercial / vendor based security technology? what would u choose for (like any hot favorites)..
@Adnan but then he refers to them as 'pasted pieces' so it could be either
@Saladin That's way too ambiguous, even for chat.
yeah but @Iszi i can make it more specific
@Saladin you can give it to my company if you like, we're really good at stuff.
how about in security intelligence and monitoring field
@lynks Jesus! Just an hour ago you said you hated your job
@Adnan other company, i run my own, but i have to do a 9-5 shit job because my company isnt profitable :'(
@Saladin If you're asking whether this will be a good question for the site then the answer is, at any level of detail, no. We could discuss it here with more information.
Particularly, what security objectives are we hoping to accomplish within that budget?
@Saladin Simple. I'll put all the money in a high-interest bank account. Buy a nice car that is suitable for long-distance travel. Quite my job, take an international debit card with me, and travel around the world.
@AntonyVennard O'Rly
@Saladin I'd buy a drone with missiles.
And an anti-GPS hacking force field.
@Saladin Invest like buy stock or invest like utilize?
@lynks Soooo, we've given up on the password thing?
@Adnan im still looking over it, im going with the thinking that his delimiter will be something he can spot easily
@Adnan and that the closing delimiter might not related to the opening delimiter
@lynks That rule I'm almost certain of
@lynks So we can concentrate on the characters with 1 or 2 frequency?
57 characters, shouldn't be difficult
@Saladin @JeffFerland If it's invest like stocks, probably some sort of surveillance technology. There's a ton of government demand, and it's not going to go away anytime soon.
@JeffFerland I've written an answer, the right sort of answer: one that the OP will dislike. I am not interested enough to pursue that subject.
@lynks Why only the 2s?
nice answers sorry i couldn't reply fast i got dc.
@Adnan im just looking into them, i have a sort of lead...
but i was talking from organization point of view ...
possibly too long
other areas for the question may apply like code testing tools or something like fire-eye for 0-day defense technology
@lynks I'm pretty sure your frequency analysis is wrong.
It says that ) exists 2 times, while it's actually 4
Wá@ûÀSGâœ9u-Êwª(BÜÅ3mâ̛YÑ W%Ë@uf„á1xã?VTe*ã»]µªëÑ
@Adnan hmm yes youre right...i broke something
@lynks What about it?
@Adnan yeah i read it as ASCII whereas it is saved as UTF-8 :(
@Adnan nevermind, i think those are way too long
¢Ì›YÑ á~N‘~¥¼ªž
just some examples of potential delimiters
@Adnan are we beaten?
@lynks Let me tell you a story.
@Adnan is it the one about where babies come from?
or the one about how you got the 'fanatic' badge on SO? :P
Found it!
@Adnan LIES
gogo post it :P
btw the 'innefective sorts' xkcd is hilarious, i laughed out loud at each one
At least I think I did
Oh wait, probably not
Anyway, this string Wá@ûÀSGâœ9u-Êwª(BÜÅ3mâ̛YÑ is repeated twice.
@Adnan what now?
i dont see it :(
Now to the story
When I was 6 I used to like a specific type of candy. My mother used to buy them in 12-piece sets, they were cheaper.
She'd hide the box somewhere in the house and give me one each day, I always managed to find it.
One day I told her to stop hiding the it because I'll always find it. Next day she challenged me to find the box, and she said if I don't find the box she'll never buy me the same candy ever.
For one week I wasn't able to find it, the I realized, there's no box.
I asked my father for money, I bought a box of candy and showed it to my mom.
In your face, old and very nice lady!
@Adnan the story would be cooler if it was a spoon instead of a box
are you saying there is not password?
he could have just (done it properly and) generated some random characters, and then chosen his delimiters to remember...
@Adnan right i gotta head home, good luck :P
@lynks See ya :)
Could I bug someone that's done a lot of error reporting to check if the one attached to my response serves its purpose properly, or should I include something else?
A: Not able to cache the main_frame requests

TildalWaveYou're missing some sort of cache validation in your response headers. ETag header can be used to control that, by adding values to it that would identify a unique response. You can read a bit about it in the Apache ETag documentation, but I'd simply include ETag: [filename] in your response head...

@RoryMcCune ok ok, last time, promise ;)
@Adnan - my avatar isn't scary. It's just a photo of me. . . In my stage gear.
@RoryAlsop evenin' R.
Evening. Just been meeting my new team. In a quick meet and greet before Monday
BTW had a "fun" time on the A71 this morning. they'd closed it for an accident and diverted all the traffic down a tiny backroad. when it was HGV's going one way and buses the other it was more than a little dicey!
@RoryAlsop coolio how many do you have so far in the team?
Yes- I heard it was a bit mental
@RoryAlsop "quick meet and greet" meaning "only two pints per person" ?
@RoryAlsop i was right behind an hgv how he got past I'm still not sure, I came about 2" from losing a wing mirror a couple of times..
We could have continued in the bar, but as I have a poorly wife I thought I probably shouldn't:)
@rory - amusingly, until I get new hires, I have pat moran, steve Harrison and another ey person seconded into the team
@RoryAlsop Lol and now you're the client, you'll just need to make sure they keep themselves in-line :)
Heh - yes
Argh. Why is it when I want something, she's all "Let's sit down and do the budget first." but when she wants something the only valid answer is "Yes, go ahead and get it right now."?
@RoryAlsop so are you based at Gogarburn?
That's the core of marriage, I think @iszi
Will be, yes @rory
@RoryAlsop Heh. How does it feel, pinging yourself there?
@RoryAlsop nice.
I am on my phone so no pinging at all:)
I need to refresh to get updates too
how abbreviated can you go with pinging? so does @r do everyone starting in r?
@RoryAlsop Ew. What kind of phone is that? Mine doesn't need a refresh.
@RoryMcCune I think four characters is the minimum.
@Iszi yeah the one definitely didn't do anything...
I bought a book from an online library a while ago, I haven't subscribed to any of their mailing lists and I'm sure I unchecked the "send me updates" option like I always do.
They've been spamming me with ads for about a month, I sent them an email about 2 weeks ago and asked them to stop spamming me, they haven't replied. I'm gonna send them another email but I'm not sure whether I should imply a legal threat or not. What do you guys think?
@Adnan TBH if they're scummy it won't help unless they're provably in a country with strong privacy laws. I usually just block them and move on :)
@RoryMcCune They're a Finnish company, so I'm pretty sure I can twist their hand with the legal implications. But I don't want to seem aggressive
Q: Brute Forcing Domain Controller

h8aI have a MS-Server2K3 domain controller that also serves as a Exchange server. Due to recent network speed loss and issues I began looking at event logs and noticed an exceptionally large number of faulure audits wich is an obvious dictionary attack with it cycling through users in alphabetical o...

that compromised domain controler
@Adnan If they're a genuine company, you could try contacting their ISP if they're hosted by them. Unsolicited email originating from their servers or going through their infrastructure they won't be too happy about. However, if they're just providing the transit to the company's site, likely as not the ISP won't care.
@Adnan thing is they may not be reading the mails. You could try polite requests via social media (twitter/facebook) as they'll likely be reading that...
@iszi - so far it has done this on Android and iPhone, so I'm guessing I'm using the wrong version of chat. Think I just log in to the desktop URL
However, as the non-ambiguous @RoryMcCune says, if they're Really The Bad Guys (tm) they won't care either way whatever you do.
@AntonyVennard They're a nation-wide library (Suomalainen Kirjakauppa, The Finnish Library), so it's pretty strange to me.
@RoryMcCune Very possible, I'll try that. Thank you
@Adnan Probably ISP transit direct to them then. Go with @RoryM's suggestion :)
@Adnan They are either knowingly spamming you against your explicit will, or they are so thoroughly incompetent that they don't know how not to spam you. Either way, they will spam you again and again.
Don't talk legal if that's only a bluff; if you want to threaten, be prepared to follow up and indeed sue them into oblivion.
@ThomasPornin I guess you're right. I'm not really looking forward to actually suing them. I'll wait for a reply on Facebook/Twitter, if nothing happened I'll just do as Rory said, block them and forget about it.
@LucasKauffman On a different topic, now I have 2k rep.
@Adnan So you can know edit questions and answers.
Get your keyboard ready; in just 500 edits you'll have a gold badge.
(note: retagging does not count for that)
@ThomasPornin I already have it in SO (I have more of a moderating presence there), I wasn't satisfied with it once I got it. So I'm not aiming for it here.
I guess I'll try to hit 3k so I can cast close/open votes.
@ThomasPornin you can do that with <2k rep. Suggested edits do count
I think that technically you can have the Copy Editor badge with 1 rep even without giving out bounties, if all the posts you edited get deleted
That sounds so highly improbable that one of us might actually try achieving it
@ThomasPornin w000t, what a nice surprise! That was very sweet of you.
But I'm still not going to sleep with you.
actually, as far as the experiment goes - what I found interesting was that as soon as my answer passed @Jeff's (which took a pretty long time), it started grabbing some extra upvotes pretty quickly, even before your edit experiment.
@TerryChia AND past rook in the global charts :D
@JeffFerland whats the matter, you oversleep....?
@AviD Why not?! We're all waiting for that to happen
@ThomasPornin It's not necessarily a youth thing.
When I was 18, 6 hours of sleep a day was enough for me. As long as I got 12 at night.
@Adnan again, not an age thing... I have about a decade on you, and during that time it's gotten steadily worse. Partly being nocturnal, partly being work pressure, partly being working in NY time zone even though I was 7 zones away...
Now it's starting to catch up on me, the long term memory is going too (short term was always a problem for me). I see answers I've written a couple years ago, and don't even remember knowing that stuff.
@Iszi yeah, that's pretty much me. I do get to take naps during the day, once in a while, and sometimes I crash when I put the kids to sleep - so that is either a 2-3 hour nap in the evening, or a straight 11-13 hours sleep till morning.
@lynks why doncha talk to @Poly, I'm sure his new place is usually hiring. Who knows, maybe he'll get a bonus for bringing you in...
@ScottPack @Iszi I would love to hear that story...
@TerryChia Just for that, @Tyrion was always one of my favorite characters.
@ScottPack he wasnt till now? Dang, he might get almost as bad as my daughters.
@AviD Later on he's not only whiney but also privileged.
@ScottPack well he was already the king, last episode...
How far along are you?
This is just sad. Look at the views and the votes.
Q: How to enable either Gzip or Deflate compression via .htaccess?

purplerHow to enable either Gzip or Deflate compression via .htaccess and which one is best these days? Code examples needed.

And time to go. Gentlemen.
@ScottPack up to date, I think it was season 2?
He became king toward the end of season 1
@ScottPack Voted appropriately.
Ahh - that's better. Am on nexus now
@RoryAlsop are you going to run for mod on travel?
@Gilles - I am toying with the idea, but the pro-tems have done a good job so far...
@RoryAlsop still, you really do deserve it - you'd be a triple-crowner.
@AviD bah, everyone's done that
hmm. @Rory I guess you need to go for Musical Practice and Performance and Parenting, too. @Gilles everybody done that?
@AviD quadruple mod? I think only two
@Gilles that would make it 5.
really? who? which sites?
not counting SE staff, of course.
Anna Lear was a mod on Progse, Lit, SO and MSO
ChrisF is a mod on DIY, Progse, Webapps, SO and MSO
MSO is kinda cheating because it comes automatically with SO
so that would make ChrisF the only genuine 4some so far, I think
@Gilles does it still? I thought they changed that a while back.
@AviD No, it still does
it makes sense because MSO is SO's meta
@Gilles yes, but its also SE meta, and its own site.
the early SU mods were also MSO mods, but that stopped a long time ago
only meta with its own rep...
Heh, Chris does a good job- dunno if I need to compete: P
A: A place to rent hmmm... a killer whale submarine!

TildalWaveThe watercraft's official name is Seabreacher Y and is made by Innespace. Sadly, no company is renting these crafts yet, but that is hopefully subject to change soon: Can I rent one? Not at this stage, but many of our customers have expressed interest in starting Seabreacher rental o...

I found what I'd like for my b-day :)
@Gilles and @avid - yep. Running.
@RoryAlsop awesome. Good luck, and make sure it doesnt take any time away from sec.se ;-)
btw, dont know how often it occurs, but there is definitely some site conflicts, at least around middle east issues.... :D
Heh. They are still a well behaved site in general, but yes I have seen a few issues
@TildalWave that is definitely quite cool.
Also like the Dream Theater -esque music in the youtube vid...
Ooh - which one? We have a few...
We have a YouTube channel:-)
@RoryAlsop first time I went to the site, because one of the protems asked me to take a look at some of the fighting, and give him some objective perspective...
@RoryAlsop oh sorry, that was for @TildalWave's whale.
Dammit - thought I had a new fan :-)
@RoryAlsop you have Theater-esque songs?? Ooh, which ones?
@RoryAlsop ya know what - I'll load up your youtube channel instead of radio next workday... :)
I think only two of our songs are actually in that kind of space. Can't believe I didn't take a signed copy of our album out with me...
haha, next time
TIL something about Linux: you can read the code of an executable with permissions --x--x--x
in a way, it's obvious in retrospect. But I hadn't realized it was possible!
Q: How can I analyse an executable with no read permission?

samuiraiI have a binary on a Linux (Kernel 2.6) which I can execute, but can't read (chmod 0711). Therefore no static analysis is possible. user1: $ ls -l bin -r-s--x--- user2 user1 bin user1: $ file bin setuid executable, regular file, no read permission I'm looking for different dynamic techniques ...

(unless you're committed to RE.SE you'll have to wait until the end of the private beta to read that)
I'm still not convinced that ReverseEngineering.SE needs to exist separately from SO and Sec.SE, but that question was definitely useful to me
@RoryAlsop I'd be very much interested to hear your band, if you could provide a link please ;) I used to play guitars and brass in a few ... hmmm.... heavy-ish rock bands with a twist? not sure how we'd call that... how does one call a mix between Primus and Polka/Jazz/Funk/General fun?
BTW what do you play? Are you a lead singer?
@RoryAlsop Bow down to the new messiah, step back cuz you know we'll reign! ggghhhhzzzz, gggghhhzzzz,.... nice :) love the costumes
hehe,... Deep Purple, The Cream,... 'finishing touches' LOL yeah we were hitting it in a similar fashion. Not as good as you, but yeah... frack the system
@Gilles I cannot read the message (not committed) but I suppose you can force some mprotect() calls with ptrace() (it's just a matter of fiddling with registers and the stack, which is readable) to make the pages readable again. Also, on 32-bit x86 without the NX bit, the MMU does not distinguish between "readable" and "executable", so direct memory reading with ptrace() ought to work (at least, it did ten years ago).
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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