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@Adnan Can I get an upgrade on god? I think the specs you are offering might be outdated in a few years.
"a being with these specs" I should get a way from computers for some time
evidence is bounded by human limitations? like we cannot ignore existence of extraterrestrial life to other solar systems and far flung glaxies just because we cannot travel at the speed of light, required to reach so far in space
@Adnan <3
@TerryChia I'd like a god with some good RAM.
@Adnan I've heard @ScottPack likes a good RAM.
does anyone in here like chuk noriss?
@Adnan Atheism tends towards the outright rejection of belief in deities. I take the stance that, by definition, deities exist outside of natural world and are therefore unprovable.
@Adnan Augustine of Hippo would explain you that this will be fruitless.
@JeffFerland Who doesn't?
anyone seen his latest picture......
There are good theological reasons why the existence of God cannot be proven.
@Adnan Truth be told, I also have no reason to believe in the supernatural. I think that takes us to the same point albeit from slightly different directions.
And the scientific point of view agrees: "God" is not in scope, and thus cannot be proven existent or inexistent.
This would make you a "proto-agnostic"
The agnostic believes that metaphysical questions cannot be answered.
There is also the fun discussion about when to use agnostic and when to use atheist
@CodesInChaos I usually go with 'antitheist'
The only thing an agnostic believes is that belief does not exist.
@ScottPack And that's what makes us good at RAMing
@Adnan You're making a Chasing Amy reference aren't you?
Whereas an atheist is all about believing, and, in particular, believing in the non-existence of any deity.
@ThomasPornin That's more or less my standing
It's obviously impossible to prove the absence of god(at least for some definitions), but I still call my self an atheist
@Adnan So, proto-agnostic. You don't try to answer the question of the believability of God.
@ThomasPornin Because I see it's pointless to try to answer it scientifically.
@ScottPack I don't know what's that
@CodesInChaos I also lean towards that.
Chasing Amy is a 1997 American romantic comedy film written and directed by Kevin Smith. The central tension revolves around sexuality, sexual history, and evolving friendships. It is the third film in Smith's View Askewniverse series. The film contains explicit sexual dialogue, and was originally inspired by a brief scene from an early movie by a friend of Smith's. In Guinevere Turner's Go Fish, one of the lesbian characters imagines her friends passing judgment on her for "selling out" by sleeping with a man. Kevin Smith was dating star Joey Lauren Adams at the time he was writing the ...
@Adnan Specifically the fact that she was nicknamed "Finger Cuffs"
I mean if someone came to you and told you: "There's big dinosaur in a far galaxy that can't be observed by telescopes"
Wouldn't be ridiculous to take him seriously, even a little.
for me the biggest limitation or human hurdle is 'TIME' we as humans has no control over it. Like the fastest supercomputer in the world with brightest , smartest and optimized algo can sketch for a person life in what events he or he may not encounter in the next 24 hours.
@asadz No, and as you can probably see, noone is interested.
@ThomasPornin What's the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy entry on God?
who controls time?
@Adnan interested in what?
@asadz Norris' picture
ok im boring:(
sorry @Adnan
@ScottPack yay View Askew movies :)
@JeffFerland youtube is kinda blocked in my country
i have to tor this link
@RoryMcCune I need to watch Chasing Amy again. It's been about 15 years.
@asadz Iran?
@Adnan iran lol
why iran would block youtube ....
@ScottPack Should I?
@ScottPack yup that's it, cheers! now who said you can't argue rationally about the existence or nonexistence of God? :))
@ScottPack yeah I have all of them on DVD (apart from Zack and Miri), need to back through the lot...
@RoryMcCune Even Clerks 2? Ugh.
@RoryMcCune That one had a few moments, but I found it all together pretty terrible.
@asadz Pakistan?
@ScottPack yeah come it's completist + does have some good scenes
also I believe there is going to be a clerks 3
interesting @Adnan profiling is quiet a art ; you could work in FBI
like really lol
@ScottPack I didn't really like Zack and Miri too much..
@RoryMcCune I haven't seen it
scott do you like women? in heels
like high heels
or flats..
or there is a third options? platform shoes
@ScottPack ah thought that was what the second comment referred to.. I wouldn't go out of your way for it... Clerks+mallrats+chasing amy+dogma are all good in my book
@asadz It's easy.
@RoryMcCune Ah, it's also new. I haven't seen many movies lately. Is it anything like Zak and Sara?
@ScottPack dunno what's dat?
@RoryMcCune Those are definitely my favorites. Dogma is a good fun romp. I mean. Come on. Alan Rickman. What's not to like?
for (int i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {
  if (countries[i].isBlocking('Youtube') && countries[i].names.isPopular('Asad')) {
        return countries[i];
@Adnan you can drop my your CV anytime
@RoryMcCune A Ben Folds song off Rockin the Suburbs.
hmmmmm nice correlation lol
@ScottPack indeed Alan Rickman + salma Hayek + Jay & Silent bob, gotta be good!
@Adnan You're missing a return value :P
@RoryMcCune Best line in the whole movie. "But I'm a fuckin' demon."
@TildalWave Fixed.
@Adnan you can come to my place whenever you visit my country.
@TildalWave Damn it! No no, not fixed. This will stop only after the first mach. I probably should put them in a list and return after the loop is over.
@Adnan I'm pretty sure even asadz can only be at one place at the same time, like most of us
@asadz I doubt that will ever happen, but thanks for the nice invite.
@TildalWave Read it again. Realize your mistake. Feel bad.
wow @Adnan racist lol
why hate on a country?
@Adnan i.e. you should fix your conditional clause rather than list all semi-relevant results
@asadz The most abused word.
and most relevant too lol
@asadz Youtube is kinda blocked in Germany as well, not that video though
@TildalWave How?! We only have two information about his country. 1- Blocking Youtube, 2- The name asad is popular.
@CodesInChaos Something about a French holiday in the late 30s and early 40s?
@CodesInChaos What?! Really?
youtube is blocked in Germany but countries block sites for different reaons
like the censorship policy is not unconfirmed across all countries.
@Adnan Youtube blocks many videos with music in Germany due to licensing disagreements. So technicall it's not youtube that's blocked, but youtube that's blocking.
youtube is blocked in Germany but countries block sites for different reaons
@Adnan and there's recent activity originating from one of that country's IPs linked to this chat here, or Sec.SE in general?
@CodesInChaos Oh, that's what you mean. Then Youtube blocks videos from Germany, not the German government blocking videos from the people.
not unconfirmed but unformed * sorry for typo
i hate my dell n5110 laptop the keys are messsy and super fast
@TildalWave But I can't determine his IP!
The funniest part about these blocks is that everybody involved claims that they're against the blocks
@Adnan wait
@asadz hey asadz, have you seen my new page? tildalwave.com
i like americans strategy they don't block anything but they FILTER everything instead:)
@TildalWave No, you wait.
1 from Canada...
@TildalWave That's me.
If you want to do that, just include an image link here.
@TildalWave No, what you want to do is hotlink an image in here.
Good man.
@TildalWave hmmm nice
@TildalWave hahaha.
i should not be locking on this link
@ThomasPornin I didn't doubt... problem is my city tracking is wrong, you're not in Toronto, are you?
but thanks :)
dammit, don';t remember the syntax
but that's the idea
1 from Singapore
@TildalWave This came up when I googled
i like this better 'what is my ip'
@asadz, this is you
google does it all for you
No, I am not in Toronto, but I use my phone presently.
@TildalWave that would be me.
hmmm @Adnan close lol
You all are really not making my life any easier LOL
@TerryChia Your IP comes back to a Pakistani registrar?
Can you please stop clicking on my honeypot?
The bear is excused
@TildalWave Here you go pastebin.com/X19eTUxd
thanks god i never clicked it
@TildalWave It's cool. Mine should be trivially easy.
instead i googled it:)
@ScottPack huh?
ok i have an idea how to get all of your IPs lol
ah shoot i'm not tracking images with my current log format
1 min
@TerryChia The IP that @TildalWave posted. It's allocated to Pakistan Telecommuication company limited.
Somebody from the UK hasn't updated his Firefox!
@TildalWave Already given you the list pastebin.com/X19eTUxd
@ScottPack He didn't post any IPs. That would be @Adnan. I said the guy from Singapore was me. :)
@TerryChia Bugger.
@Adnan yeah I saw
talking about singapore my guys are going there on 23 this week
@Adnan now use it in your code lol
they all want to get a massage lol
like i said DON't coz some massage can paralyze you
like I'm scared of getting A massage
they all want to get a massage lol
@TerryChia I think I'm
you think lol
@TildalWave Shiiit! I haven't realized that the hostname is awfully pinpointing!
Damn @ThomasPornin. Stole 15 rep from me. :(
you think lol
thats such a BIG revelation :)
let me bookmark this app
@Adnan It can be, yeah.
@ScottPack In my case it's the country, city, and the building where I am right now
@Adnan or it can be wrong, has me as being in London when I'm not...
@Adnan Mine only gets as far as the closest metro area, which is somewhat far away.
@RoryMcCune So it's just a bad-luck brian in my case
@Adnan My cities database is probably quite a bit off, but the countries are pretty good... should be compared with TLD just in case, tho
@RoryMcCune Much like me, it gets you to the closest metro area.
@ScottPack ooh is that good snark...?
and IP address is just an address at the end of day.
I guess I'll add chat.stackexchange.com to my Tor foxyproxy list
@RoryMcCune Mebbe
@RoryMcCune yes... like I said, the cities part needs updating but I don't really have any need for it, so... a week saved ;)
@TildalWave Yeah, there are lots of entries with no city. Some of which are painfully obvious from whois data.
@ScottPack well suggesting to a scotsman that the nearest metro area is London, could be considered a deathly insult :op
@RoryMcCune Couldn't be any worse than the time I spoke without thinking and used the phrase, "English Empire" to a Scotsman.
@RoryMcCune I thought most things can be considered a deathly insult to a scotsman.
@TildalWave, ahh! You posted the file publicly and without expiration :|
I think being a MOD you can always locate anyone (e.g IP address)
@ScottPack that's just rDNS lookup, no whois there
@ScottPack ooh nasty
@TerryChia Including "scotsman".
those scripts are most friendly to SE mods
@RoryMcCune In my defense, that was the term used throughout school.
@Adnan just hit "report abuse" ;)
@TerryChia well possibly but implying that scots people are in England is usually considered one of the worst...
@ScottPack yeah it's not uncommon outside the UK..
Q: How to go about firing a family member...?

KolinkTo cut a long story short, my company is set up like this: 51% is mine, the programmer 39% is my wife's, the artist 10% is my father's, who helped set up the company However, my wife has only been a burden lately. As far as our relationship goes, I am extremely passive and she is very much the...

Nasty business.
@asadz You don't need to be a mod to figure out an IP address in this chat
just post an image, and you get the IP of everybody who viewed it
yeah thats right but mod have got that privilege?
@CodesInChaos s/in this chat/on the internet
@TerryChia Usually only the server knows.
But here users can embed images from their own servers
Ah true, the embed part.
should i click/?
@asadz No, not necessary.
@asadz Doesn't matter, his got your IP already.
@asadz you don't need to, already recorded your IP
@ThomasPornin Just while I was configuring adblockplus to block cross-domain images on chat.stackexchange.com
like this is unfair i don't even hover my mouse over it
@asadz Your browser is nice enough to download it for you
does his code detects my eye movement? like image processing lol
@asadz There is no fairness in the Internet. Only technology and people.
@asadz There was somebody who went a bit off the deep end about this some months ago. It is, for better or worse, the way the Internet works.
so its just the IP.
good old ip address hm
@AviD You might find this amusing. If put next to some previous statements regarding your experience with firewalls
i think any idea of anonymity an internet user had google just killed it already.
@asadz Incorrect. You can still be fairly anonymous on the Internet. To me, the cost out weighs the benefits, that's why I don't bother working on it.
@asadz If you saw the picture, then the picture is already in your computer, which means that the data has already been fetched from my server. Irrespective of the movements or even existence of your mouse.
@ScottPack LOL @ 'painfully obvious'... you probably meant ...carolina.res.rr.com;United States;West Virginia;Clarksburg;? :)))
@ThomasPornin What if it is a simple field mouse? Surely those cannot fetch images so quickly.
@TildalWave That's one, though I'm surprised it came back as Clarksburg. That is more likely allocated out of the Raleigh office.
@lynks Looking through PHP's source for you..
Windows users, help! How can I get a window that is outside my screen?
@Adnan Win+M ?
I think that maximizes
@ScottPack I had 3 screens, the main in the middle, and one on each side. I returned the one on the right, and now every application I used to use on the right side now disappears from the screen.
Also, that didn't work
@Adnan nice
I miss XP! Right click on the taskbar, then move
The first time you launch Juniper's NSM it does that.
@ScottPack (Sigh) I feel stupid. I asked a colleague for his monitor, I connected it, dragged the window from the new monitor and disconnected it.
rightclick on the taskbar entry, choose move, and then hit an arrow key
the window will jump to the mouse
on Win7 you need shift+rightclick
@Adnan fair anonymity is strictly relative so doesn't count for anything for me
Well. Nothing quite like running a 60 minute pcap replay to institue a break for lunch
@ThomasPornin thanks for explanation
and sorry for late compliments i was away
@ScottPack So is that your version of this?
anybody home?
@Adnan change your screen resolution, that should stack them back on your desktop monitor. There are probably other ways but that works fine for me.
I Think @Adnan is away.
@asadz either that or he managed to get this chat on the other now disconnected monitor as well LOL
but laptop makes typing easy
@TildalWave If the monitor is disconnected previously, how did he get the chat there? :P
in my office i got dual monitors
i view chat on my SG3 sometimes
i give dedicated presence to SE on one mointor.
@TerryChia sticky notes? :P
should i get a fan award for this; i bet i should
stupid compute
kicked me out
Ah, I have positive rep for the week again.
But the question and answers are a mess. Why add a bounty?
@this.josh Because he can.
For large values of 0
He is performing an experiment. As for why, I dare not question the motives of The Bear.
Alright, it's bedtime. Don't spam too much or I'll have to crawl through the transcript again. :(
Question everything, until you get kicked out
@ScottPack can't say I've ever bothered to try doing it any other way.
@Iszi You know what that is? Lame.
@ThomasPornin your experiment is regarding what happens to rep train questions if they're left unprotected VS protected but well buttered?
@Adnan knock knock?
@ScottPack Just because I try to use Excel as a database doesn't mean I try to make it do everything for me. If I could do that, I wouldn't need a wife.
My answer: not very accurate, it takes 557.8445600081177067478437341451 years to iterate through all the possible keys at 1000 guesses per second, not 550 years LOL
...actually, some of these would be leap years... so roughly 557.46273621618881030243111009709 years
And I have my pocket calculator to prove it!
pockets computer can handle such large values?
I enjoy multivariable experiments.
@this.josh Good !
Is it just me or is it nigh impossible to do a reply in chat on phone?
boolean !(Bad)
Or even to star anything, for that matter.
@Iszi how about the left drop-down menu?
@Iszi i can do this
i do this with samsung glaxy
Urgh. Or edit anything other than your most recent message.
i do it all through my phone
quick sanity check
security.stackexchange.com/questions/32863/… is off topic since it is really just asking for a Chat server that supports encryption right?
@asadz Are you using the mobile version of the website, or the desktop version?
@Iszi first i have downloaded this app SE anywhere its from google play store
@Iszi - wait, there's a way to use chat on the mobile version
from their i simply right click 'view on web'
it takes me to the web version of SE
@Iszi Droidstack for Android has chat support also but I didn't try it yet
@tildalwave - downloading now
from there i have to change context to desktop mode and then i click on CHAT
@asadz I have a Windows phone.
I think the mobile version of the page has better chat support than Droidstack.
@Iszi - well there's your first problem ;)
have u tried opening the web-page from ur mobile?
note, I say this as a man who makes his living writing code for ASP.Net in C#
Could swap to desktop mode if I wanted, but kinda rather not.
@Iszi The mobile version of the page doesn't have any of those fancy buttons that are reasonable at all to reach. You can star a message that someone else has already starred, though.
@ScottPack is right it lot of messy and the screen chat screen never gets adjusted to your mobile fone graphics , its just hazy
but thats just the chat ; answer to OP questions works easy as well commenting
wait let me try if i can get a screen shot
Chat screen looks fine to me, but a lot of features are definitely harder, if not impossible, to get to. Heading back to the office now though.

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