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ahh, Spring Break.
Excellent movie. By which I mean, incredibly crap movie but with boobies.
@TerryChia So the scan i used above is wrong?
@AviD lulz
@D3C4FF The --packet-trace option simply shows what packets are being sent and received by nmap. So you will have to use it with one of the various flags. Then just trace through the packets to determine if nmap's information is reliable. It is a lot of work and requires a lot of networking knowledge though,
Oh yeah, no i get that. There's very little information on that site to go on though so even with all the packets being displayed, it only takes a few minutes to look at.
@D3C4FF Well, not sure what else you can do to fingerprint it. :(
Its alright. Its a pretty hardened box so there's not much being given away...
Web-apps round two
10:30am == 3:30am == I want to sleep :(
@JeffFerland ah is that you back in the states?
@JeffFerland jetlag is a bugger. Well your better off over there the snows back here we've had about 3-4inches of the stuff since yesterday
@Iszi @Polynomial just saw this song and thought it was apposite to this... youtube.com/watch?v=RYivyUfarws
@RoryMcCune That band is quite special :-)
@RoryAlsop I love me some Professor elemental, also Mr B.. song for Acid Edward is awesome youtube.com/watch?v=xT2iP5Si-Ho
@RoryMcCune Just watched through cup of brown joy and fighting trousers :-)
@RoryAlsop yeah the videos that moog did for him are quality, the steampunk'ish stuff goes well with the songs..
@RoryMcCune so ... who is Moog?
@RoryAlsop dunno some video making dude :) peculiana.com/Peculiana.html
When computers are crashing all around you, it’s sometimes difficult to tell if it’s clientcide or servercide.
1 hour later…
@AviD It's cool old man. Our spring break was the week before last.
@TerryChia Thank you for seeing the light.
@ScottPack What are you referring to? Kinda hard to tell since it isn't linked to anything.
Nmap options.
@ScottPack Ahh. Yeah.
Mostly internally consistent, but completely not standard for everything else.
@Gilles thank you very much for reviewing my posts.
It's so embarrassing when the page fails to notify you about newly posted answers while you write an answer.
@Adnan You just got Pornin-ed.
@TerryChia Well the issue is, whenever you post an answer after the bear, it always looks like a cheap knockoff.
@Adnan Hence,
2 mins ago, by Terry Chia
@Adnan You just got Pornin-ed.
@TerryChia Did our "hack teh codez" friend come by the DMZ?
@Adnan Dunno.
Night all!
@D3C4FF That's what she said!
@Iszi Jesus! Thank you for this one, I was a bit down.
@D3C4FF The worst part is when you forget which VPN or RDP you're in and wonder why things aren't working.
@AviD I think this has stayed here long enough
I have just started an experiment.
@ThomasPornin I love experiments, what are you trying to do?
@Adnan I am awarding a +500 bounty on the XKCD-password question
I'd like to see how it changes readership and upvotes
@ThomasPornin Hah. Too much rep to throw around?
@TerryChia Honestly, offering less than 500 would look cheap in my case.
@ThomasPornin I just hope that Jeff doesn't win it.
@Adnan @AviD will probably mod-hammer @ThomasPornin if he awards the bounty to Jeff. :P
Oh, I'll bet @AviD would totally hammer @ThomasPornin if he got the chance.
@ScottPack I really didn't need that image
@Adnan Sureeee you didn't.
@Adnan If I wasn't trying to get work done I would totally go mock something up in Photoshop for you.
@ScottPack Ok, we need that image ASAP. Work can be done later.
@ScottPack What are you working on now?
Thesis stuff. I'm processing data files.
@ScottPack Masters?
@ThomasPornin, what does he mean? security.stackexchange.com/questions/32839/…
@Adnan Yeah. I've got 3 test phases that I need to run. Completed one, halfway through another.
I should probably go back and update my docs. I had sketched out a 'Claimed Statements' document that morphed into full on outline including proofing tests. I have a bunch of handwritten notes that I should collapse in.
@ScottPack Have you started working harder after reading this? :p
@Adnan I haven't read it, but I probably won't, no. I have other motivations.
hi scott
how are you?
@ScottPack If they're related to photshopping AviD hammering Thomas, then I don't want to hear them.
@Adnan I think he is asking whether there is an anonymous file sharing in Tor
@asadz Hi asadz
my name is asad
z is just a SE thing
like its a handle or whatever
@asadz So it's not part of your last name?
its asad
@Adnan Absolutely nothing, no. Honestly, my entire reason for going to grad school was that the job market sucked at the time and I thought it would be a reasonable way to delay entering and give me a potential leg up on getting a better job.
@ThomasPornin There's something grammatically wrong with his comment. I'm not able to fully understand it. Probably just me, I don't know.
@Adnan As a direct result of going to grad school I was offered a job working for the security office. Hence fulfilling my entire purpose of getting the MS without finishing the degree.
@ScottPack I guess you're right. Usually those new hip workplaces don't really care about degrees that much.
@ScottPack How long about you been working on it?
@Adnan I finished my coursework in 2006.
scott i asked you how are you?
but you never really replied..
too busy to say 'ok' lol
anyhow i was here for @Gilles
@Adnan I really only got started on the whole thesis thing late last summer.
say Hi to him if someones sees him
@asadz Well, long time ago I asked you how old are you, you never answered
@asadz I missed it. I'm doing well. The weather has taken a turn for the chilly, but I have hopes for the future.
Wheeee 6k~
gooood @ScottPack
@ScottPack So you guys don't have a limit on how long you should take to finish the thesis?
i missed you...
@Adnan i don't like your questions sometimes
@TerryChia Bastardo!!
@asadz Speaking of which, I mentioned an answer of yours last night you haven't gotten back to me on. You understand why that answer was a problem, yes?
so i don't want to answer
@asadz, no, come on. You don't have to apologize, it's okay. I don't like you either.
@JeffFerland usually when i write something the entire SE comes pounding on me lol sometimes i miss the comments @JeffFerland
@Adnan There are rules and such. I really only have to be enrolled during the term that I defend. I'll also have to reapply to the graduate school, but it's more about filling out forms and maybe paying a couple of fees than anything else.
Mar 8 at 13:54, by AviD
@Adnan First rule of Stack Exchange: BE NICE.
@Adnan at least i don't lie
i make life easy
pretending is hard you should know
@JeffFerland sorry for not getting back on the question
if its related to xprobe2 i have already contacted the author for this (orfin arkin)
@asadz Hmm interesting. Enlighten me, my friend. What do you think I'm pretending be?
i will post his reply as soon i get it
@asadz No, it was the one where you copypasta'd from Cisco.
like you can say openly look asadz i don't like you
and stuff
@TerryChia Yes sir!
is anyone else really getting tired of all this?
@lynks yes
well i did replied back
i think I'm answering all my posts
let me check up again ...
@asadz, I love you, I wanna merry you and I want you to have my babies. Is that better now @TerryChia?
@Adnan Silence is preferable.
@Adnan Marry*, but yeah that's fine. :P
i won't call it copy pasted @JeffFerland because the company i work in has got the same technology installed; i know what it does; but then SE FAQ says to give references and most importantly people don't understand me without references.
@JeffFerland I prefer not to, but thanks for the lovely advice.
@Adnan wow
so much for being NICE
I get back from 2 weeks in texas to find...well, exactly the same DMZ that i left. asadz still at war with the rest of secse.
@lynks Only one thing has changed. We missed you a lot.
@Adnan :D
@lynks Was it a nice trip?
my name is asad :(
@ScottPack It was Texas. What's nice about Texas?
@lynks You should have came back earlier. We had a nice long discussion on the various nmap flags earlier that kinda pissed off @AviD. :P
@JeffFerland I've heard Austin isn't bad. I have a friend that just moved to San Antonio so I'll find out about it soon.
@asadz Such a nice name by the way. Does it mean lion?
@TerryChia that does seem to have driven him from the DMZ doesn't it
yes it means exactly that.
i was not even fighting .
@lynks don't seems to like me.
i just came in
@RoryMcCune thanks for formatting my posts.
@asadz No no no, please don't think that. We all like you
you format it best:)
@asadz Sorry not sure what you're referring to, I've not changed any of your posts
@asadz This social commentary is making the SNR ratio in here horrible and will eventually drive people away. I need to prevent people from being driven away.
Seriously.... it's the INTERNET. No one is obliged to like you.... Give it a rest.
@ScottPack yeah it was a great trip, 2 weeks of free drinks and great live music.
@JeffFerland You can start by not telling them to shut up.
@JeffFerland social commentary interesting if i can recall DMZ chat logs talked more radical and controversial then loves / hates.. I think it was adnan gay tantrums, i remember avid once said its not a gentleman clubs so its kinda accepted; i expect people to show a bigger heart.
@RoryMcCune you haven't edited my posts?
@Adnan I think you've misunderstood me if it boiled down to that, but I'm not sure I can effectively clarify what I meant.
I'm confusing someone by similar name ..i guess
@asadz not a single one of them
@asadz It's okay. No one really hates you, there was a misunderstanding at some point, let's move on.
@JeffFerland the food mostly. and the bars.
@Adnan makes sense
@Adnan Actually, that's a good phrasing about what I was trying to say.
@adnan and @asadz - what @jeff said is one of the core reasons mod roles exist. We clean up the mess so the regulars don't find the place too unpleasant. This has become more work recently.
@RoryAlsop please don't blame I'm here for @Gilles trust me see my chat logs i don't come as often in DMZ
i wanted to thanks @Gilles for his time in formating my posts.
@RoryAlsop Ahhh. Okay.
@JeffFerland It's alright, all good. I knew that's what you meant.
who's gonna pour me a pint? i just made my first mortarboard badge hehe
anyhow, @JeffFerland is right.
.... but on SO :(
what is motarboard?
@TildalWave Congrats. :)
its kind of scandalous term
@TildalWave :) i always thought that should be a silver
YAY keep them coming
@Adnan put away your eurofizz
this one looks like apple MALT
@lynks :O !! How dare you?!
Pint about to be poured @tildal. Now how we get it to you? Congrats by the way!
@Adnan i don't think you should drink
its against your religion
@RoryAlsop FedEx.
^^ that is a pint
@asadz It's the name for a type of formal academic dress. I'm not sure how that's scandalous.
@lynks at first they're all silver (when you're notified on SE dashboard).. .then they degrade it for motivational purposes :)
no @scott
let me explain
@asadz Yes, my atheist god told me not drink. Thank you for reminding me.
@RoryAlsop i was a rep bitch for 10 minutes, how else? :))
u athiest?
The square academic cap, graduate cap, or mortarboard (because of its similarity in appearance to the hawk used by bricklayers to hold mortar) or Oxford cap, is an item of academic head dress consisting of a horizontal square board fixed upon a skull-cap, with a tassel attached to the center. In the UK and the US, it is commonly referred to informally in conjunction with an academic gown worn as a cap and gown. It is also often termed a square, trencher, or corner-cap in Australia. The adjective academical is also used. In the US and UK, it is usually referred to more generically as a ...
@lynks Damn! You and your good dark beer!
@asadz Yes
@ScottPack got it i was confusing it with motarboating...
like two different things
@asadz Good one!
@asadz That would be motorboating.
@Adnan Your god is a god who does not believe in himself ?
I have made that joke myself.
@asadz For the record, there are a number of us that chat in here.
> Due to an implementation issue, the Type 4 password algorithm does not use PBKDF2 and does not use a salt, but instead performs a single iteration of SHA-256 over the user-provided plaintext password.
@TerryChia where's that from?
@ThomasPornin maybe he doesnt realise he is a god
@ThomasPornin Well, he doesn't believe in a superior deity.
@CodesInChaos Cisco switches. Linked to it in my previous sentence.
Actually, quite a nice point @ThomasPornin.
@ThomasPornin Goes will with the simulator universe theory
@ScottPack thanks
@Iszi So. I have a chart in Excel that I want to save as a picture. Do I seriously have to copy/paste it into Paint?
@Adnan That's what she said!
In that sense, all gods monotheistic gods are atheists.
"god" in that context is a being from a higher layer universe, but obviously doesn't think of itself as "god"
@Adnan you know no believer lol
@asadz Would you like to rephrase that? I'm not sure I understood you.
@ScottPack i have screencapped excel charts before, but i am no office guru.
like you believe in one God...
or many gods
@Adnan Well, the monotheist god of Hebrew, Muslims and Christians appears to firmly believe in His own deity ("I am that I am." -- hard to be more deistic than that)
I'm office guru as i made a document with 6 level headings lol
I rock with Ms office
Also, "all the monotheist gods" is a problematic expression.
@ThomasPornin i just think it highlights the core issue. which is that people need to stop arguing over who's imaginary friend is the best.
@lynks Mine obviously.
Agree or GTFO.
lmao imaginary friend
@TerryChia you mean your girlfriend?
@ThomasPornin While they do realize their own power, they don't believe in someone with higher power who created them. Isn't that the essence of atheism?
@lynks ouch. :(
@TerryChia haha sorry :P
@Adnan you do have a very common name if you live in that part of region..
@lynks Right in the balls!
@lynks - welcome back!
@Adnan Right* Second time in an hour. :P
@asadz Which part of region?
Hell, 15minutes.
@RoryAlsop thanks :)
you tell me lol
i don't want to make assumptions
@lynks They will just argue about something else. That's people for you. Religion is not really a cause for warfare, but is a very convenient excuse for justifying plunder.
buts its kinda close to the center of earth.
@asadz you live underground?
that explains everything
its like warm waters
not COLD
@TildalWave Finland is in the center of the earth?! :D
south? not north
That explains the heat wave of -30 this winter
@Adnan I got drunk with a couple of metalheads from helsinki last week :P
@Adnan you realize the world is a globe, right? Just turn it any way it suits you :P
adnan is a popular name if you are living in __________
fill in the blanks.
@ThomasPornin ahh so you have little faith in globalisation leading to peace?
@TildalWave I was think center of the earth = core.
@Adnan I'm not saying that will work on the Sun tho
the median of the earth idk I'm confused
Finland near the centre of the earth. Lapland near Finland. This explains why Santa sounds so like Satan...
@Adnan well then you're pretty hard core :)))
@Adnan I would rather state that atheism is about an unsubstantiated assertion about metaphysics (i.e. that no god exists -- which is no more and no less proven than the existence of any particular god). The Almighty cannot be atheist because he has nothing to believe. He just sees.
@Adnan I thought the US was the center of the earth?
@asadz Turkey? Iran? Afghanistan? Lebanon? Or (unfortunately) the UK?
close lol
There cannot be any matter of faith when you are omniscient. You just take note of facts.
@ThomasPornin speaking for yourself.
@lynks I don't believe in suppression of religions leading to peace.
@ScottPack actually Americans were technically the closest to the center of the Earth when they landed on the Moon ;)
@ThomasPornin Agreed
I believe in suppression of religions leading to less religions.
they landed on the moon? but thats a myth lol
@thomas - yup, it's all true
@TildalWave wait, what?
@ScottPack I should really try bourbon
@lynks ... the origins or our Moon ;) there's your clue
@Adnan Yes you should. I have a quickly emptying bottle of Knob in the cabinet that is somewhat good.
@TildalWave haha got it :P
let me make it more easy @Adnan are you allowed to enter the holy city of MAKKAH.?
@ThomasPornin you should head back to europe sometime, we have pretty much grown out of religion. now we just have to figure out the money thing...
@ThomasPornin But you're assuming that the assertion that god doesn't exist is a matter of faith
The thing, it's not that I believe that god doesn't exist. I need an empirical evidence proving his existence.
@Adnan That is more of an agnostic viewpoint.
@asadz - just a quick query: when others ignore your questions it could be similar to when you ignore theirs.
he is asking my age? @RoryAlsop
its like invasion of my privacy lol
@Adnan Or at least getting close to it.
@ScottPack I don't know where that puts me, I guess labels aren't exactly important.
@asadz If you don't like it, don't answer it. Also note that others have the same privileges...
One cleric said science had proved Mecca to be the centre of the Earth fml...
but i don't ask them personal stuff
i only said once like to scott...i made a personal comment about 'me liking his display pic'
like but that was a compliment ...
@Adnan Without labels how can one make value judgements of other people's character? Balderdash I say.
@ScottPack But I started (after I started thinking on my own) from zero. Someone told me there's a being with these specs, I said show me evidence, he said I don't have evidence. End of story.
@asadz You're still on that?

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