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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

which typecasts to make implicit is an interesting question
@ThomasPornin yep I think there's a lot of it going on in web app frameworks/db's that web app devs will never see so don't know to avoid. Why I usually tell them to assume all the other code is crap. Unfortunately defence in depth is hard work..
@Polynomial Well, it is not nice, but this simulates a power failure, which happens (and it does so without the electric shocks, so the hardware does not suffer). A good OS ought to resist that. Even Linux has used journalling filesystems for the last decade (at least).
but running applications might contain unsaved data
ok, implicit cast from string to int that ignores parsing errors, is bad
Key generation made easy: python -c 'print open("/dev/urandom", "r").read(20).encode("hex")'
@ThomasPornin ...plus, anyone bothering to flash the BIOS should know better than to do so while other applications are running in the first place.
@JeffFerland ok, thats it. im learning python.
@Iszi Well, yes, that sums it up. If you reflash the BIOS while expecting the machine to remain up with multiple applications, then you are either overly optimistic, or you should step away from the machine right away because you are about to kill it.
Hmm, I realize now that I should have submitted a talk to BSidesLondon
one other v. cool python thing (loathe as I am to admit it) python -m SimpleHTTPServer . serves the current directory as a web server
@RoryMcCune With sub-directories browsing ?
any language where 0=="A" returns true is broken
@ThomasPornin hmm haven't tried that, was just using for exploiting RFI stuff
OpenSSL can do that (for an HTTPS server, of course) but it always looked like a security hole to me
Q: What does "0 but true" mean in Perl?

jkramerCan someone explain what exactly the string "0 but true" means in Perl? As far as I understand, it equals zero in an integer comparison, but evaluates to true when used as a boolean. Is this correct? Is this a normal behavior of the language or is this a special string treated as a special case i...

@ThomasPornin just checked and yep it does
@RoryMcCune So this one-liner python invocation could be put in a shell script named "pleasehackme.py"
@ThomasPornin sanity is for the weak
@RoryMcCune yeah that python mini httpd is awesome, i actually use it for copying files to a windows machine sometimes.
its depressing that it is easier than ftp
Back on the topic of our migration options...
in The Assembly, 1 min ago, by Anna Lear
@Iszi Sorry, been a busy week. I'll try to look at it today or tomorrow. Yell at me on Friday if you don't hear back by then. :)
Which options do you want?
@ThomasPornin yep :)
can we have a migrate to google option? :P --> lmgtfy.com/?q=question%20title
@CodesInChaos I really don't care at this point, as long as they make some sort of sense. Right now, it's just really bothersome that we've had five Meta threads about it and practically no solid response from SEI either committing to resolve it or deferring it until a particular, and yet-unreached, milestone is hit.
I think the response I got from Anna, via mention of the issue in comments on another site's Meta, is perhaps the most positive one we've had yet. Then again, I haven't seen the TL conversations our mods have had with SEI.
Well, the laptop just got in. And she's already asking me to do a clean install because of crap/bloat-ware.
how can u pay for winblows when u buy a laptop. i just cant understand this............
@gforce89 hmm?
1 hour later…
I doth hath a question for you all. Wherefore art the place of collaboration for the right and honourable ctf team? So that I am verily informed to be ready for the appointed time?
@JeffFerland Mind unlocking that question? I was working on an answer and planning to edit it to something better.
that question is seriously unreadable
needs editing wink wink nudge nudge
@Gilles Ah yes, thankye kindly. I should have started reading in the obvious place.
@Ninefingers I only found that because I checked that question's changelog recently
oh hey, you've cycled back to your old name
what's the avatar for?
@Gilles Yeah. Well why not. It's the best name I could thing of. My avatar is what you get if you type $\mathbb{C}$ i.e. it's the complex field. I just choose random things for avatars normally, whatever comes to mind. The previous one was actually a delta symbol that was part of another image, but the editing had gone badly wrong.
It looked kinda cool in a bad sort of way, so I kept it.
I predict this will get on the supercollider and become stupidly popular:
Q: Why are vulnerabilities and lack of security possible in computers?

user20474I have heard about computer vulnerabilities, virus, malware, etc. Why are these threats possible? Why can`t the computer just do the things it is supposed to? Why does malware exist instead of programs with a constructive purpose beyond doing damage and violating the law. Why are computers used ...

I cleaned it up a bit just now.
... and pre-emptive protection.
That's usually the best kind.
@gforce89 What do you mean? I think for the laptops I have had with windows on, it was free (included in the price of the laptop.)
@JeffFerland Along with ridiculously over-upvoted everythings.
@Ninefingers Get your answers in now ;)
@JeffFerland awwww - do we have to?
The repevator is taking off whether you're on it or not!
@JeffFerland I think, between your cleanup and a few answers, we've done a fairly good job of salvaging it.
@Iszi o/\o
I'll say it again: I wish we could up-vote edits and mod actions.
@JeffFerland DONE.
... and as always, the only real winner is the Siamese (Canadian) Bear.
@Iszi You can send me beer.
@JeffFerland Heh. Next time you're in my area, we'll have to get together for some.
Would be nice to have an excuse to go here again: frankandsteins.com
@JeffFerland Oh I'm on it. Cue pedant attack for my answer.
Also, I am on IRC. EURRRGGHHH!
@JeffF on the chat room thing, did you talk to the SE staff about private rooms? When I wanted one for crypto I had to ask quite nicely as they're not keen on it.
I assume you did, but, just asking.
@Ninefingers I'm not sure I'd say "speaking l33t" is "so hot".
@Iszi Have you got to the bit where they actually speak leet? It just looks like junk to me.
@Ninefingers ... ish....
On a semi-related topic: I think that whenever you're served an ad that's longer than the video you're trying to watch, someone at YouTube should die.
@JeffFerland It'll probably be ok. Basically Shog told me no moderation must happen in private rooms non mods have access to - where basically discussing whether a question should be closed or not is moderation. This is because the only private moderation should be mod2mod for the sensitive stuff. So provided we stick to the topic of CTFs it will be ok, but it might not be a bad idea to ask.
I know this because I asked in a chatcast thing about private rooms and was told no, so I asked really nicely via email.
@Ninefingers Well, I asked in TL with bold letters. That nobody jumped all over it is good enough for me.
@JeffFerland that probably counts as ok then :)
I imagine the volume of TL has only gone up since I left, so yeah you'd hear about it if it was a bad thing.
@JeffFerland I'm pretty sure noone noticed
(except me, and I've already told you what I think)
@JeffFerland @LucasKauffman @Polynomial Would the chatroom become public after the event?
I think that could make it acceptable in the eye of SE
@Gilles Yes
though you'd still have to talk them into it
I really recommend that you get the ok. If you don't, they might summarily make the room public
Q: Apache boot without asking for passwd

ing0So I'm maintaining a server which has a verified SSL certificate setup, however there is a password on the private key and so whenever apache is reboot, we get a message asking for the password. This isn't a major issue, but becomes one when you reboot the machine! When this happens, it will hang...

Yeah, I had to ask really nicely for crypto. Oh one of the other provisos was that I freeze the room when we didn't need it so the window for unsupervised usage was minimal.
@Gilles looks fine, but one of you guys might disagree
I'm not sure about:
Q: Windows App Store security

David De GrootIt seems like most companies now a days, give you a crappy laptop with some version of Windows on it that allows you to access the internet (sometimes they block YouTube, Facebook, etc.), comes with Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook, and whatever internal software they use for their particular ...

There's a question in there, but I don't think it's relevant to us?
The answer is interesting, mind.
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