@Polynomial For me it's primarily the southern and Indian guys. One reminds me too much of home, and the other speaks too slowly and doesn't seem to add any content.
@RoryAlsop I hadn't, interesting one. Wouldn't work for our two as we mainly feed them on wet food (not sure an automated dispenser would work here....)
@LucasKauffman heh yeah that doesn't apply to our two too much, they pretty much run the place. (currently one of them is sitting right next to my keyboard watching me type, he'd developed a bit of a fascination for computer screens recently)
@AviD it's an interesting point, I think that a lot of the win8 tablets look a bit like version 1.0 I think that the 2nd gen (with haswell) will be better
@AviD or phone tethering
which is what the missus does, just tethers to her WP8
he's getting me to load up event viewer already :P
"Ok sir, first, I need you to click your Start button." "My start button? On my dishwasher?" "No, sir, go on your computer, it is at the bottom left of the screen."
I think I'll eventually just start shouting at him in faux-German
haha, have you heard the latest Southern Fried Podcast?
going on about this hilarious bullshit new AV called Manvirtex?
so funny. they read out the sales crap from the site like an infomercial, then do one of those monotone super-high-speed disclaimers at the end to the effect of "Side effects may include not actually catching any malware, getting hacked, false sense of security .... consult your cyber insurance contractor for more details."
My immediate reaction to this was not positive, for a few reasons.
Trying to use regex to parse complex language constructs is a bad idea. Regular expressions just aren't suitable for such constructs.
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@TerryChia The article gets it wrong; it is not the largest known prime. It is the largest prime which has been proven to be prime with a non-probabilistic algorithm (but which was nonetheless executed on a physical computer which cannot be assumed to be 100.0% reliable).
@ScottPack The Great Internet tells me that it is an expletive to designate things which are generically agreeable to.
In France, highschoolers use the term "swag" for the "medium cool" people: those which are not "the top" but with which you can accept to be seen in public.
He said that we know a large prime, but only tested it with a probabilistic algorithm
and that the difference between a probabilistic and deterministic algorithm is rather academic, since real hardware can make mistakes while running a deterministic algo
Always wondered how they figured out whether a number was prime in the first place - do they just use brute force to try dividing it by smaller numbers or something, until they reach its half?
A primality test is an algorithm for determining whether an input number is prime. Amongst other fields of mathematics, it is used for cryptography. Unlike integer factorization, primality tests do not generally give prime factors, only stating whether the input number is prime or not. Factorization is thought to be a computationally difficult problem, whereas primality testing is comparatively easy (its running time is polynomial in the size of the input). Some primality tests prove that a number is prime, while others like Miller–Rabin prove that a number is composite. Therefore we might ...
> The simplest primality test is as follows: Given an input number n, check whether any integer m from 2 to n − 1 evenly divides n (the division leaves no remainder). If n is divisible by any m then n is composite, otherwise it is prime
@Iszi It is not the largest known prime, because "konwing" a prime means choosing a big random integer and testing it for primality, which is not free, but can be done in practice for larger integers than that.
Here they deliberately use a "primality proving" algorithm which is not probabilistic (that is, when it says "prime" it has a mathematical proof), which makes the endeavour more difficult (and explains why they stick to Mersenne numbers, which have a special format which makes their algorithm a bit faster).
But since they run on a physical machine, they do not achieve mathematical proofiness in practice. It is still "proven prime up to a very small probability of very bad luck".
On the bright side, it keeps some mathematicians busy, preventing them from doing something stupid like trying to apply mathematics to sociology or politics (at which point they would be called economists).
@CodesInChaos For that matter, a Mersenne prime as modulus will allow a faster discrete-log break (a SNFS variant is applicable -- I had asked the same question to Lenstra, a few years ago).
So, there's a quarter-million dollar prize for a billion digit prime number. I wonder how many numbers need to actually be tested, out of the full set of billion-digit numbers. i.e.: What percentage of billion-digit numbers do not end in: 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8?
@Iszi When expressed in decimal, there are precisely 9*10^999999999 "billion-digit" numbers, out of which 9*6*10^999999998 do not end in 0, 2, 4, 5, 6 or 8
@Iszi you only need to try dividing by other known primes, and only up to the square root of the number you are testing. trial division has lots of optimisations.
@ThomasPornin Of course. What I'm saying is that you can only limit your divisor search to prime numbers, up until the point you run out of... I'll say "consecutive" primes, but I'm sure that's not the right term.
(e.g.: 5 and 7 would be "consecutive" but 11 and 17 would not be)
So, if in your search for divisors you reach primes x and y, where not all numbers between x and y have been tested for primality, you also need to check all the numbers between x and y.
@Iszi correct, but you save yourself a whole bunch of work, given that we have consecutive primes way up into the millions, and they account for a tiny fraction of natural numbers.
@Iszi If you generate the divisors "successively" then it is a rather simple matter to skip multiples of 2, 3, 5, 7, 11... by using Erathostene's sieve. It would be easy to avoid, say, 99% of the trial divisions with non-primes.
@LucasKauffman A few weeks ago, I got a call from the security people, they had detected that one of their precious servers had been scanned from Qualys, and they wanted to know if that was me. I fear that I have built up a "reputation".
@CodesInChaos That's the kind of probability where I usually conjure up an analogy involving cosmic rays and gorillas.
@lynks That's the "software control flow" which you would use with a serial terminal (a VT220) when you were too lazy to solder more than the minimum 3 wires in the serial cable.
That xon/xoff are still honoured over a SSH connection where there is no serial cable involved is just the habitual symptom of Unix-like systems being radical conservatives who never throw away anything.
@Tinned_Tuna I would argue against the entropy-worship
32 bits of entropy are more than enough if offline dictionary attacks are not feasible
After all, a credit card with a 4-digit PIN uses a much lower entropy (less than 13 bits)
Allowing offline dictionary attacks from the outside would be a sever protocol flaw
And even against attackers who gained illegal read-only access to the server database can be somewhat thwarted by using salted slow hashing (bcrypt and its ilk)
When users choose good enough passwords to actually achieve 32 bits of entropy, then the password situation is mostly solved and it is reason to rejoice and have a grand feast.
@ThomasPornin I disagree slightly, surely defense-in-depth is always better. always assume that the hashes will be downloaded by someone, at some point in the future. having passwords that are secure against a slow, online dictionary attack, and no more, is a little short sighted.
@CodesInChaos it is the most non-orthogonal language of all time
@CodesInChaos there are language constructs that people say to 'never use', this alone is a very bad sign.
@CodesInChaos it is completely unnecessary, does not cover new ground that other languages didn't already. it exists solely so that hipster CEOs can torture developers into using yet another terrible web technology.
@RoryMcCune I mostly disagree with the vast amount of variable declaration methods, each with its own weird ruleset that is exclusive to ruby. like why allow static fields, then discourage their use, and instead advocate using a reflection-oriented approach of 'class-instance fields'...
@lynks yeah for some types of coding I can see why ruby is not a good idea. I mostly write short'ish scripts and I find it lets me get things working quickly and I find the syntax easier than alternatives
The extremly dynamic side of things and monkey patching is, to my mind, not too nice
@RoryMcCune yeah, I've hit that a few times in answers on SO, I shouldn't have to change libraries to work for me, I should be able to extend their functionality to work for me. I've never felt the need to recompile my own version of a standard Java class.
@RoryMcCune the worst thing, is that I'm running out of web-languages that are acceptable to me. Guess I'll move to python.
Groovy is a very interesting language for pen testing. If you're trying to do any sort of timing analysis, you basically have to throw away your first few requests, as the JIT on the JVM can really mess with things.
@LucasKauffman it is certainly my next language to learn, I have a great big pile of literature to get through for a job application, but after that I'll be all over the python.
@RoryMcCune how do i access a @@variable from a different class? I have tried OtherClass::variable and OtherClass::@@variable, both fail, the second with syntax error :(
In German we call Norton Anti Virus (or whatever it's official name is nowadays) "Gelbe Pest" (yellow plague). Does it have a similar nick name in the English speaking world?
Does anyone else harbor a certain dread for the arrival of new tech in the house that is not to be your own? When it's yours, it's a great new toy. When it's not, it's just more work.
@Polynomial god I hate HP. Installed a printer driver to fix my Mother in laws printer. 228MB download!! Then I can't uninstall it, as it trashes win8 when I do
luckily windows 8 rollback feature is awesome and saved it
@Iszi ahh couldn't use the bare one. Needed to re-configure the wireless on the printer (basic model that didn't let me do it via the panel) and that needed the full driver
@Iszi yeah I wasn't a fan but then probably didn't use it all, I had just got into IT around then so was running more of the NT line 'cause it was what I was using at work..
@RoryMcCune I've had that experience with HP's server stuff. Downloaded an update for the iLO management card, was a few hundred megs. Then it wanted me to burn the update to a floppy and reboot... so I downloaded ~300MB for a 1.44MB image, and had to dig out a floppy disk from somewhere.
@Polynomial Had some trouble with a new HP PC recently. Bought it, removed the hard disk, put in the two disks with a Windows 7 installation (from a machine where motherboard fried), and... no boot.
It turned out that when you remove the card, the motherboard remembers that it has some integrated graphics; I just had to remove the plastic caches which covered the plug.
@RoryMcCune Dell's BIOS update for laptops is hilarious. You click update and it just halts the OS immediately with no warnng, lets the BIOS chip take over the screen, flashes stuff across, and hard reboots.
@ScottPack last time I had to do a floppy BIOS flash I found the one last disk I had (a firewall license disk from around 2000) and pulled a drive out of an old desktop to make it work.
Samsung's latest one is nice. It advises you to only do an update if you know what you're doing, and lets you know that it's done a full check of the backup BIOS to make sure it's working. When you click run it explains what it's about to do, offers to save the existing BIOS image and settings to a USB stick in case you need to restore it, shows you that it's done proper integrity checking on the BIOS image, then locks all user input shows a screen overlay to show the progress.
when it's done it just says "reboot in order to complete" and leaves it up to you.
@ThomasPornin downside is that it doesn't warn you it's going to reboot. so if you're not expecting it, then BOOM! it just reboots.
also it's not exactly good for the OS to just reset the system without properly shutting down
@RoryMcCune Automatic type casts are evil. They are meant to allow programmers to remain unaware of what happens under the hood, and the unfortunate consequence is that programmers remain unaware of what may happen under the hood.