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Damn, missed about 230 rep due to the rep cap.
Didn't expect that snarky answer of mine to gain 30 upvotes.
Welcome to StackExchange! Come for the self-indulgence stay for the snark!
If only stars translated to rep I would have surpassed the bear pair by now.
@ScottPack King of the DMZ. ;)
Sweet, got the bronze badge.
The stats here are making me depressed.
I'm ok being behind Wesley and voretaq, but Bart?!?
@ScottPack Updated in real-time?
@TerryChia I'm not sure if it's manual or automated yet.
Nope, just gave you another star but the number hasn't increased.
Get starring people!
Oh, I know it isn't live.
The database is populated by screen scrapping the star walls.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
w00t, I just got my first ever CVE ID assigned! :D
actually, I got two :P
CVE-2012-6340 and CVE-2012-6341
both for bugs in the Netgear WGR614 router
@Polynomial Excellent! Now, finally, you can talk to Rook!
2 hours later…
@AviD hahahahahaha
@Polynomial nice one
1 hour later…
It's always the same, isn't it? You spend the first ~25 years of your life without having a single CVE ID to your name, then two come along at once!
@Polynomial pffft
@M'vy Happy diurnal isomorphism.
LOL, even google know about "meta stack meme isomorphism"
@M'vy hahaha - excellent
morning @M'vy
Morning @Rory
Hummm... I must be confused... I just heard Chuck Berry sing : "You don't have to Rory"
@M'vy hahahaha - we Rorys get everywhere
It seems
w00 rories
@M'vy ymean Chuck Rorry, right?
heh, there are 666 questions tagged with cryptography.
@Polynomial yay for meaningless milestones
may they never change
666, the key-size of the beast
@ThomasPornin or @AviD - either of you fancy doing up a quick QoTW post for publication next week? meta.security.stackexchange.com/q/1018/485
Or anyone else who wants to write one of those top 2 choices?
I might draft up a wee Christmas post for next weekend as well
@RoryAlsop oo forgot about that
should have done it this week... I will attempt to make time for it early next week.
@AviD probably
quiet today....
Shhh Rories sleeping here.
bored at work, so I've just put some old ISD Podcast episodes on
hard to focus on work with it, but it's a friday.
I've got to get my resume in order
You switching jerbs?
Not really
I'm teaching on a temporary position
and I need to do what they call the qualification
so as to be authorise to apply for a position
which request will be processed like any other job BTW
I was kinda hoping you were switching jobs, so I could say DEETURKAJERRRBS!
And hopefully I'll get a researcher/teacher job for next school year
I don't get that one..
South Park
I hardly follow this. Eventually I came to see some episodes in french
That one would be awfull in French I guess
lolwat, Boris just mentioned me on the podcast
@Polynomial linky
scroll down to episode 817
it's about 5 mins in
just part of the announcement for Securi-Tay
I can tell Boris wishes he could go to Securi-Tay. He's a big drinker :P
@Polynomial "a Scottish security conference. Go there if ... you like Scotch!"
@RoryAlsop sounds about right.
Q: What is the highest limit of security in the biggest agencies of the world?

SalmanA general question clicks in my mind, that there are many ways to bypass the security. So, what is the highest degree of security?

I VtC'ed.
@Polynomial ayup
@RoryAlsop hats were cool how can i get the hats ?
i read the meta post
but dont know how to get hat like you
@vignesh4303 pretty sure he just photoshooped that in there.
@Polynomial :d
you mean he uploaded as pic?
Speaking of hats, isn't today the day we're supposed to get them on Sec.SE?
@Iszi sure
@Iszi think it was the 18th
no - 19th
@vignesh4303 I added the hat to my pic and told Gravatar to use this one for now
guys i have one doubt regarding reverse engineereing
Q: How to avoid reverse engineering of .apk file

sachin003I am developing a payment processing app for Android and I want to prevent a hacker from accessing any resources, assets or source code from the APK file. If someone changes the .apk extension to .zip then they can unzip it and easily access all the app's resources and assets, and using dex2jar ...

here theres is one comment that we can't decompile c code
@vignesh4303 Technically speaking you can't.
@vignesh4303 if you mean dualed's comment, follow the link
@RoryAlsop yeah exactly i meaned dualed comment he speaks about the tool there but in technicall terms anything can be reverse engineered?
@vignesh4303 You can't get the exact code back. Only a rough approximate.
@TerryChia thanks buddy i have one more query from that question
how about encrypting your strings in the code and decrypting them at runtime? If you do the decryption on a remote server, like other people suggested, you don't get the problem that the decryption key is in the sources
see this comment
is it safe to use ?
@vignesh4303 except you still have to download it and use it on your local end.
so at some point it has to be unencrypted on the local device.
unless you're doing all of the work on the server side
and never transmitting it in a way that can be edited by the user.
Basically, @vignesh4303, while @Terry is right, in that you might not get back the code, you can reverse engineer anything given enough time/effort, and to a particular level of accuracy
Like @Polynomial said, if the you have files on the client-side, any obfuscation scheme can only make things more troublesome.
well then what maybe the safest way to handle it?
there he posted that conversion of native code
Q: What's a good C decompiler?

SecI am searching for a decompiler for a C program. The binary is a 32-bit Linux executable. Objdump works fine, so basically I am searching for something which attempts to reconstruct the C source from the asm source.

best way to explain it is like baking a cake - you can get all of the right ingredients in the right quantities and cook them together, but you can't "uncook" the cake back into the ingredients.
@Polynomial hmm yeah right buddy
you can guess what went into it, and try to analyse what's in the cake, but you can't actually get the original ingredients.
@Polynomial I have just invented a job title - 'unchef' for people who can uncook dinners
@RoryAlsop I'm gonna start calling myself a Software Unchef
Just noticed I got the badge. Sweet!
@TerryChia cool - that's a tricky one
@RoryAlsop really good ones get a Michelin Black Hole, rather than a Michelin Star.
@Polynomial hahahahaha
@RoryAlsop Snark is rewarding. ;)
@TerryChia Nice one. Got mine back in August, agreed with Rory that it's a tricky one!
avoid reverse engineering... it's like if you wanted to avoid the cake to be analysed chemically
@M'vy I just eat it. Does the same job.
cofee time
sneak preview of a photo from my presentation :)
@Polynomial In your opinion, how should i start to learn c#? ASP.NET, GUI apps or something else entirely?
@TerryChia GUI apps. ASP.NET is a pain to learn.
@Polynomial gotcha! Gonna get started first thing tomorrow.
@Iszi currently at £39 :-)
my VPS got taken down, after a complaint from the US Navy's Information Dominance Systems Command
haha, you should print and frame that email
@Polynomial shit just turned serious.
a script I wrote to collect statistics on the number of open Redis instances on the internet went haywire and ended up scanning a few thousand netblocks (randomly selected) instead of 50 or so
Information Dominance Systems. That sounds so... adult.
and one of those randomly selected netblocks turned out to be military.
@TerryChia haha
so... whoops!
I've emailed my VPS provider and the department that sent the abuse report
so hopefully it'll get sorted out
@Polynomial You aren't a 1337 hacker till you get a warning from the Navy.
@TerryChia haha, indeed. it's not my first gov'mt warning, but it's certainly my first from a military organisation
@Polynomial So.. two CVE's AND a warning from a military organisation. You are having quite a day.
> securityninja: lol DO NOT visit the US
best advice evar.
@RoryAlsop In English?
@Polynomial Shhuuurrrreee it did
@ScottPack I can't get on to check, but I think I may have screwed up the loop condition :P
I can just imagine that call.
Do you want this question on security.SE?
Q: is there value in storing passwords in their own table, with encrypted or hashed keys?

changokunthe usual method for simple sites is to store a hash of a user's password right in their user record. what if the password field is removed from the user table, and a password table is created. the password table would have the same password hash, but instead of the user id, the key to the table...

Oh, so you caught me performing a Nessus scan against the US-DoD /8 with the DoS plugin family, safechecks turned off, and both root and domain admin credentials? Funny story about that....
@ScottPack You see, I was actually trying to scan the good folks over at Iran!
I feel a bit left out. I've never even had a letter from my ISP
@lynks Monthly bills count don't they?
@TerryChia I use direct debit :'(
@lynks Ahh. You'll be wanting to borrow @Polynomial's script in that case
If he wouldn't mind. I could just fire of an nmap iR. It's like the lottery!
@lynks Then they might think you are just some n00b script kiddie!
Custom scripts are they way to go!
@TerryChia nmap is super1337. Just ask TV.
2 hours later…
Nothing quite like putting me in a murdering mood than to try getting RTIR installed
@ScottPack Funny you should use such terms, given the news today - or haven't you heard?
I heard.
While it's a terrible event that never should have happened, I am not a member of their community nor do I know anyone there. It just doesn't involve me.
@ScottPack Honestly, I probably feel about the same. It astounds me that some people I know, who are similarly unattached to the events, are actually (literally) crying a good deal over it.
@Iszi I feel as though this is going to sound extremely cruel, but I have a hard time feeling emotionally invested in people that I've never heard of.
@ScottPack A bit insensitive, some may say, but not entirely disagreeable.
In general I think I can deal with being labeled insensitive.I do tend towards wistfulness, rage, or cold logic.
Now that I see that written out...that makes me sound like a serial killer doesn't it?
1 hour later…
@Iszi Sounds about right.
@ScottPack I am on exactly the same plane. But I'm not the rage type :-)
@RoryAlsop Truthfully rage is probably a bit strong. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between temper loss due to bitter disappointment and rage. :)
@ScottPack hahaha
Nothing like trying to build an rpm for a web app that is built on perl.
@ScottPack that's a fun Friday evening for you then
I'm about to go and have wine
@RoryAlsop I polished off the last of our wine last night. So if I have a drink tonight I'll have to choose between gin, rum, or Irish cream.
I'm getting about 80% of it filled from other existing repos. Then I run into shit like perl-Parse-BooleanLogic
It probably would have been easier for me to just write my own spec than to fix SuSE's so it actually includes all the right build dependencies.
@ScottPack you're parsing gin and rum from existing repos?
@Polynomial I think that might make it easier.
Packaging isn't hard, people just don't care about it and don't do it right.
@ScottPack sudo apt-get install booze
packs@ home:~> sudo apt-get install booze
[sudo] password for packs:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package booze
@ScottPack find booze
@Polynomial You might want to take a gander at your syntax there kiddo.
1 hour later…
Q: openvpn tls-remote

chrisIs it a security issue not using tls-remote in OpenVPN? That is not verifying the server's common name. Is a MITM attack possible? Could this be an issue, especially with services like dyndns.org? This question meets quality standards.

this is sec.se material, right?
(yes, for once I'm considering migration)
This one on the other hand is on-topic for U&L, but more likely to be answered by the denizens here:
Q: Using metasploit with 3G USB modem

ron.sghI have a computer with Linux BackTrack 5 as host and Windows XP as guest on virtual box. I am using Host-Only-Adapter to create virtual LAN and to share USB modem internet as well so that both host and guest are simultaneously connected to internet via single USB modem. Since my WAN IP address ...

so's this one, but I think I'll have a go
Q: keeping keys on an auxiliary removable drive

broiyanIt seems that servers are only as secure as the machine that holds the keys and that in turn means the desktop/screensaver password is the line of defence for not only the desktop itself but any remote servers normally accessed. Is there a way to run a normal disk-based system but always have ...

Aarthi Devanathan on December 14, 2012

It’s that most wonderful time of the year again — time for the Stack Overflow Annual Survey! So, put down that third glass of eggnog and fire up a new tab. It only takes a few minutes – and there are stickers!

As the name suggests, we’ve been doing this for a few years now (here are the 2010 results and the 2011 results for your perusal) and we always learn a lot from them. This data is used to support the advertising we sell on Stack Overflow and Server Fault. Advertising helps keep the lights on (and servers humming) around here, so if you use either (or both!) sites, we urge you to participate. …

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