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@LucasKauffman morning
whats up @Terry
@ScottPack oh lordy :-)
morning @Terry and @Lucas
1 hour later…
Gender verified <o/
1 hour later…
Are there any limitations to using nmap and wireshark on a native mac os?
@TerryChia In my experience Wireshark on OSX sucks. Interface is slow, everything is big and clunky, and it crashes frequently.
@ScottPack Ahh. That isn't good... I'm trying to setup a pen testing kit native on my mac os to avoid running backtrack in a VM as much as possible on my crappy 2gb ram macbook air.
I'll play around with it and see if it gives me any trouble.
@TerryChia I've been forcing myself to learn better how to use tcpdump as a result.
Can't you put more ram in said air?
I've found that 4GB is about the least ram you want on an OSX system if you actually want to run anything.
Nope. The rams on the Air are soldered on. Even Apple can't upgrade it, it has to be done during purchase.
I was actually able to run BT and a couple of browsers on it quite smoothly. So it isn't too bad.
I just looked through the ifixit teardown. I see what you mean.
@LucasKauffman I just watched Cookie Monster talking to Snuffleupagus. I thought only Big Bird could see him?
hi people
when can I reach the admins of stackexchange on chat ?
and where
@StefanoBorini Define "admins".
anyone who can help fix a login problem on stackexchange
I think they don't recognize my openid endpoint anymore
it already happened in the past, and it was a problem in stackexchange
@StefanoBorini you should probably post on Meta Stack Overflow for that
Sweet. In that case your best bet would probably be to bring it up on meta.stackoverflow.com
if you can't log in (but it seems you can?) or if you can't make a useful bug report without confidential information, use the feedback form at security.stackexchange.com/help
yeah I tried but I could not login there either...
oh that's very useful, thanks
Did you try logging out of every SE site and clearing your cookies?
that's exactly what I was looking for
not yet, but I'll try
You can chat in the Assembly. It's not very active, but a lot of mods check it now and then, and can relay things to the staff.
Oh, that's cute. I've never looked at the help page before. That looks somewhat useful to know about.
but for a login problem, I think the contact form is your best bet
@ScottPack they're new-ish
@Gilles I can believe that.
I'll try to dig into it, thanks !
see you and have a nice day
@ScottPack depends on what's in the cookies
@LucasKauffman i've never had a cookie like that, but I'll defer to your cultural expertise.
@ScottPack well you must understand, that I live close to holland
and that canabis is legal around here :p
@LucasKauffman Which is precisely why I'm deferring. :)
only ate it once though
but it's more dangerous than smoking
you dont feel anything until you digest the stuff
so you keep eating
until you feel something
and then well...
but I only did it twice
@ScottPack u never tried canabis?
@LucasKauffman My favou?rite EE professor is a Nederlander. In fact, ie may properly be Hollander.
@LucasKauffman No comment.
@ScottPack No comment == implicit yes
It is worth noting that I grew up in a very rural forest region where it is not unheard of to find wild crop.
thats normal
It was often said that the largest legal cash crop of the region was tabacco.
in turkey it just grew in the wild as well
lol :p
/me was also a theatre major before eventually migrating to CS
@ScottPack seriously?
well we all know that art students are major potheads
Also wild parties.
@ScottPack I read “migrating to CS”, and it took me several tries to shake off my first interpretation and understand the sentence
@Gilles It was not a straight path, so migration seemed the best description. What was your first reading? I'm feeling dangerously curious.
@ScottPack migrating SE questions to CS.SE (I'm a CS.SE moderator)
Ah. That is certainly understandable, but unfortunately boring. I was hoping for something with more pizzaz.
@ScottPack pizzaz would have been migrating to IT
1 hour later…
@ScottPack Have you tried installing metasploit framework on Mac?
@Terry I have. It wasn't too terrible, but it wasn't a direct download and install.
I think I had to install some dependencies in ports and then download the msf source
@ScottPack Got a link I can follow somewhere? There are a few i found when googling but i don't know which to follow.
The whole framework is pretty much just ruby and python. The installer is just the windows junk necessary to wrap it in a way Windows can manage.
Doesn't look like it's in my history file anymore. Let me see here...
Thanks, will try to get it working. If i can get that up I will be able to run almost everything i need natively.
would this be better for you then SF serverfault.com/questions/433272/…
@ScottPack how do you actually migrate from theater to CS
@Iain I think it's not unreasonable over here.
I don't feel that strongly, but the more I think about it the.more I think it would.work for us.
@ScottPack would you like it or should I ask DBA ? It's getting flags on our side
@Iain Now that I'm not sure about. I don't have any feel for them at all.
In my experience the mandate to encrypt DB data and the minimum requirements have come from us, but has been performed by the DBAs.
So I really suppose it depends on what he's asking. Should it be done would be us, and how to implement it them? I dunno.
I think it's better for DBA since he is requesting for specifics
they (should) have more experience with that
It's a bit of a risk management v. implementation questions
@Lucas I was studying lighting and by the end of my first year all the technical people had left. Which led me to radio engineering, which ended up being a waiting room for my school to make a CS program.
I think your right - DBA may be better as he's really asking for implementation
@ScottPack cool
@ScottPack I started in electronics (avionics) then moved into automated electronic testing and then sysadmin
@Iain I've found that the best people to work with had those circuitous routes. They tend to pick up a lot of context, I suppose is the best.word, along the way.
I started with 0 IT background
and I failed at programming my first year
like failed horribly
and then there was light
@Iszi me and @RoryMcCune were wondering why you are not showing a profile picture :P?
I mean. Probably laziness.
Last month I hesitated a moment before I deleted the posting by Hakin9 as spam, given that it is a magazine available at many shops.
Over the past couple of.months I've gotten begged for both snort and Nessus articles.
I suppose I'm glad that I didn't bother.
They are a bit spammy
I had heard of the magazine but not muchmore
@Rory Could be worse. Could be Rapid7.
@HendrikBrummermann That is brilliant
1 hour later…
@Thomas ^^^
@JeffFerland hahaha
Probably spam. Best delete the postand merge the account with AttackingWildebeest
If rapid7 would give me a license for nexpose I'd gladly write articles
1 hour later…
@JeffFerland I just sent the sequel, but I think it is a bit shorter.
(but possibly with better special effects)
And it is @Polynomial's fault anyway. Don't blame me for being awesome, I can't help it.
Currently 4th place in ycombinator...
120 views in last 5 minutes
1 hour later…
@Lucas Can you please stop hitting on my lonely friends?
5k views on that question now. How do I miss seeing this stuff when it is first posted?
I was too busy eating a fantastic curry and splitting a bottle of pretty not bad Riesling.
I like how @Thomas had to split his answer in twain.

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