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@HorvathZeldjinovic ah, come on... already got suspended? see you in the next account, I guess...
@ThoriumBR Ban evasion is against the rules. It frustrates me, but my hands are tied.
@HorvathZeldjinovic Please contact Stack Exchange to appeal your suspension if you wish. Otherwise, you can just wait out your original suspension and come back when it lifts. And I'm sorry. You're right, no one here had any problems with you.
but who is the object of the suspension? the account or the person behind the account?
if it's the person, how that' s supposed to be enforced?
@ThoriumBR We can't discuss the particulars for any specific user's suspension, but it's always the person behind the account who is suspended, but naturally only the account itself can be suspended since SE doesn't operate in any other way.
curiosity: having two or more accounts is against the rules?
Having multiple accounts is fine as long as 1) They aren't used to evade suspensions and 2) They don't vote for each other or otherwise use each other to game the rep system.
makes sense...
@ThoriumBR the person
Otherwise suspensions are meaningless
Already said that :P
But yeah, if it was just the account, then ban evasions would be de facto sanctioned.
@ThoriumBR I have two - tho the spare is used rarely on untrusted systems or ironically to test suspension effects....
Aibot right?
To an extent, if you want to use SE you need to accept SE rules, or work to change them the right way
@forest aibobot
I like my multi level jokes
so it's how it should be... although if someone makes separate accounts that don't interact with each other and have different personas, it's pretty difficult to link them and ban both...
@ThoriumBR people are amazingly obvious most of the time
@ThoriumBR Sure, but maintaining proper compartmentalization is hard.
or if they interact but antagonize each other...
yeah, I saw people burn themselves on twitter all the time by forgetting to replace accounts and masks... it's funny... it's the kind of mistake that you make once and burn years of hard work.
@ThoriumBR suspend both!
If it's chat, we don't generally condone RP
I put my robes and wizard hat on
do you guys have any idea how difficult is to install windows 7 sp1 on a 15 year old pc that had made the mistake of installing windows 10 on? it took me 5 hours (and counting) to make it usable again...
No clue. I'd recommend just using Linux instead.
first, win7 don't want to install because of the BCD. So I just boot on linux live, delete all partitions and reboot. and wind7 refuses to install because it's a MBR drive. I reboot linux, wipe the disk, make a gpt partition, reboot. win7 installs, but don't upgrade because it's win7 and sha2 isn't something it heard about.
I try to google something, but alas! TLS 1.0 is the only thing win7 knows, and it obviously don't work. I suspected the browser, tried to install vivaldi, the site loads pretty garbled, the installer does not download...
So I download a couple fixes by hand, install by hand, reboot, and windows update fires up and starts finding updates... for 40 minutes! and finds 172... now it's downloading them all... and now vivaldi works.
@forest I have a bunch of really old games that don't run nicely on linux, and don't play nicely with wine
I use a Windows VM with GPU passthrough for that (in the rare situations that I can't get Wine to work with it).
I am currently playing skyrim for the gogolth time, and mod organizers aren't working on linux...
@forest I don't think a t430 for the start of the last decade would give me enough performance for a vm... it's out of support since 2013
@ThoriumBR Sure it would, if it has VT-x and you use GPU passthrough (or that VirGL stuff).
The computer I have a gaming VM on is from 2010 on like... a Sandy Bridge.
next year I will probably buy a real computer... with ethereum migrating to proof of stake instead of proof of work it's possible to buy a gpu without mortgaging the house
@forest it probably have a discrete graphics card and probably more ram than I have...
Well yeah it does have a discrete GPU, but quiet weak (and only 8 GiB RAM).
mine have a i5-3320M @2.6ghz with integrated graphics and 8gb of ram... and any discrete gpu is faster than mine
@ThoriumBR the 1.5 year old might be a thing
I just found out that the i5-3320M is still on sale... for a whopping $229! come on, you can buy an entire system for less than that!
@ThoriumBR I feel ya man
@ThoriumBR Tbh, I still think it'd be possible to get a game running smoothy in a VM if you configure it correctly.
If I have the budget and things are still nuts, I might end up buying a boutique prebuild cause it's cheaper
Cause of the GPU
I've been telling myself to upgrade my little GPU cluster for almost 10 years now.
But it's really damn expensive to do.
the last time I bought a GPU, it was a Radeon 9200SE... yeah, I'm that old...
all my other computers were laptops with integrated graphics
@forest tbh for something like that ex mining boxen make sense if you can get them cheap
if you get an ex-miner gpu, make sure to clean it and reapply thermal paste...
and ask nicely if they accept ftx or terra tokens...
@JourneymanGeek Yeah those are good.
I wouldn't cause well, it's my only box
And the one I got previously 'we pinky swear it wasn't a mining vox' had a dead dp port 😅
just say "I don't care if it was a mining rig, because now it's going to a mining rig... how is the sustained hash rate?"
and they will either tell you the hash rate 9so it was a mining rig) or they will get caught by surprise and you can see it was a mining rig and he is lying
I use them for hash cracking and fuzzing, not mining.
But hash cracking rigs and mining rigs are pretty similar.
they are doing almost the same work
1 hour later…
@ThoriumBR oh I needed it as a temporary card
there's nothing as permanent as a temporary solution
2 hours later…
@ThoriumBR strangely no
@forest Does SE have anti-voting-ring measures?
2 hours later…
@belkarx I think so, but they don't talk about them much
@ThoriumBR Wait... you mean that bitcoin mining doesn't mean trying to crack leaked password hashes from crypto exchanges?
I wonder which would be more lucrative, trying to crack password hashes or actual mining
It would be hilarious if a bunch of people went, "Hey, we now have all these unused GPUs sitting around, let's do something..."
I really doubt the anti-voting-ring tools will be able to catch any voting ring that actively tries to avoid being detected.
@belkarx yes
@nobody actually those are probably more likely to be caught
How so?
The biggest voting ring that people are aware of was dozens of people
And there wasn't any real organisation
People being too smart are the dumbest
So they never really tried to not get caught?
I would love to test out how effective y'all are at catching voting rings
But I have no idea how to start one :P
Unless I start a voting ring of socks...
Mar 31, 2016 at 15:05, by kalina
since I kicked up a fuss about a moderator (no names... cough) merging my account with two other accounts he claimed were sock puppets when in fact it was a voting ring
lol, quick search for voting rings turned this up
2 hours later…
it's very easy to catch a voting ring... the voting graph is more or less random, but if you have a voting graph with the same nodes appearing, it's a voting ring.
or new accounts asking multiple questions and voting on a lot of answers
6 hours later…
@nobody If you want more information on voting rings, a MSO search is probably better: meta.stackoverflow.com/search?q=voting%20ring
never thought someone would ask so many dumb questions it would be banned and had to create surrogates to keep asking dumb questions
almost went to meta and asked: "If I ask too many dumb questions, will I be banned?"...
1 hour later…
@nobody You must be patient. Bide your time, create at least 20-50 of accounts at random intervals, use them to vote on random questions every once in a while, have them ask questions (duplicates, GPT-generated, who knows) then after a period of more than a year, you start voting more often on your alt accounts' questions, still maintaining votes on other random accounts. Boom, successful if not super useful voting ring
@belkarx or you could just grab some info out of one of the most recent password dumps and try the email/pw against SE and build up a massive voting army of real users that are none the wiser to your intentions ...
highly illegal ofcourse, but prob the most clandestine way of doing it assuming you use multiple proxies too
1 hour later…
Good point, though SE has anti-bruteforcing-logins in place, no?
I sure hope no employees wander into the room right now...
Hm... so I think I've discovered something quite bad that's bringing my personal "always full disclosure" policy into question. Simply put, an emergency crisis support chat line seems to have a vulnerability that led to it getting hacked, with conversations logged to files that anyone can access. That's a serious privacy issue.
@belkarx again, if your using proxies and diff usernames each times you prob wouldnt trip any alerts if you where careful
@FireQuacker discussing potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities of anything is kinda the whole point of this room. And this weakness isnt limited to SE, but to any service where its users have bad Opsec and use the same password for multiple accounts.
@forest did you publicly disclose the vulnerability? Was the agency given enough time to fix said issue before it was disclosed? Did it get hacked before or after the vulnerability was made public?
@CaffeineAddiction It has already been hacked, presumably. I have not yet disclosed it in public.
@JourneymanGeek and you can always trust corporations, in fact they are more trustworthy than any other entity around ... as long as you are trusting them to do whatever is in the best interest of short term gains for their shareholders at the expense of the user base and public at large.
@forest if its already hacked, the dmg is already done ... report it.
@CaffeineAddiction Yeah, considering that, but given that it contains actual logs...
Its shitty for someone now or shitty for someone later ... reporting it now gives the person who exploited it less time to do whatever they where going to do w/ the data.
It's been exploited for years, judging by the timestamps.
I think the original attacker isn't even there anymore.
rip off the bandaid
@forest imo, even if it destroys the company and hurts the potential user base it will be a lesson for the future and save many many more.
@CaffeineAddiction Hm, thousands and thousands of CSA survivors and self-harmers personal and confidential chats during a crisis though...
Your not releasing the content, just the fact that there was a breach and that someone else might have that data.
I would much rather know than not know even if I was in that data
I mean think about it, would you rather first find out by have that company tell you hey we had a breach or some random f-tard hit you up via email extorting you w/ the data they obtained for money.
It's not a community. It's a volunteer-run confidential crisis support line.
eh, even still
at the bare min, the admin of the support line should be informed
what they do w/ the info is on them
Is the data still accessible? If it is, reporting it means there isn't a fix, and that's absolutely not the way to go. If is isn't, I'd hit up a mental health professional to gauge the impact of disclosure, and work from there. Like @CaffeineAddiction said, better find out from the line itself than some random, but if there isn't personally identifying information, the risk of that depends on the size/diversity of the userbase
@belkarx Oh, that's actually a good idea.
@belkarx as much as i think this is a good approach, it could backfire and have forest branded as the evil haxx0r that tried to abuse its powers to do whatever haxx0rs do...
Well, I wouldn't report it with my real identity anyway. :P
Of course not. Hack into somebody else's email account and use that to contact them
that would really be evil
lol wow
@FireQuacker ooops
Oops indeed o.o

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