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@JourneymanGeek boredom is quite accurate :)
also its like every 9 months I check messages
hardly an obsession :P
Okay, what?
I have to ask, did you just read the last six months transcripts?
I hit all of the places I used to hang out, found the search function, searched for 5 different strings and looked at the results
and then moved onto the next one
its primarily insomnia related
actually its quite sad as the years pass how few of these places even exist anymore
so many forums have just disappeared
still, definitely safer and less brain damaging than randomly browsing reddit
That depends on the subreddits you frequent
oh its not really about frequenting anything
I don't really reliably turn up anywhere anymore
reddit is just you keep clicking stuff and eventually you cause unexpected damage to yourself
Well, reddit hasn't caused me any sort of apparent damage yet. Although admittedly, I don't go there often
Mostly, when I'm bored, I just think of a random interesting topic, than google for related reddit posts, so I probably haven't seen most of the damaging stuff
oh right no when I'm bored I'm bored
looking for interesting when I'm bored is too late, that has to happen before I get bored
once I get bored all bets are off and I probably need to clear my browsing history when I wake up
Whats that gonna help with?
It's not like you'll forget what you've seen
removing the evidence in case anybody else looks at my pc lol
I'm pretty good at forgetting stuff I don't need to know
and stuff I do need to know
I only forget the stuff that's useful
The useless stuff stays with me forever
my least favourite new habit is watching hours of youtube
if only there was a way for me to turn that into an income stream
I guess you could get a position as a youtube content moderator or whatever its called?
ahaha yeah but then it would probably cease being fun because of how much my brain loves procrastinating
exactly that
gosh I need to do something productive
I will read my email
check twitter
right lets have a look at youtube
oh its dark
oh its tomorrow already
today I will spend all day thinking about how tomorrow I will plan what I'm doing this weekend
my life is not much different than that. Except I don't plan anything
well it could be worse, I could be on tiktok instead
if zombies had brains would they just eat their own brains
@kalina That depends on how intelligent their brains are. If they’re too dumb, they’ll have difficulty figuring out how to extract their own brains. If they’re too smart, they’ll realize that eating their own brain is not a good idea.
ah my day has devolved into watching videos of people watching videos of people watching videos
I should try sleeping again
or maybe I'll make a drink to counteract how cold it is
7 hours later…
and some random guy made a trebuchet that can launch small steel spheres at 400m/s...
sounds like a gunshot when it launches
@kalina I know how you feel...
What could go wrong?
I am thinking "what if he scale it up to throw steel spheres as big as bowling balls?"
the sheer force of it would be deadly dangerous...
he could compete with spinlaunch: the trebulaunch...
I know it isn't possible to launch anything at orbital speeds with a trebuchet... sadly...
troubleshoot a script you made 6 months ago is too easy? need more challenge? get a 2 yo and sit on your lap while you debug!
4 or 5 mo can be a lot easier to keep calm while doing other things
Once they learn to talk and learn that computers are for watching YouTube, it becomes hard to do anything else... "I wanna watch a video!"
I bet you could make it work out if you narrated your hunt through the code with an interesting voice
Depends on the 2 yo, though... There is quite a large range of what 2 year olds can be like.
@ThoriumBR or a dog
he was sleepy, I put him in bed and he slept for 30 minutes and went back... he got in my lap for 30 minutes, slept again, I put him back in bed and got back to my chair, and he was by my side before I had time to grab my headphones...
he wants to play with the mouse, and I have an unplugged xbox controller with more buttons so he keeps playing with it
he loves to type, so when I am afk I have to lock the screen
he once wrote gibberish on the team slack channel and my manager asked me in private if I posted passwords on an open channel and if so, I would have to contact security
my bank manager sent me a prospect for an investment, and it says that "persons that don't read and understand the prospect should not invest"... ok, let me read the prospect... and it's 599 pages long. the summary is 9 pages long.
3 hours later…
I am installing a free game from epicgames, and I always install then on my external drive, it's the default install location... But my drive was unplugged and it was going to install to the default location, and it does not find the drive and gives an error message:

I know I have to plug the dtive, but come on, what in Netware name is that error message?
@ThoriumBR Come on, you can't expect it to swear at you explicitly. After all, children might play the game. They had to abbreviate the swearing.

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