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Hey folks, I have this mysterious blind injection point, but I can't figure out what language I'm dealing with
It's in REST API that belongs to a Java (Spring?) web app
any url/error message/special parameter?
google can help you with that
(Let me first write up some more details: )
The server response only tells me whether my injected string is causing a syntax error. So I can experiment with different syntax constructs
The API takes a category name (e.g. help) and sends a JSON reply in the form of [{"title": "Our help", "multicategory": ["help", "home"], "content": "Some help info...", "priority": "0.0"}, ...]
As for the injection point, some examples are:
help'foo -> error
help''foo -> ok
help'-a(b+c+1-0.5e10)-'foo -> ok
I'm getting an error if e.g. the parentheses or quotes don't match or a number literal exceeding the max of a signed 64bit int (9223372036854775807). So I'm clearly interacting with some language parser, but no idea what exactly
you could try some formatting errors, template expansions, things like that
it does not output anything that tells "it's java", nor "it's not java"
Also, some characters are banned (including "|^[]{}/)
Tried, but didn't get me anywhere
I tried to find some syntax keywords. Curiously, the only potential one I found is if (but neither else, for, and, do ...)
help'-if()-'foo -> error
help'-anyotherword()-'foo -> ok
And, surprisingly: help'-(if)-'foo -> ok
I suspect this is some kind of framework-related DSL, but who knows
11 hours later…
@CaffeineAddiction Honestly, if I have music files in the format 05 - Iron Maiden - The Trooper.flac I'd rather write rename 's/(\d+?)\ -\ Iron\ Maiden\ -\ /$1/g' *.flac than to mess around with Python or whatever other language you consider a "real language"
Anything I need to do "just once" is probably good enough to do in Bash
@MechMK1 @CaffeineAddiction or a specialised tool
I tend to use mp3tag :D
I like kid3
@A.Hersean 's/.*sh/a shell of your choice/g'
I like mp3tag too
Ah, GUI only
kid3 has a cli tool as well, which can be used both interactively and batchable
Which is nice on the server you're storing your music on
@MechMK1 Nop. It must be zsh. No compromise. And "pysh" is not a shell (a coworker tried it as a login shell... as expected, but not by him, it did not work...).
I honestly couldn't care less what shell it was
The war between bash and zsh is the same as the one between vim and emacs, or gnome and kde, except that nobody heard of this war.
I personally never used zsh...
I used csh as my default shell 20 years ago when I knew nothing about linux at all, but moved to bash 6 months later and still use it to this day
And nobody cares. So everybody is stuck with bash. And that sucks, because every time I log on a new server, one of my first though is "oh, right, I'm on a retarded bash shell with zero functionalities". In bash you can't even write something as simple as 'cat */.log'
fuck autocorection
do you know what I love about autocorrect? the memes
there's two consecutive "*" in my previous post
Why would cat */.log not work in bash?
As far as i know, it does
because that's not what I wrote
I've found some memes so hilarious, they must be fake
what you read works in bash, of course
cat **/.log
I don't know what happend
I even edited the post...
what would that do? cat all .log files on all subdirs?
yeah. I used cat as an example, but could be wc or du
try using the code formatting
four spaces, then a command
cat **/*.log
or backticks
that's better
now it makes sense
so, cat **/*.log is valid zsh but not bash. ** is recursive *.
sometimes grep, ripgrep of find can do the job, but sometimes ** is so much easier
Why was my server off??
Ah yes, power outage
I forgot
Had to reboot it with a lockpick
I have a problem
My HDD is ticking as if there is lots of IO
But iotop shows nothing
What does SMART tells you?
How can I check that?
I rebooted, then it was fine for a while and now it's going again
@MechMK1 from the bios/uefi or from diagnostic software
Weird, it stopped now
This is an incomplete list of software that reads S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) data from hard drives. == Notes == == References ==
On my NAS, the OS (Synology DSM) has SMART monitoring integrated, to be alerted to swap a drive before it completely fails (a SMART scan job must still be scheduled beforehand).
Drive seems fine
Didn't detect any SMART errors
I think it may have been some process going through my HDD
Like some find command or whatever
yeah, most likely
(I get why "**/*" was not displayed correctly: it displayed "/" in italics... I feel so stupid.)
makes sense... an italic / and normal / seems the same...
@MechMK1 a ticking HDD usually is a dying HDD
I once entered the datacenter of the company and heard weird hdd clicking, and told root about it, and said the hdd was dying. he dismissed it and said "this is an enterprise grade hdd, it won't die so fast"... next Monday I got to work, couldn't login, got to the datacenter, root was there... "we are rebuilding the RAID array, one hdd died the weekend"
It sounded more more like IO
Like it was searching through the HDD
or worn out mounts
I have a HDD that sounds like a dying fan at full tilt cause the case is magnifying the sound
that's an issue too
I'm debating dumping that PC - I'm mostly using it as a proof of concept to test stuff
or sticking it somewhere other than my room :D
As I said, my HDD is quiet now. It's way more likely that it was just some process instead of my HDD dying
If it were dying, it'd click all the time
Perhaps I found the solution for constant annoying password prompts
KeePassXC has an option called Global Autotype
No more Alt+Tabbing to Keepass and looking for the correct password in a ridiculously long list of different passwords, yay
But it does require some initial configuration
Of course for this to be really convenient the KeePass database needs to be constantly unlocked, but hey, non stop password prompts would mean that the db is constantly unlocked either way
@gaazkam You can also use the browser extension
That works really well too
@MechMK1 sadly, not for passwords required to unlock private keys needed to make a git commit
IT demands that all private keys must be password protected
1 hour later…
I sent my address to my manager, so I can receive company mails... and was looking at some "interesting" findings on my neighborhood:
- the one naming (or numbering) the roads were drunk for sure...
- there are the corner of the 13rd street with 13rd street
- the 15th is between 13rd and 14th
- the one after 5th is 13rd
- the 13rd changes midway to 27
- there's a road parallel to it that is the 13rd
- the 14th is between the 15th and the 15th
- the one after 7th is 9th, there's no 8th
Naming things is hard...
road++ isn't that hard...
Only got ten fingers, man... How you gonna keep track of them after that?
I dunno. Sometimes when you do road++, you get problems when you start adding new roads in between them
If you can name all the roads in the city all at one time, then you can make it logical. But if you have some history and changing designs and such, you get all messed up
That's why all roads should have utterly meaningless names so you can't get confused
I lived on a city that had thematic roads. a neighborhood have bird street names, other rocks, other flowers
so if they created new roads, they just picked up another bird or stone or whatever
Yeah, that works
1 hour later…
Sucks that J isn't here anymore.
He wanted one.
$30 for a 3 key keyboard... a cool gift
Yeah, anybody want to get me one? :P
Cuz I'm never going to spend 30 bucks for three key caps myself.
3 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek exactly ... I would be writing a specialized tool
@A.Hersean pff, the only war that matters ... tabs vs spaces
Hey guys! I wanted to ask you guys for some advice if that's okay. What do you think is the best way to make sure your program is only used on one computer (i.e. license verification)? Is there some unique device ID I can use?
short answer ... you cant, you can only buy time before someone cracks whatever protection you add
its right up there w/ the axiom physical access is root access ... drm is made to be broken

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