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9:15 AM
@MechMK1 I'm glad your girlfriend is okay. I hope you go some sleep. :( Even if everything turns out okay, surprise visits to the hospital definitely don't do much to help the brain settle and sleep
1 hour later…
10:18 AM
@ConorMancone I feel like I'm hallucinating
Have you ever had a dream in which you were fully aware you were dreaming but everything felt 100% real?
10:38 AM
@MechMK1 I've had the former but never the latter. I can't tell if that sounds great or terrible...
@ConorMancone It was scary as fuck, because I had no idea how waking up would be like
Cue the typical: "What if you are in a dream, and you know it's a dream, but you never wake up?"
The world was completely fucked. Fragments of everything just being placed at random. And beyond, was nothing. Not "black", just literal null.
Everything that remained was Hakugyokurou, the ghost shrine overlooking the land of the dead and damned.
Everything I say sounds completely insane and the worst part is I am acutely aware of it.
3 hours later…
1:36 PM
hi guys! doing well everyone?
I am about to send an email to my manager asking to resign and be reallocated on another department... wish me luck!
@ThoriumBR Exciting! I hope it works out.
I think so... the team knows me from a long time, the manager's manager came to me, they will even increase the pay rate of the opening to have me...
but I feel sorry to have to leave my current team... I've worked with them and with my manager 10 years ago for half a decade, I left the company and 6 years later my former (and current) manager bought me back to the company.
and I am writing this mail since Friday, it's done already, and I am sad to press "Send"...
It's good to be wanted
Also good to recognize the time to move on
1:53 PM
sent... now I just have to wait.
2:28 PM
@MechMK1 // - 16 - 16 - 16 - 16 - 16 - 16 - 16 - 16 - \\\
2:50 PM
@Derpy I don't get the reference ahhhhh
@ThoriumBR I wish you the best!
thanks guys... my manager asked me to go ahead, and I applied to the new team
@MechMK1 (A No Man's Sky reference if you were wondering)
@Derpy Yeah, I didn't play that
Also sorry, meant to post the source before you asked but then... I forgot. Kinda stuck with some really weird requirements for a new feature in a web app.
Luckily, maybe? I heard bad things
I wonder if that dream had any meaning
2:55 PM
@MechMK1 look, the initial game.... a mess. But you have to give credit to the devs for taking responsibility of the initial release and slowly fixing it with multiple FREE patches.
@Derpy Yeah, I heard it got better. The whole story is indeed a mess
I mean, I understand how it got there
Sean Murray isn't a PR guy, and suddenly he had to be one. And so he just talked about the game in his head, his vision, the game he wanted to make - not the game he was actually making.
4 years later, still getting new content. That said... it is not a game for everyone. No big story, just wandering in space, visiting weird places.
@Derpy Minecraft in space, basically
Though I love modded minecraft
@MechMK1 yep, with the difference that after shipping vanilla Minecraft after promising Crazy Craft.... they started adding the features in the vanilla game
@Derpy As I said, I do appreciate the fact that they tried to set some wrongs right
But acting as if that made everything fine sets a dangerous precedent
Any publisher can release a broken game, point at NMS and say "We'll do it just like them! You just have to belieeeeeeve!"
3:02 PM
well... "fine".... I get what you mean but you have to give them credit for adding more that they initially promised. Unlike Mighty #9, for example.
@MechMK1 oh, but that was standard practice well before NMS. It started when patches were "discovered" ^_^'
Yes, I agree. It's good that they did it, but it's bad that they had the need to do it
I kinda miss the old Nes era, when you had to ship a finished product :P
@Derpy More or less, yes. The idea to correct an error after the fact is good, but there is a difference between "Shipping a complete game which may contain minor bugs. We'll possibly add a big expansion later" and "Just ship whatever doesn't outright crash 9 times out of 5. We'll add a game later. Maybe. If they pay enough. Or not, who cares?"
This is what happened with Ark: Survival Evolved
Too many people bought the season pass, so they released "Atlas" as a standalone game, even though it was planned to be an Ark: Survibal Evolved DLC
Anyways, I got to go now. See you later, possibly
@MechMK1 to be fair, the original game didn't have that much issues with bugs. The problem was missing features that were advertised before
The ability to play/interact with other players , the portals (think a Stargate ) not working in the original game (with people noticing they lacked any code related to their alleged function) and so on....
@MechMK1 bye, see you later
@MechMK1 anyway, back to your question... It kinda depends. What memory would you have of the original world? You would know you are missing something, but would you know what? In a way, it is like that old fragment from one of Zhuangzi's books...
> Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.

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