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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

12:00 AM
I was already very reluctant to go in water, I really hated to put myself under water
Well water is dangerous. I choked on some chlorine water once. It was horrible.
Oh wow, that must've sucked then.
One of the other children was doing a lot of nonsense-childish things, so adults were paying attention to him
I've always had a fear of deep water, myself.
Well, deep as in ocean deep, but still.
I can't remember how, but that's at that moment I transformed into an unconscious body floating on the water
You're lucky you survived.
12:02 AM
A lifeguard noticed me, and helped me
I can't imagine how my mother feel at that exact moment
It must have sucked.
Probably glad you didn't die!
I hated water since, until some years ago when I leant to swim.
And then horrified that you almost did.
I think I have memories from underwater, but I might be confusing with a TV ad for a bottle of water.
12:06 AM
Life is dangerous.
Life sucks, and then you die.
I'm still amazed how we can live for ~80 years, while everything can kill us anytime
There's a reason our lifespan is so great but our life expectancy is mediocre.
12:20 AM
Python looks so clean. I should use it more. :(
It is a nice language.
It's my favorite by far
I use it for anything too complex for bash/ksh but too simple for C.
@BenoitEsnard Are you by any chance doing the Python jails right now?
Haha, not really :P
12:22 AM
I was fixing a Python script used by someone else, not security-related
There is a cute bypass for some of them (which I didn't use to solve though)
Python jails?
@forest One of the Root-Me challenges
12:24 AM
CTF challenges where you get e.g. a restricted Python shell and need to get RCE
Unrelated, but I needed a specific script for a CTF, and found only a Windows executable online, but the author posted the source
I compiled them so easily, it was fast
After years of stupid dependencies & all, I forgot how easy it could be sometimes.
That's what I like about Gentoo. I get a feel for how easy or hard compilations can be.
BTW, one of the good things about Python is that while it is high-level, it's still straightforward to write C extensions and stuff
And easy to use with networking.
Easy to use with everything
12:32 AM
The only thing I don't like is syntactic whitespace.
Right now I'm trying to make Python's AST parser (implemented in C) of different Python versions available to 3.7 which so far seems more straightforward than I anticipated
I'm fine with syntactic whitespace
You can avoid it with many constructs if you really want to
import foo; if foo.bar: print("abc"); ...
True. I just prefer C where spaces are meaningless.
But both languages are nice.
What's sad is that if you need to do something on the web there is no way to get around JS on the client side. Except some odd transpilers which are impractical for a number of reasons
JS is fun.
I find JS's type conversion logic unacceptable
@Arminius 2nd only to PHP
And PHP is never ever going away
2 hours later…
3:02 AM
Python is pretty until you look too deep * Beware, the implementations here are deep magic. Yeah thanks, that helps
3:20 AM
4:03 AM
(That's its actual Pokedex entry)
4 hours later…
7:55 AM
You guys never sleep.
8:10 AM
the magic of other timezones
Well, Arminius lives in Germany, no?
So he has the timezone as you, but he's always awake :p
8:34 AM
He's a hacker, that's why.
8:49 AM
because he's a hacker
he's never awake at daytime
and I'm not
9:01 AM
lol :p
9:18 AM
@ConorMancone Aww.. shame you deleted that question. I really think that it was worth asking.
What was the question?
it boiled down to "what can an individual do to pressure/encourage a company to improve its password policy" and "what can we as a security community do to raise more awareness to the matter?"
it could've been maybe phrased a bit better, because it was somewhat broad
forest is also a hacker :p
definitely needed some work
@daya Aren't we all hackers?
9:36 AM
I wish I was a hacker.
I'm not even good enough to be a blue teamer right now.
Have you ever tried to learn?
Of course, lol.
I'm not saying I don't ever do anything...
HamZa found one of his posts here 5 years ago
And look at him nowadays :)
Believe in yourself.
9:44 AM
Well yes, but I am not sure what you mean to be honest.
I mean, you're 17! You can still do whatever you want at this age. You have 1h30 each day in public transport? Read tutorials, practice on challenges website, etc.
Who said I don't do that already?
Oh. Do you?
Do you really feel you haven't learnt anything?
9:46 AM
Well, yes. But I study for CCNA Security in my journey so I don't have to at home.
So I can do HTB and other things at home.
The road to mastering security is quite long, it can take years
pretty sure you are more of a hacker (whatever that means) than I am
Do not get discouraged. :)
If you are able to bust HTB boxes then you are far ahead of any typical IT guy
9:50 AM
Recently I started to do some Root-Me challenges I left unfinished some time ago. I haven't practiced that much since (well, not as much as I would like to), and I was amazed how fast I was able to solve them, I was expecting to struggle for hours before giving up again
If you don't understand something, leave it for a few days, try to discover another concept (security is large enough to always find new concepts), and come back on it. :)
I'm not discouraged :p
I wouldn't be here if I was discouraged ;)
you sometimes sound like it
I cycle to my work for ~30mn (so per day ~1h)
I decided to occasionally take the tram which takes ~40mn (especially on rainy days). This way i can read during my travels.
I just listen to podcasts *shrug
10:05 AM
@TomK. Do I?
I don't mean to..
As I said, I wouldn't be here if I was discouraged, I'd just sit at home and waste my life like all the other people I went to school with :p
"I'm not even good enough to be a blue teamer right now." <- that sounds a bit discouraged to me
but if you say you aren't, then all is good
I've got low self-confidence, don't shoot me.
10:15 AM
@BenoitEsnard Well, I would say we are aspiring hackers and a "true hacker" is really a very respected term.
10:35 AM
@daya To be serious, I do not pretend to be one, but I think some people on sec.se are true hackers :)
10:58 AM
Neither I and yes they are!
11:21 AM
@BenoitEsnard And your chat comments above motivated me more :)
I wish I could de-star messages that other people starred
what is this nonsense "Life sucks, and then you die."
In life you will experience a lot of varying degrees of happiness, but most of the times, life won't suck. Then you will die.
@daya I'm happy to have motivated you then!
@TomK. Yeah, me too.
Can I confess something? My secret goal is that all starred messages contain "17".
(depending on your time zone) wait for 5 more hours
then it'll say 17h ago for forest's messages
11:35 AM
Relative time isn't impacted by timezones, you know :P
nevermind then :D
Thanks you Benoit, now I feel as stupid as a 17 year old!
is this a quid pro quo?
11:51 AM
"Thanks you Benoit, now I feel as stupid as a 17 year old!"
I feel insulted.
He was joking. :o
Just cleared the "Javascript - Obfuscation 5" challenge on Root-Me! After many fails over 5 years!
I'm so happy right now. :D
11:57 AM
oh god, was that the one with the underlines?
Who starred that message, show yourself >.<
Stop laughing at me >.>
12:03 PM
12:04 PM
I'm going to stamp my feet like a 17 year old in a minute. ;)
To be honnest, I would love to be 17.
I had my first computer when I was 19
19? that's crazy!
I would have learnt so much if I had it at 9 f.e.
I got my own computer at 11.
12:05 PM
I had my first when I was 13 or so
but I had my first computer when I was 6.
And ever since 6, the computer is all I've done :D
And you already have a job in IT!
thank you for showing us the intricacies of the english language
12:06 PM
What do you mean Tom?
you got your own at 11 but had your own at 6
Yeah that makes sense though :p
I got my own computer at 11 but I had my first computer at 6.
11 + 6 = 17
I mean, I had a computer at 6.
12:07 PM
But it wasn't my own computer.
Does that not make sense? :O
that's what I meant
It makes sense, but it wasn't obvious at first for non-native English speakers :P
it does
12:08 PM
Sorry, haha. :D
Benoit, we've nearly got the number 17 in every starred message.
If only forest had posted "Life sucks, and then you die. 17."
if only *sigh
He should've thought about it :(
@BenoitEsnard How come you got a computer so late? :p
12:13 PM
Well, I didn't need it before. And I also guess it's because of my parents. They didn't allow me to play video games until I was 10. :'(
Oh, that makes sense I guess.
But when I was 19, my girlfriend had to travel 2 month in Morocco, so I needed to be able to contact her :(
It was a Windows XP with 1GB RAM. In 2011. 8-)
If it wasn't for my father I wouldn't have had a PC so young, to be honest.
I started learning how to code, and was interested by security, and got lucky to find some vulns on a high traffic website, who wanted to recruit me
So I became a web developer. :D
Wow, that's a cool story actually :D
12:16 PM
Wish I got a job that smoothly lol.
Got pretty lucky, tbh. I was studying maths & physics, so my job has nothing to do with I've learnt at school.
You're 17 and you already have a job in IT, I think that's already pretty cool.
Yeah that is pretty cool I guess :D
I got lucky too, but we make our own luck I guess shrugs
did you finish uni?
I didn't. :o
12:28 PM
don't worry, nothing to be ashamed of
I didn't finish my first degree as well
How come Tom?
Bored you or?
I'm not ashamed! Being an autodidact has a lot of benefits (even if it has some drawbacks, too).
I kept my physics / maths books though, because I assumed I could come back to studying one day, but I guess it won't happen. :D
It bored me and I had some other activities I wanted to keep up with
lol :D
12:30 PM
Fair enough.
I was never into WoW :p
Neither do I. I've always been a Nintendo guy.
Counter-Striker here :p
From about 8 till 16. Played it a lot
did that as well, when I was 16 or so
12:32 PM
Good times, lol ^_^
I still like watching it, but I don't really play any games anymore.
Pokémon & Smash Bros. mainly. I'm not interested in online games. :(
Except Pokémon GO, I guess.
I'm totally done, doesn't interest me that much anymore
I sorta' just have it on in the background if I am not doing deep-work.
you mean streaming?
12:34 PM
Yeah, sometimes I just keep a Twitch stream open in the background if I'm sat at my desk at home not doing an awful lot.
Or I will watch an episode of something on Netflix for an hour or something like that.
But I struggle to sit through episodes of TV sometimes because I want to be doing something :p
12:48 PM
> The project is based on Gentoo Hardened and has many similarities with Chromium OS or the Yocto project.
I already like it.
it also has grsecurity
so you'll probably love it
I think that was only the old version.
Grsecurity is no longer public (and I'm still trying to get access to it).
forest will soon rename itself "forêt"
can't be that hard O.o
but you are right, only version 4
@TomK. 6,000 USD per year minimum (last I checked maybe a year ago, may have gone up), and only corporations are allowed to purchase, not individuals.
12:51 PM
ask someone you know to "lend you her copy"
Not many people seem to have it due to the price. Still looking for someone who is willing to do that.
Do you know the answer to that question, Forest?
@Joshua.J tl;dr lots of drama. I think he's not violating anyone's rights.
One day someone will go to court. We'll see.
12:52 PM
Oh right :p
Dram... Yawns
@TomK. If you know anyone who has a copy, do tell me.
yeah.. it's kind of an awkward conversation starter
"heyyy.. so do youu know about this great tool..?"
Sad thing is a few people who I think do have it have vanished.
I feel like an uncultured swine because I've never heard of Grsecurity.
12:53 PM
I mean obviously just a coincidence, but still annoying.
@Joshua.J tl;dr 0days in Linux are easy to find. Grsecurity makes them hard to find.
Which is why it's so expensive?
Even I have a few Linux 0days, and exactly zero of them work on grsec.
@Joshua.J No. It's expensive because drama.
That is sad :p
Technically because Spengler does not want anyone who works at Intel, Google, or Wind River Systems to get their hands on it.
So he's trying to make it as hard for them to get it as possible.
Which is funny considering only corporations can buy it now.
12:55 PM
and 6k is gonna stop google? O.o
lol, Tom makes a valid point.
@TomK. Yeah I know lol
He literally banned people from his IRC channel for having an Intel host.
Isn't Google building its own OS?
what an idiot
12:56 PM
Not really.
I mean technically yeah, but...
It's just hype that the media picked up.
It's one of their endless experiments, likely something that may or may not go into some future wearable IoT devices, in whole or in part.
Take care.
FBI must be at his front door, never seen him dash so fast lol.
well.. I got to go too...
but these two events are not connected
they are.. not.. connected in any way
1:13 PM
@forest Well, I guess ANSSI works with French intel
1 hour later…
2:20 PM
I'm never sure how to flag these
spam? not an answer?
@TomK. Not a security.se mod, but rude/abusive or Not an Answer seem to be the common ones
(at least, according to what we see in SmokeDetector anyways...)
(no need to clarify btw, I really know who our mods are)
(I'm picky, sue me)
sues @ThomasWard
ah, Journeyman Geek, finally one of our mods!
2:25 PM
Not a Security mod either ;)
dude.. set irony detection to TRUE
Actually I'm half certain there's a running joke that the security community hates me
I even italicized a word!
say what now?
maybe because you want to take away our curse words :s
sits on @JourneymanGeek's head after winning the lawsuit
2:35 PM
@JourneymanGeek could you shed some light on this? I have really no idea what you are talking about
@TomK. oh, a few people thought it would be funny to give me crap on SU....
I gave them a single day suspension, and... they were like mock angry at me for about 10 minutes ;)
Didn't happen here
I've a great working relationship with your mods though (and most mods)
ah alright
that doesn't sound too serious then
ah yes <3 our mods <3
I do wonder about Jeff Ferland sometimes though. He sometimes just pops up out of nowhere and then vanishes again. But then again who knows what he's doing in the queues
Who is Jeff Ferland?
Oh. I guess I don't even know who our mods are. :(
(but thanks for the good work, our site is clean thanks to you <3 ) (17)
2:48 PM
@TomK. If people know you're up to something, you arn't sneaky enough
I'm not too sure how to take this :?
Mission Accomplished ;)
(quickly closes 17 tabs of sock puppet accs)
make that a 17 so I can star it @Arminius
that could be an answer to a lot of things
2:51 PM
17 as well
but I meant sock puppet accounts
OVER 900000
I have one sock lol
sec.se is probably just 17 guys with sock puppet accounts
asking questions to answer them themselves
2:52 PM
Josh is actually forest's daughter
Time to make some sec.se fanfiction
Its all about the Ursines ;)
yeah, the biggest sock puppet of all
(actually been tempted to get my sock up to 10k on SU too but I actually need my main account logged in to... do things)
I thought that was somehow against the ToS?
2:54 PM
There's no interaction between the users
I see
A lot of mods have socks for things like bots and just testing
Is SmokeDetector an official SE feature?
In my case the main purpose of Aibobot is to be able to log into SE on less trusted systems
its a community project
Last time I heard about it, it was made by the community
How useful is it?
2:56 PM
fanfiction that got real
@BenoitEsnard You got what you wanted
Actually one of the big issues I had with smokey historically is it is too efficient
Not yet. Life still stucks.
We never actually see most of the spam
2:57 PM
all those instant downvotes and flags you see on those "asdfaasfa" posts come from SmokeDetector
and its really hard to get marshal the way I did it
Oh, I agree with you. It's hard to report things here, everything is way too clean.
We have to wait until someone is drunk enough to post some non-sense about flooding computers with electricity.
good times...
There's a few folks who found slightly annoying ways to do it
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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