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Hi. Sorry to bother. Some other users on another chat board suggested me to come here for a quick opinion. Following some recent news I was planning to switch the antivirus security suite I used to have on some windows machines. Any good recommendation?
I know one could theoretically live without a dedicated suite and just use defender, but I was thinking of something more elaborate that could provide some better protection against things like malvertising and the such.
I have also considered switching to a live disk os (but I'm not really sure, I would expect those to become outdated fast
open to any suggestion you may be willing to give.
1 hour later…
@Derpy This really depends on your use case. Personally, I use defender on my windows box, but I also have other layers of security, and different protection for other operating systems in the house
@Derpy I'm partial to webroot myself
They are a bit of an oddball in the space because they take a very different approach, but they are pretty good at detecting zero day threats compared to other solutions and they are EXTREMELY light weight compared to just about anything else I've tried
but full disclaimer, Webroot is a partner of the organization I work for
I don't think it's colored my view of them too much, but I do get a good deal on their software and I know some people from the company, so I'm sure it's had some impact
some people advocate using both a traditional definition based system be used in addition to webroot, but I've found it ok for my personal needs just running webroot
will have a look at that thanks.
My concern is that the more I look into security, the more it seems that even if you do try to use best practices and "don't do stupid things" you still have a lot of open attack vectors. As an example, currently I have been using Policeman on firefox (think chrome equivalent is UMatrix?) to granular control what content a site downloads in order to mitigate cross scripting or malwertising attacks... but it still doesn't seem enough.
Probably just paranoia. Not that the current state of the web would prove me wrong...
@Derpy there's a reason defense in depth is a thing
at the end of the day, there is a ton of complexity in modern computers and communications and an attacker only needs to find one opening
@AJHenderson I know. I know also that is why basically the machine I use for browsing is a DMZ by itself. Anything worth keeping is stored on a separate air gaped device, with a different OS.
That said, I would like to be able to at least don't have to worry about an antivirus begin used as a espionage tool (assuming that whole story is true) or an ads download a whole lot of fun while browsing amazon (again, true story. They where compromised once. I think it was in 2015)
1 hour later…
@Derpy for organisations I work with, I expect 4 or 5 distinct layers of security including perimeter, behavioural detection, RBAC, monitoring etc

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