takedown requester: hey, take X,Y,Z down. takedown requestee: X never existed, Y hasn't existed in years, and Z has nothing to do with you. takedown requester: I SAID TAKE IT DOWN.
Hi there, can we ask questions about ISO certificates on this part of Stack Exchange?
I am wondering whether a ISO certificate retains its number after expiry date, when that company wants to get a new (or let's say re-new that ) ISO certificate
An expert (?) Security proposes the following protocol to allow a client C to authenticate at server S using an authentication service Aut (key shared by X and Y indicated by KX, Y)
C -> S C (C send to S the message “C”)
S -> C N (S answer to C with the message “N(once)” )
C -> S ...
They have hired to develop a system that manages the maintenance of some computers. The subjects are 4 banks: Allbank, BankOne, CreditOne, and Direct, and the son of the managing director Jack. The system has computers 1, 2, and 3 as objects. The permits are Use, Priority, and Shutdown.
a) Descr...
I'm enjoying a particularly good omelette right now, while browsing the analytics pages for all the sites I mod - it's very pleasing having all the graphs open in front of me. I'm a visual kind of person :-)
And it is kinda a good thing that the OS has failsafes against manual "surgery" that really is hammering at the OS internals.
We can blame Apple for being lax in its update schedule when there are security issues, but blaming them for not being able to do a chmod on a system file (and in fact being able to do it) misses the point.
The article berates Apple and OS X for not allowing modification of the /usr/bin/git binary, making the implicit (and wrong) assumption that this would be the right thing to do.
actually, its not really that interesting. Since a democracy is supposed to be inclusive even of those that are in the minority, allowing the majority to single handedly disempower the minority must be, by definition, disallowed by the very premise of democracy.
then again, I think it was Ben Franklin that said, Democracy is 9 wolves and one sheep deciding what to have for dinner. Freedom is a well-armed sheep.