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Hey! I was wondering if anyone knew where I could download a windows xp copy?
Even on microsoft's page I can't find a version (which I would use to pentest)
there have been VMs with preconfigured WinXP installs
@schroeder You means the ones that tests Edge?
@BobEbert Still available on MSDN, at least the versions not containing the MS JVM.
takedown requester: hey, take X,Y,Z down.
takedown requestee: X never existed, Y hasn't existed in years, and Z has nothing to do with you.
takedown requester: I SAID TAKE IT DOWN.
@BobEbert for testing?
How hard have you looked? Coulda sworn modern.ie still has em
@JourneymanGeek I'll have to be honnest, I long time. I downloaded some from torrents but they were glitchy
yeahm grab the modern.ie ones and just replace them when they expire
microsoft doesn't give any online copy (meaning all copies are illegal and or with viruses)
that's interesting.
They did drop XP for modern.ie
on reddit, one said that wxpvol_en.iso intitle:"index of" could be good, but I'm not convinced
@JourneymanGeek Would you download an iso from: pcriver.com/operating-systems/windows-xp-iso-download?
I think I have a few spare XP disks lying around ;p
also, ugh piracy
or should I say arrr piracy
@JourneymanGeek DDo you think I can buy a copy of yours?
heh, that means actually digging it out
Hi there, can we ask questions about ISO certificates on this part of Stack Exchange?
I am wondering whether a ISO certificate retains its number after expiry date, when that company wants to get a new (or let's say re-new that ) ISO certificate
For XP SP3
You won't find some things due to the Java Licensing issue with Sun. So no Win2k
Almost everything else is available though
@diagprov We have to pay for the download...
@cremefraiche that's fantastic
btw, I'm sending you a cease and desist letter for threatening to set my laptop on fire
I'm not sure if you've actually done that, but I figure I'll just spray n' pray with the legal system
3 hours later…
@VincentVerheyen that question should be answerable by ISO - it's not really a good question for here
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Q: An expert (?) Security proposes the following protocol to allow a client C to authenticate at server S using an authentication service Aut

matteuccio65535An expert (?) Security proposes the following protocol to allow a client C to authenticate at server S using an authentication service Aut (key shared by X and Y indicated by KX, Y) C -> S C (C send to S the message “C”) S -> C N (S answer to C with the message “N(once)” ) C -> S ...

Homework Q - looks copy pasted...
Same with
Q: They have hired to develop a system that manages the maintenance of some computers.

matteuccio65535They have hired to develop a system that manages the maintenance of some computers. The subjects are 4 banks: Allbank, BankOne, CreditOne, and Direct, and the son of the managing director Jack. The system has computers 1, 2, and 3 as objects. The permits are Use, Priority, and Shutdown. a) Descr...

Oh well - that's them blocked from asking...
Didn't know it triggered on 2. That seems harsh.
Yeah, that's a bit mean. They did get comments saying "is this homework" from two different users though
Hey Hey Gang
Afternoon @Juke
@RoryAlsop What's going on?
I'm enjoying a particularly good omelette right now, while browsing the analytics pages for all the sites I mod - it's very pleasing having all the graphs open in front of me. I'm a visual kind of person :-)
How's about you?
I should do that for my site sometime soon. Just got to work and updating my car threads and getting ready to go hog wild on info sec nonsense today
Yay \o/
I am hungry. @RoryAlsop I have Lucky Charms with me but I have a feeling I will more hungrier
they still make lucky charms?
@Matthew yup!
That's one of these sugary cereal things, right?
wheat cereal + dehydrated marshmellows
diabetes central then
I actually like some frosted mini wheats
They are sugary and wheat :)
1 hour later…
chances are that you'll execute code after you check out from git anyways.
And it is kinda a good thing that the OS has failsafes against manual "surgery" that really is hammering at the OS internals.
We can blame Apple for being lax in its update schedule when there are security issues, but blaming them for not being able to do a chmod on a system file (and in fact being able to do it) misses the point.
What do you mean?
The article berates Apple and OS X for not allowing modification of the /usr/bin/git binary, making the implicit (and wrong) assumption that this would be the right thing to do.
IMO root should be able to do anything they want.
Even if it involves shooting their own foot.
thats like saying that in a democracy, you should be able to vote to abolish democracy.
That's a pretty interesting question
actually, its not really that interesting. Since a democracy is supposed to be inclusive even of those that are in the minority, allowing the majority to single handedly disempower the minority must be, by definition, disallowed by the very premise of democracy.
then again, I think it was Ben Franklin that said, Democracy is 9 wolves and one sheep deciding what to have for dinner. Freedom is a well-armed sheep.
@Ohnana ...marshmallows? Wut? Marshmallows only belong inside a Tunnocks Tea Cake! Not in breakfast!
@RoryAlsop - why am I thinking of that strange 'fluff' spread now
@StuW I don't know... but then I don't know what that fluff spread is
I knew people at uni that ate that on toast for breakfast...
ewwww - what's wrong with Bacon!
Yum bacon... Great now I am hungry again.
@AstroDan heh. Sorrynotsorry
@RoryAlsop Never apologize for bacon.
@StuW nah, you gotta make a sandwich out of it with peanut butter
Also, on the subject of bacon: xkcd.com/418

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