@JourneymanGeek so what else do I do to get my rep up to ask questions again. What does it have to be at 50? They really give me no guidance at what needs fixing or editing. All my questions have been answered with working answers.
@Ohnana is there a selection of nibs from that manufacturer? Perhaps your nib is too fine for the way you write. My first fountain pen had an extra fine nib and it was a pain in the ass. I switched to a fine and it was way better.
@AviD See there's this thing called "paper" and these other things called "exams" are made out of "paper" and you need something called a "pen" to mark that "paper" so that you don't "fail miserably"
I had student take exam on paper. They had all the materials to do so. I don't see the problem if you don't require strict validation by the compiler afterwards
I got a B+ in my web development class (I was already a web dev before going to study).... he then gave an A+ to the only female in the class while her website looked like someone shat bebo and my space onto a website
So he hands me my test, I see the score, and blow up on him. After I finished screaming at him I marched down to the head of the CS department's office and had a nice little chat.
@SomeGuy Did what work? Talking to the head of the department? Yeah. She poured each of us a glass of scotch and I told her what he was trying to teach. He got fired at the end of the semester.
(jumping on the india rant) they might be cheap, but you get what you pay for... dirty code that would would have been better off giving to an english contracter
@DavidFreitag IME it's actually a number of problems. Outsourcing sucks anyway as it makes communications between the business and IT harder and also it introduces a profit element, so incentive for provider to use lower cost staff. Then you have off-shoring which introduces more problems with language/cultural barriers