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for no reason
He didn't say there's a guide on how to read manuals.
@M'vy especially that
@Simon manuals all the way down. There's probably one on how to inscribe markings on clay in anchient sumaria.
@Simon but surely writing them and readin them are the same?
@Simon so does python
Either that or summon unspeakable entities, like lawyers.
@JourneymanGeek the bottom of an insurance policy contract panics
@Simon its like how did they develop the first compiler??
@AviD !!!!!!!!
had to suck start my fountain pen. my mouth is now black :(
@JourneymanGeek yeah after a long time @RoryAlsop realized that needed to be done.
@Simon hatched from an egg.
@AviD ...in assembly?
@AviD in the beginning god said "Damn it, I'm a deity, and toggling switches is a pain in the ass"
@AviD And can you trust the first manual ever written? What if deliberately mislead the other manuals to always include backdoors?!
@Ohnana "assembly" in itself in a modern context still needs to be compiled, no?
@Ohnana thats racist. And a little bit sexist, I think
@JourneymanGeek so what else do I do to get my rep up to ask questions again. What does it have to be at 50? They really give me no guidance at what needs fixing or editing. All my questions have been answered with working answers.
@SomeGuy No working out. Not right now. I do walk a mile a day mon-fri
@JourneymanGeek did that in university. by hand. not fun.
@JukEboX its intentional.
@Ohnana Maybe this will teach you to blow-start it next time.
This is relevant to the current discussion nand2tetris.org
@JukEboX of course they do. There is a tonne of guidance, you just need to read it.
@DavidFreitag lulz
@Ohnana Also, a drop of water on the nib works.
Such a good course too
I walk around the city during my lunch break, since my lunch takes about 15 seconds to eat
As a mod, I can tell you entirely honestly, I have no clue what exactly undoes the suspension
@DavidFreitag tried that first
not to mention I've never been question banned ;)
@AviD other than "How to write a question". I have already asked and had them answered. It doesn't help anyone to edit a question from 4 years ago
@JourneymanGeek what do you mean?
I eat sausage. And a slice of cheese. And that''s it.
try /tour, /how-to-ask, /how-to-answer
@Ohnana Then that means ink dried and causes a blockage, you need to clean your pen more often.
@DavidFreitag i had just refilled/flushed it. this pen is a pain in the arse
@Ohnana The next step after a drop of water is a drop of isopropyl alcohol
@DavidFreitag ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but it's so pretty
@DavidFreitag still better than @RoryAlsop's feather and inkwell.
@AviD Not really
which was also a late-stage improvement over stone and chisel
@DavidFreitag maybe i'll try that
At least it doesn't take 45 minutes to clean a feather
do you use 70 or 90 isopropyl?
70 is cheaper and easily available, 90 could rub the coloring off the pen
Use a q-tip or a cotton swab with the alcohol.
i only have 90. damn.
@DavidFreitag You're cheaper and easily available.
@Ohnana It will work (way better than 70 tbh) you just need to make sure your pen won't dissolve
@MarkBuffalo dayuuuuuum
@JukEboX yes it does.
@Ohnana is your nib bare metal or is it painted/coated?
@JukEboX, from my autocomments: Please see How to Ask and The perfect question.
@DavidFreitag i think it's iridium
@Ohnana Yeah but is it painted
If it's painted black or something I would be really careful about using the 90% alcohol
@DavidFreitag Phrasing!!
@DavidFreitag nope, bare stainless steel
I'm so offended that I'm thinking of flagging that post, dovid.
imma soak my nib in 90 then
@Ohnana Ok good, then you basically don't have to worry about the alcohol. Use a cotton swab or a q-tip and don't get any on the body of the pen.
@DavidFreitag the entire pen is laquered. It's this one: jetpens.com/…
@Ohnana Soaking isn't really necessary, the alcohol will cut through the ink like @Iszi through @Simon's mom
@AviD What phrasing? Do you even know what a nib is?
@DavidFreitag okay. should i just do the nib or the entire feed?
@Ohnana The entire feed
If your pen uses a refillable ink cylinder, I'd fill it with alcohol and push it through the pen
That's the best way to clean.
okay, i actually have a syringe i use for filling so that will help
@Ohnana Once you have run the alcohol through it, use warm water
Otherwise the residual alcohol will mix with any ink you put in the pen and rek it
This whole discussion makes me feel uncomfortable.
I need a real adult.
If you don't notice any appreciable changes in how well it works, it's probably just a shit pen.
@Simon Flushing out your nib is an essential part of life.
@JukEboX on the whole? Prolly cause I answer questions more than I ask, and know my audience.
@Simon if you get a blockage in your nib, it's game over.
@DavidFreitag tbh, this thing is a pain in the ass
so it might just have issues and i need to adjust the feed
i miss my parker urban :(
@Ohnana In most cases the sort of person who will design a beautiful pen is not the sort of person that really knows how to design a pen.
@DavidFreitag I had a beer once called Squid Ink.
@Ohnana is there a selection of nibs from that manufacturer? Perhaps your nib is too fine for the way you write. My first fountain pen had an extra fine nib and it was a pain in the ass. I switched to a fine and it was way better.
It was a very dark stout. was excellent.
@AviD Was it japanese?
heh. I need to dig out my FPs
haven't written anything in a while
@DavidFreitag no, I think local hipster SF.
and I'm moving rooms soon (yay! No more storage room for me!)
didnt really have anything squid in it. just really black.
@Ohnana TBH that's not actually a very good looking pen...
@AviD boooring
@JourneymanGeek \o/
That's racist, and maybe speciesist. And just a little undertentacular.
Look at you fancy little ponies with your nice pens.
@Simon red crayon for you sir?
@Simon You're just jealous that my nib is bigger than yours.
@JourneymanGeek Red? Yellow is the color of the champs.
@DavidFreitag I do need to move my stuff in, decide what goes, and what to sneakily leave in the spare room...
not sure what y'all be needing a fancy pen for. How often do you sign a mortgage?
@AviD Now that's just excessive, if the word "prick" is off-limit then we have a ton of issues.
I use red indelible ink in my pens. It really sucks when one leaks in my pocket.
@Simon you know what Carlin used to say
@AviD I'm signing mine soon, does that mean that I need a fancy pen?
I have a bottle of 'bullet proof' ink
@JourneymanGeek Yeah I've been living where I am for over a month now and I'm still only 1/3 moved in
its okay to prick your finger, but not okay to finger your...
@JourneymanGeek Yup, it's fantastic
what, where? is this the penaddict slack room or what?
@DavidFreitag my brother bought a house a year ago but...
@DavidFreitag noodler?
@DavidFreitag nib came attached. i also prefer simplistic pens.
@JourneymanGeek YES I couldn't remember the name
Not sure if I'm moving my old desk, or I'm stealing the old conference room desk
and need to find a space against the wall to set up my PC so the bias lighting is useful
@JourneymanGeek please emphasize the "W" there
I have no idea why my parents got yellow the last time
Good timing to remind that I'm looking for followers on my proposal : area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/90890/…
@M'vy heh, adorable
@AviD it's not about fancy, fountain pens write smoother and require less pressure. they're also a buy once, use forever kinda deal
Uses those ^^
@DavidFreitag I have a black alstar
love it to bits
Which are totally badass
@M'vy Nerd
@DavidFreitag i have one in my bag c:
@Ohnana exactly. whats all this writing about?
@AviD good FP + bottle of ink lasts you a while
i have the medium italic nib on it. so nice.
my last spate of FP craziness was in final year ;p
@JourneymanGeek especially if you dont use it.
@Ohnana Use that one instead
@AviD class notes + i like writing
do I really need to remind you all that it is 2016?
not 1620.
@AviD there's even disposable ones!
@DavidFreitag sigggggh
You know nothing Jon Tigger
@AviD Fountain pens are to regular pens as an Aston Martin is to a Ugo.
@JourneymanGeek I have a soft tipped one, for writing on my tablet. If I ever wanted to.
paying with a £50 note at KFC and feeling like you own the place
@AviD ts like books.
@DavidFreitag and both pens are as useful now as either of those when personal long-range jetpacks are popular and cheap.
@AviD depends
I actually do the whole oldschool pen and paper brainstorm with multiple colours sometimes
helps cause I'm dyslexic
@AviD A regular pen is far more unreliable than a fountain pen.
@DavidFreitag depends on the pen.
I'm rather fond of the 0.7mm g2s
do none of you have computers?
missing keyboards?
tho my usual writing instrument is a mechanical pencil with 3b lead.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah plus Zebra pens
@AviD Oh, right, I forgot you're so old you forgot what being in school is like
@DavidFreitag their rollerballs? My brother once handed me one and said "Go find me another one"
lovely pens. Prolly still uses that
@AviD i'm actually using a patch radio to chat on this
also, multiple of my classes do not allow computers
@AviD heh. I carry a small netbook these days actually
@AviD See there's this thing called "paper" and these other things called "exams" are made out of "paper" and you need something called a "pen" to mark that "paper" so that you don't "fail miserably"
@AviD Reminds me of airz23. Have you read those stories?
@DavidFreitag you're so old you think they still do that.
now they use these things called "computers"
@AviD .... they do do that. i take cs exams on paper
@SomeGuy no
@Ohnana WAT
what is wrong with your teachers
@AviD And those "computers" let you cheat. They are banned from pretty much any reputable class.
@DavidFreitag THIS sounds disreputable.
@AviD Can confirm. We write code on paper too
cause its entirely reasonable for you to remember and write code off the top of your head.
@DavidFreitag I teach in high school, I refuse paper
@Ohnana Love it when I get "No, no no, this code you wrote by hand is not pseudo enough!"
@Ohnana my uni did exams on paper and computer...but when they did them on the computers they didnt lock out the internet -_-
@JourneymanGeek this makes no sense
@AviD You have the luxury
@AviD nope
@AviD Yeeep. Made a mistake? Take a new sheet
and if you can cheat easily simply by having a computer, the exams are stupid.
@DavidFreitag i've gotten marked down for misremembering function signatures in C
@AviD I would like to see one of your Crazy exams then.
@Ohnana perfect example of stupidity.
@Ohnana I got 0 points on a test for putting actual code instead of pseudocode.
I was livid.
@DavidFreitag WAT
@Ohnana I've gotten marked down for not using void main ;_;
@AviD acedemia. Its a twisty maze of tunnels...
Similarly, not ending main with a getch() because the "program's output would never be visible on the console"
@SomeGuy i mean, main should have a return type. unless they didn't accept int main
Word for word. In the middle of class.
I wasn't having any of his shit.
@Ohnana Yes, I'd used int main. They insisted that it be void
@SomeGuy WAT?!
@Ohnana I got that asshole fired
@DavidFreitag MOAR EPIC
@Ohnana Yeah. The state of education in India isn't the best
I had student take exam on paper. They had all the materials to do so. I don't see the problem if you don't require strict validation by the compiler afterwards
@SomeGuy i'm sorry :(
@Ohnana I was apocalyptically mad
I ended up getting a C in that class, lowest I'd ever gotten
@Ohnana I appreciate the sympathy
@DavidFreitag C is a fine language, com'on
@M'vy I love C, however getting a C in data structures as a CS major...
@DavidFreitag yeah, just teasing
@DavidFreitag I got a D for writing good code :/
@DavidFreitag oh man
Ugh, I should just stop talking about it
@M'vy this is only sensible for trivially small programs. Which by definition are not good questions.
my data structures professor is awesome but fucking scary to learn from
I got handed my test expecting a 100 (because lets face it I got used to it)
@SomeGuy well the compiler accepts void main() {}
Saw the 0
Nearly flipped the goddamn table
I've been handed a printed program, and been asked to find the vulns. That could work.
@AviD well it was basic shell scripting
@M'vy Yeah, of course it does. But insisting I'm wrong for using int main is ridiculous!
I got a B+ in my web development class (I was already a web dev before going to study).... he then gave an A+ to the only female in the class while her website looked like someone shat bebo and my space onto a website
So he hands me my test, I see the score, and blow up on him. After I finished screaming at him I marched down to the head of the CS department's office and had a nice little chat.
when i then questioned why....he said because I am expecting more from you because of your experience
I was like :O
@JourneymanGeek @SmokeDispenser I just cleaned and updated 5 of my questions. Can you check and make sure they are any better?
@DavidFreitag Did that work?
@JukEboX not particularly at this time of night.
@SomeGuy Did what work? Talking to the head of the department? Yeah. She poured each of us a glass of scotch and I told her what he was trying to teach. He got fired at the end of the semester.
@JukEboX can you link me? I've 20 minutes left in the office.
Wow, that must have been satisfying
@silverpenguin wow so he gave the girl a pity grade instead of holding her to professional standards. NICE.
@SomeGuy She's a very good family friend
@DavidFreitag I didn't bother going to my head of department because it would never work
@SomeGuy TBH India seems like a toxic environment for anyone interested in tech
The rest of the world is just abusing India for it's extremely cheap labor rates
Yeah, I've got to agree
From all that I've seen, it seems that way
And the Indian's just accept it because $1/hr for five dudes is better than nothing
Aaaannnnd done before lunch
can I rant about the india thing?
@JourneymanGeek go for it
@JourneymanGeek go for it
There's three issues with technology in india.
Brain drain. If you're good you want out.
@Ohnana That fucking echo again
@DavidFreitag We don't. They get paid well here
Just the sheer number of people we've got means there'll be cheap labour
Secondly, people are in IT for the wrong reason.
They have time off, some have benefits if they want to be FTE
I want to work in a specific field of IT cause i'm passionate about it.
@JourneymanGeek dem monais.
(jumping on the india rant) they might be cheap, but you get what you pay for... dirty code that would would have been better off giving to an english contracter
IT's a 'respectable profession'
which is the worst reason to get into a profession, and there's no fire in a lot of folks
@silverpenguin Oh definitely. Every time I hear stories about companies shopping out code to India, they are accompanied by horror stories
And that also causes people to be lazy and take shortcuts
A lot of my colleagues are from India. Good people and I enjoy working with them regardless of how I feel about H1B
@JourneymanGeek I find dem money even worse a reason.
and the third is india's very happy to run stuff for time but not quality
Don't get me wrong, India produces a large amount of skilled professionals in the IT field
@silverpenguin And shit like that is going to make it harder for me too, I'm sure
@SmokeDispenser well, money is a decent reason
But those people usually leave the country because they realize how toxic it is
@DavidFreitag most of whom wouldn't be in support, or contract programming as a minion.
@JourneymanGeek if there is only that and no passion, it's really hard to succeed.
but passon, no job and no money is a drag too ;p
It's annoying that people are biased against Indians. What's more annoying is that it's a fair bias to have
My manager is Indian, and he's excellent
I did see a lot of people fail at university when I was a TA for that very reason.
I'm ethnic indian ;)
I studied EE
didn't work out
had a spot of trouble with my next attempt.
@SomeGuy I don't think it's bias against Indians, I think it's a bias against India
@SomeGuy yeah, the amount of hate heaped onto indian ppl from my colleagues is quite annoying.
Its a bias against the rotten aspects of culture there.
@JukEboX, no links then? I'm off of work in 5.
@JourneymanGeek Tons of those aspects!
@Ohnana well, the view that people are getting replaced does that.
@SomeGuy but the underlying causes of that are complex
@JourneymanGeek I don't even think it's that. Indian companies have become notorious for producing absolute shit
and slightly regional
@DavidFreitag why?
@JourneymanGeek Because that's what they do
Cause they figure if they can get enough volume, cheap enough, they'll make money anyway
even if the product is shit, who cares, they can redo it.
I've never heard someone say, "Yeah dude, we shopped out this code to India and it's fucking perfect"
not always true tho
We used to have this contractor who rewound motors for us.
It's not a bias, it's just statistically speaking...
top notch work
@DavidFreitag people also don't write epic rants about people who do their job
@Ohnana s'I'm Sayin.
so darned cheap that we had to increase our usual profits cause people didn't believe how cheap it was ;)
combine with the ethnic "other" and people go absolutely bat-shit when they're unsatisfied
@Ohnana then there's the affirmative action mess
@Ohnana Yup. My colleagues are competent
But as someone of a higher caste, we're probably slightly responsible and the main victims of it.
@DavidFreitag IME it's actually a number of problems. Outsourcing sucks anyway as it makes communications between the business and IT harder and also it introduces a profit element, so incentive for provider to use lower cost staff. Then you have off-shoring which introduces more problems with language/cultural barriers
You're merkin.
@JourneymanGeek I am also Indian. Feather, not dot.
This ducking phone
@MarkBuffalo being called indian cause some darned italian guy got lost?
naw, not indian at all ;p
Native. Amurrican
@JourneymanGeek oh man i'd hate to be a merkin
Native Apurrican :3
aaaand home time.
@DavidFreitag oh i know what it is
@SmokeDispenser o/
or better: pub time.
@SmokeDispenser Have fun!
@AviD You use your soft-tipped nib on your tablet? That doesn't sound sanitary...
@SmokeDispenser S/home/nap
@silverpenguin s/nap/lunch
@DavidFreitag we can start a new trend.... nap lunches... eat while you sleep .... sleep while you eat.... nap lunches
@M'vy lol

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