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@MarkBuffalo I think it's this schneier.com/cryptography/paperfiles/…
@schroeder did she, uh, do the thousand yard stare?
@schroeder "Sit down and shut up thuck"
she couldn't hit my veins with a sledgehammer and started "routing around" to try and catch the vein wall
Ooooh one of those
I love those.
my cries alerted the floor nurse ....
Stare them in the face: "Ya done?"
@schroeder Was your arm super bruised?
@DavidFreitag it was 10 years ago, and I still have the scar .....
@schroeder Damn dude.
@DavidFreitag yes, there was bruising ....
Did you at least get a lollipop?
@DavidFreitag yeah - normally those needles don't leave a trace
@schroeder Oh trust me, I know. I give blood like 3 times a year
as part of that hospital visit, I had abdominal surgery without anesthetic
if you saw the Martian, the scene where he digs out the antenna from his gut was VERY similar, except the resulting scar was 4 inches long
What the hell man, freaking butchers in canada
I started going into cold sweats when I saw that scene in the movie - REALLY bad PTSD flashback
well that's terrifying to just think about
what the actual fuck dude
My arms hurt :[
Worst of all, the lady didn't even have a lollipop to give me D:
I get a fat sausage and over-sweetened tea when I give blood ... apparently, there's good reasons for that, but I'm never in a mood to ask
@Ohnana it's a LONG story and a perfect case for a massive malpractice suit - but the surgeon retired (?) shortly after
@schroeder was the anesthesiologist just masturbating in the corner while your surgery was hapening?
@Ohnana it was just me and the surgeon in a ER exam room
@schroeder O_O
@Ohnana yep
@Ohnana rrrrrriiiiiipppppp
Q: What is the secret in unlocking mobile phones?

AviAs seen here: FBI is working with Cellebrite to unlock San Bernardino iPhone The FBI is planning to work with a company called Cellebrite. How does Cellebrite unlock mobile phones? What equipment do they use to do this, if any? Can we conclude that every cellular phone can be unlocked and decry...

@Simon VTC -> we are not cellebrite
@Simon It all starts with a $5 hammer
seriously, how the fuck do we know
@DavidFreitag pls it was the perfect time for the magic gif.
@Simon I should post it in an answer
@Simon as far as we know they haven't been successful yet, so the only secret so far is how the fowk did they get the business
@RоryMcCune yeah it seems that lubuntu just doesn't like being in a vm, xubuntu on the other hand is doing quite fine
@schroeder Guan Yu, I've missed you.
I had surgery on my hand and felt it. All of it
The doctor asked me if it hurt, I said, "like a son of a bitch," without emotion. He said, "you have a high tolerance for pain. I like that. Here's a referral to see a psychiatrist"
Kidding about the psychiatrist part.
@schroeder dude I'm cringing hard. You win
in what kind of backwater hospitals are you people having surgeries? :O
@TildalWave giving blood is just not going to happen any more for me. The problem is that when I need blood I'm going to have the same issue. Difficulty getting a venflon or cannula in, and then excruciating pain the whole time it is in the vein.
is this some new kind of fetish? like all those that crave getting tattoos in poorly lit basements?
@TildalWave A fat sausage eh ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
oh now you see it
too late :P
Yeah kinda spacey
you can't snigger about things that happened more than 5 minutes ago, it's the site rule
oh pls
I'll make funny faces at whatever I damn well please
@MarkBuffalo generally very few things hurt me. Tattoos really don't, and I can cope quite easily sticking needles in me (don't ask...) but it's when they hit veins it all goes wrong
you're disrespecting site rules son?
@TildalWave Sometimes it doesn't work. They had a very difficult time keeping me asleep one time
And restrained...
@RoryAlsop I'll ask!
@RoryAlsop I just pump my arm up for a few minutes so the veins pop out... nice and easy then
@RoryAlsop the needle breaks?
@MarkBuffalo Okay then - I used to like freaking out friends by sticking needles all the way through my arm or hand or cheek - especially if a thread was attached so you could pull it all the way through
@RoryAlsop wat
@TildalWave What'ya gonna do, bleed on me?
@MarkBuffalo sometimes. But the worst bit for me is the pain as it pierces the vein
Good to know I'm not the only weirdo in here
@TildalWave from my weightlifting days I have big veins - very visible
@DavidFreitag B+ man! :))
they just don't want needles in them
@RoryAlsop Yeah, for me it's the bone. Vein doesn't hurt much.. but the bone...
I had a doctor stab me with a needle and probe my knee without anesthesia and it hurt.... so damn bad
@RoryAlsop gotcha, I think ... dunno, maybe they do it differently here, I never thought of it as much of a bother, I'm just a bit dizzy after that's all... and I get free checkup before and a fat sausage later :D
@TildalWave here they provide tea and a tunnocks tea-cake
but you can ask for juice
yes very, very sweet tea too
teat lol
The needle probe was the second most painful thing I've ever felt, that I can remember
But when I have been, they also require a clean up crew as blood tends to go everywhere - once they have messed up my veins that badly, the hole is quite big and doesn't really want to clot
@RoryAlsop hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk
@MarkBuffalo still have an amazing bruise and scar from their attempt to put in a butterfly in my hand (the smallest of all the needles) back before Christmas when I had my labyrinthitis
You must be a body builder....
@RoryAlsop dude so what you're saying is that even giving blood is total rock'n'roll for you
@TildalWave oh - it totally sucks, except for the tunnocks tea-cake
Too bad I can't give blood
I always feel bad when we have a blood drive
@RoryAlsop sure, but it sucks up to 11
I'm always one of the few who opts out
@RoryAlsop oh those
@RoryAlsop oh that looks good
marshmallows... kinda
I had wanted to give blood for years, but kept having tattoos, so I wanted to do it in a gap (where Claire was getting some tattoos and I had a wee break) - big mistake
@TildalWave symbol of Scotland
From the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow!
@RoryAlsop really? I love them, sometimes I'd just go for them and I'm not even much of a sweet tooth
@RoryAlsop Reminds me of a Cadbury egg. Except those look remotely appetizing.
I guess it's not a coincidence that they go real nice with a shot of scotch
Is that a bit of cracker in the bottom of those?
@DavidFreitag cadbury's creme eggs are awful - the chocolate is good, but the contents are sickly
These are biscuit, chocolate and masrhmallow
@RoryAlsop Yup
@RoryAlsop Sounds really good
I wonder if customs will let you bring a few in your luggage
@DavidFreitag and you can peel them, then wolf the mashmallow, then nibble the biscuit #notaneuphemism
@RoryAlsop yeah those are disgusting. I just eat them because they're illegal. #thuglife
@DavidFreitag I will - just for you!
If they say no, I'll eat them in the queueueueue
all of them
at once
@RoryAlsop Yay! They look positively delicious.
@RoryAlsop And stare them dead in the eye while you're shoving chocolate into your face
Customs caught me bringing in Dragon fruit into the country
Didn't know it was illegal
@MarkBuffalo Well fruit is a major nono
@MarkBuffalo I think chocolate is easier
The danger of bugs etc
They wouldn't even let me eat them there
@MarkBuffalo Yup they have to incinerate it
Oh man, I miss you 火龙果
I had a whole backpack full of them
@MarkBuffalo Does your wife know?
Yes. We bought some together
火龙果 = huo long guo = dragon fruit
Fire dragon fruit if you want to get literal.
@RoryAlsop speaking of your trip to 'murica, is there any way you can get me into the SE tour?
@MarkBuffalo "huo long guo" sounds like something purchased in an alley in a red light district.
@DavidFreitag lol - it's not 100% confirmed yet, and I think it may be less of a tour and more of a lunch
but I'll see what I can do
Ah, I see. I don't want to intrude if it's a thing, I thought it was more of a see the sights kind of deal
@DavidFreitag pronounce it lik... hwah (long a) long (low ng) gwah
I'll see what they say. Howe's that. Hopefully you might be up for an evening out to a bar or something?
@RoryAlsop ahem
Have found some places that sounded ok - Press Lounge, Rock Shop, Bowery Ballroom and Rockwood - so trying to find out what gigs might be on
@MarkBuffalo are you NY as well?
@RoryAlsop Haha well it's like a three hour drive for me, I might end up sleeping in my car
Close by
Rock City
So much pain! I am on my 5th form of my pedo checker (that form you need to do to work with kids and disabled people)
@silverpenguin Disclosure
that's what we call it
@silverpenguin disclosure
not pedo checker :-)
Going to a bar in NY is so far out of my comfort zone, lol
@RoryAlsop I knew it was something like that...the name has been changed recently and i cant remember the first name so now i am really confused
@silverpenguin lol
You guys struggle to understand me on here :P I hope my classes will be able to e_e
Well, @Mark - if you are in NY somewhere between 20th and 25th of April - we'll be kicking about. Bars may not be your most fun though if not a drinker :-)
@silverpenguin You're going to be teaching?
And we will be doing some of the usual tourist stuff, as we haven't been there at the same time before.
I've only been with work previously
@DavidFreitag yup as a second job lol
im going to be teaching PHP so I can release more of them into the world and make all you naysayers mad
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo @Simon ^
@RoryAlsop I drink soda
@MarkBuffalo that can work!
I drink everything
@MarkBuffalo Designated driver :D
@DavidFreitag lol
@RoryAlsop don't worry his presence in here will mark him as "dangerous to society" ;)
@DavidFreitag Get Mark to pick you up and drive you :-)
@RoryAlsop I would be a huge fan of that
It's much easier to leap out of comfort zones if I'm hangin' with someone I already know
@silverpenguin come with me whack job. gets baseball bat
I'm just going through marking someone's self assessment for membership of the Institute of Information Security Professionals. Would be much easier if they'd provide anything I could mark - like some evidence of their experience...
I do despair sometimes
@RoryAlsop sure
Let's do it, dovid
Hahahaha - see what trouble I'm causing already
@MarkBuffalo :D and i wont teach them to sanitize because fukka you!!! :D (joke im going to teach them well)
I also will be doing a networking class and possibly a security class (introduction, basics and beginners for the security)
@silverpenguin no. Validate input, output sanitation
> ...and of course, finally, one person who does not understands how ratings work.
@DavidFreitag Eh?
@Matthew re that giz link
@DavidFreitag Ah!
@MarkBuffalo IK IK IK :P I always do... had to fix some XSS issues today that the SENIOR dev put back into the work
> I know this is hard to hear. But it seems we’ve all been had by nature’s most adorable baby killers.
@RoryAlsop Hey don't blame this on me.
@silverpenguin Just because you've joined the dark side does not mean that you gotta recruit more people.
@Simon :< but minions
@Simon also its that, python or java
Python is a tabbing language, I want something which uses parenthesis
@DavidFreitag what do they expect - it's an animal. I'm always baffled when people anthropomorphise
@RoryAlsop what experience is claimed?
@TildalWave oh - various through the 12 domains the IISP looks at
@RoryAlsop Because for some reason cute things can't be merciless killers
for some they have some documented experience, but for others nothing]
@DavidFreitag most things will eat other animals given the opportunity
It's eat or be eaten
Would they count surviving years in the DMZ? Or is that the 13th domain that nobody speaks of?
@silverpenguin Then go for Java you donut lord.
Also, do you want to teach them a scripting language or a compiled one?
Also, web or desktop?
Oh yeah, I gotta add you on linkedin.
@Simon in all honest it doesnt matter... web is easier because the school i teach at has no technology department... Im starting the technology department
well the school i will be teaching at... and I have to deal with their shitty tech guys which means getting applications on their shitty computers will be a shitting nightmare
Yes but I don't necessarily agree that PHP is the right language to teach OOP.
OOP PHP is a nightmare
@Simon why so? and then you think java is the better to go for?
you should teach C# or even Java
@MarkBuffalo I like it :<
so the consensus is java?
yeah... but I mean, if you have to teach PHP, go ahead
java or c# would be much better
and it would prepare them for the real world
@silverpenguin Because I rarely see legitimate uses of a lot of object concepts in PHP. I feel like concepts such as abstract classes, polymorphism, inheritance would be best shown in Java or C# like Markus said.
Both have very similar syntax.
@MarkBuffalo lol the real world, was that a dig xD .... hm I dont have to teach them PHP they will learn what they will be taught on the first lesson xD
But obviously, if you're gonna teach an introduction class, you might wanna skip the OOP for a while.
so go with either java or c#
yeah, skip OOP at first. teach basic concepts, and then go on
@Simon Yeah dude teach a C class
@DavidFreitag lulz pls no
@Simon polymorphism more than the others
My C class was a ton of fun
@MarkBuffalo well yea lessons 1 to 3 will be more about operands than anything else xD
You're lessons 1 to 3.
When everyone else was learning what a "main" is, I was writing a program to beep morse code messages from the motherboard beeper
Yeah but what is the main function dovid?
It's literally shit
@Simon its the main function...duh
@DavidFreitag I can't just throw everything in there?!?
@Simon I mean you can but you might want to take some fiber supplements first
ok bye PWK time
@Simon \o
> In a particularly brutal episode, Hoogland witnessed a female prairie dog murder seven baby ground squirrels in succession, shaking them to death one by one as they emerged from their burrow for the very first time. “It was quite an afternoon,” he said.
wow. that's awful
> “If you look at any single year, killers have larger litters and their babies survive better,” he said. “Serial killers are especially successful at reproduction. They rear many babies that survive many years.”
Noted. Dexter grin
@MarkBuffalo I like that show
Except when rita dies
supar pissed
dude. that pissed me off so much
Rita was perfect for the show
wow guys spoiler alert
I didn't like LaGuerta
@silverpenguin Dude that show is old as shit
That's like spoiling firefly
@DavidFreitag Were you happy when LaGuerta took the faceplant?
@MarkBuffalo Which one?
@DavidFreitag I know but i was planning to get around to it at sometime before 2030
@DavidFreitag the chick cop
@silverpenguin At least I didn't say when or how she dies, so it isn't really a spoiler
@MarkBuffalo Yes I know who LaGuerta is
I mean which time she fell on her face
when she died
@DavidFreitag lol i never plan to actually watch it the description never captivated me
im more of a scifi / fanatasy kinda guy
@MarkBuffalo That's when the show jumps the shark
@MarkBuffalo Uhm.. ok?
I don't remember this
@MarkBuffalo That's the last episode you duff
I watched the last episode... I don't remember this
is this some cut/extended version?
Now I remember. She was in a vegetative state
Yeah, that just :(
Debra and Rita... sigh. Now I hate the show
I can't remember how that happened
@MarkBuffalo It's a bit of a love/hate relationship
I love being at work alone
This is one of my favorite scenes
Does anyone know here; is doxing someone illegal? The only things that would be used is a ip logger, ip lookup and whitepages

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