If you want to disable the command_not_found handler, don't mess with /usr (that can make subsequent upgrades fail or be undone by subsequent upgrades). Instead, change /etc/bash.bashrc. Or disable this in your own ~/.bashrc with unset -f command_not_found_handle. — GillesJul 4 '11 at 8:31
@Gilles re above, do I just add ~/.bashrc with the contents unset -f command_not_found_handle ?
Yeah, here's the thing that this thread is primarily for Information Security memes, not information security in general. You're also grossly misinterpreting the meme. — TildalWave13 secs ago
I think this guy needs a bit of guidance, he seems keen on posting a lot of things everywhere, and most isn't any good
I'm looking at replacing my very old android smartphone. Information security is increasingly a feature that I'm looking for. As well as being slow, I don't think I can upgrade my current handset to the latest android versions or even the latest version of the mobile security app I use, so almost...
@Gilles what is your opinion of Buildroot versus Yocto? Which would you suggest for someone starting in embedded Linux development? Any notable benefits or downsides for either product? Please take this opportunity to talk my ear off when you get this, I'd love to pick your brain.
Hopefully I'm not asleep when you're ready to chat.
I don't claim to be very learned with regard to computer security and network security. I do however, harbor some possibly unusual fears of operating insecure computer systems. I operate a simple router attached to a cable modem. I have a few computers I play around with.
With that in mind, wha...
way too broad for here, but otherwise, in its broad sense a very, very interesting question that I don't believe anyone has ever answered in any satisfying way
I mean the "how much security is enough security" one
or maybe it's just me because I love risk management topics
Mike Spaulding touched on this subject a bit during his Bsides Indy talk but from corporate software security perspective and those graphs just seem to be drawn exponential by feeling / opinion more than a function extrapolated based on actual statistics youtube.com/…
got commitments from 4 CEOs for my second book, got connected with ISACA insiders to get on the meetings for the CSX program, and met just about everyone at Rapid7
yeah some were trying to pretend like that in the military ... not much point really to be too bothered by flatulence if you're training for the shit hitting the fan tho
my office is destroyed... i was ill last week so lived off fast food... and also im changing up my server HDDs ... so i had to take apart 13 SAS drives... so many fucking screws man
and cases
1 and half grand of sas drives destroyed T___T every second killed me
I'm starting to study for Security+ using Darril Gibson's book. I took the pre-exam and one of the questions is “What is the most important security benefit of a clean desk policy?”
The choices are:
Prevent illnesses due to viruses and bacteria
Presents a positive image to customers
Ensures se...
@SEJPM :P i cant remember, currently collecting dust
@SEJPM Also when you do as much work as i do at my office... its very hard to keep a clean desk... VERY hard.. not dirty... but like paper, screws, hardware etc everywhere
the app devs have it easy... they just program shit
I was going to say we'd have a slight uptick in productivity from people not browsing Reddit for a few minutes, but really, we'd all just be mashing F5 until things started working again
What would be a good first program to write if one were to delve in to information security. I've done a bit of shell scripting already but I was thinking maybe something involving python network programming?
most programming languages (at least those that weren't intentionally built to be obnoxious for code golfing purposes) don't really require much "learning" any more, it's perfectly possible to just dive straight in and learn to swim before you drown, as long as you have fair foundation
@MattClendenen Well I stalked you a bit and see you've answered on aircrack-ng and friends, so how about using pypcap to dump packets from a wireless interface in promiscuous mode? It's already done as part of the aircrack suite ofc, but, there's quite a bit to learn in there.
@diagprov I want to learn it all. What exactly is "dumping packets" I understand what they are but what sort of Intel could be gathered from that? I guess I'm asking what part of aircrack functionality would I be aiming to emulate?
@diagprov Looking for something that would be able to show that I've learned something about networking and python. I liked shell scripting but it's fucking ugly and I miss building functions. Shell scripting has functions but you know what I mean