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@Ohnana Is that a bigger creature with its arms up?
@Simon no it's a crying face
@MarkBuffalo i feel like this is some kind of bait
@MarkBuffalo haha very funny
@Ohnana what was it i aint clicking on it... it smells like bait
@silverpenguin please click
I wouldn't browse that with a 10 feet pole.
is the expando version
i aint touching that with a stick, il google
the people of this room have hurt me with links before
i am now a sceptic
I like how I am "the people of this room".
@silverpenguin Did you google about the other political group in the US? The Lemon Party?
You are all belonging to me.
@Simon no
Like all your base are belong to us.
@Matthew haha i aint falling for that one
@BarryCarlyon You wanna wrestle about it?
nope I'm going to the bar
@Ohnana I see Trump got Carson's backing...
@RоryMcCune cuz carson is a goddamn idiot
jesus, i had such high hopes for him and he turned out to be a moron
@Ohnana sure but he brings with him a decent number of supporters
i was like "damn, the republicans might actually have someone intelligent this year"
@RоryMcCune lol what? he polls at like <10% in every primary
It sounds like a lot of people can be corrupted through money in the US.
It's probably the case everywhere, though.
@Ohnana every percent counts...
> ADHD children may just be immature, research suggests
@Ohnana some of the repub votes have been quite close
@RоryMcCune of course
@Ohnana I'd rather have Carson than Cruzbot or Trumpotron
when someone thinks a link in this room is safe:
Cruzboat is funnier.
@MarkBuffalo fair enough, carson won't start a nuclear war
@Ohnana Bernie would ;)
> "The study therefore highlights the importance of ensuring the assessment for ADHD is rigorous and relies on a variety of sources of information that support the clinician in deciding whether the diagnosis is met."
@MarkBuffalo fkin_lol
^^ that's what the study's authors suggest
@Jon why, you were mean to me
@Ohnana But the clickbait title
@MarkBuffalo yea, the dude who relies on diplomacy over land wars will launch a nuke at someone
@Ohnana This is like Ghandhi in Civilization. It is exactly the same thing. Someone will find a bug
@MarkBuffalo So you are saying children are immature? No shit sherlock.
A bug that leads Bernie Sanders into going full Civ-ghandhi.
@MarkBuffalo It's not a bug. Ghandi is actually programmed to have a chance to go all sorts of crazy.
This is so awesome
@silverpenguin google.co.uk
@Matthew ಠ_ಠ
@Matthew nope, probably has some kind of dirty wizardry
@Arperum It was initially a bug... and they thought it was hilarious, so they kept it.
I think I've just confirmed that this room has passed some kind of paranoia level...
@Matthew We're information security professionals. Our paranoia levels are through the roof. They are after us, they are coming. They want our stuff.
There are two paranoid people in here: Markus and the fugly manatee.
@MarkBuffalo Yes... But that link was in fact just to Google. No tricks. No hidden stuff. No fancy clever bits...
@Matthew its to safe to be true
@Matthew I thought he was joking
@silverpenguin are you joking?
@MarkBuffalo 50/50
@silverpenguin Shouldn't we lie on the floor and put bags on our heads or something?
@RoraΖ I sleep in a faraday cage just in case
@silverpenguin lacks small print saying “brought to you by the tinfoil hat conspiracy”
@RoraΖ That's for nuclear armageddon. The tin foil hats are for everything else
In case you're a cyborg?
I was going with alien invasion, but nuclear fallout works too
@RoraΖ are you spying on me and my girlfriend?
keel me
@silverpenguin This is where failing to balance the fine art of paranoia leads to insanity. You need to bring balance to the foil, or you'll go off on either extreme. The Dark Side of the Foil is a passageway to abilities some may consider... completely insane. Therefore, you must learn to balance it.
@RoraΖ Alien invasion you just sneeze
@silverpenguin Just your girlfriend
@ThomasPornin Graffiti? lol
@MarkBuffalo dont worry im only slightly crazy >_> though mu cousin thinks im super paranoid because i never click on short links
@MarkBuffalo Nope, it is a real eagle attacking a drone.
@silverpenguin I click on links on my bait phone, that's about it
@ThomasPornin That's even funnier, haha
It is part of an ongoing program in the Dutch police.
I shall translate I speak perfect made up stuff...
@ThomasPornin The solution to this eagle problem is helicopter blades that are sharp, and will automatically declaw the eagles.
I know I had suggested exactly that months ago, so it is great that people are actually considering it.
police get the roof birds to poop on the drones untill lunch and helium
@ThomasPornin You suggested drone blades that will cut up the eagles upon trying to grab the drone?
@silverpenguin Oi. I don't go shitting on your language. DOn't go shitting on mine.
@MarkBuffalo No, I suggesting training birds to catch drones. They have been doing that for 70 millions of years so they tend to know how to do it.
A few months ago there has been a few dozen reports of drones flying over nuclear power plants in France.
This triggered some research in efficient anti-drone weapons.
@Arperum :<
Oh man. Gone testing and you went crazy here
@M'vy give me back my crayons :@
@ThomasPornin that's a beautiful bird
lol that smartphone question got me a double repcap and a gold badge
@ThomasPornin Drones have been around for 70+ million years?
I need to find that hotel so I can stay there
@RоryMcCune gold for what?
@RоryMcCune you stole my thunder from that question
@MarkBuffalo not being the accepted answer whilst getting twice the score of the accepted answer
I have a populist
@RоryMcCune ah, yeah
i have one of them too!
it took my by surprise
which is ironic because I know nothing about information security
@silverpenguin I was just adding on a bit TBH, didn't really expect to get the points
@MarkBuffalo Yes, but they called them "birds" and "insects" back then.
@ThomasPornin BEES!!!!!!
@RоryMcCune its ok i still love you :<
I got 15 up votes so thats not to shabby B)
NOO @MarkBuffalo over took me damn it now its the worst answer on the page
@RоryMcCune ... and the accepted answer must still score at least 11 upvotes (so yours must go to at least 23).
@silverpenguin In the world of reputation caps, tinfoil determines the winner.
I have been betrayed
i havemt
but i will say it
I'm appealing to a different crowd with my post in that thread... and pointing to 3 different threat vectors
haha i am joking :P though all of the answer on that page are suprising well taken, you dont normally see every answer with high levels of detail and so many up votes
@MarkBuffalo er 10
er 10 k?
@ThomasPornin I thought that words like “bees” and “insects” had only been around for a few hundreds of years. Wow, I was off by 5 orders of magnitude!
(I had to say another K leaving 3 ks on a screen I felt took this rooms quality down a notch)
tin foil hat
@silverpenguin you achieve this without saying anything
@kalina what you sayin :<
@kalina "heheh3hLOL" ?
@ThomasPornin what
I just typed random things honest
@kalina Not impossible, but improbable nonetheless.
it's not my fault I'm bored
when my line manager says "im getting attacked from two angles right now" apprantly saying "DP" was not the correct response
Pornu is a little bit too wild this morning, probably due to the weekend incoming.
hex+ASCII decoding is kind of a reflex when you spend too much time dealing with certificates and SSL.
so apparently by netflixing while driving you can use up all of the data
@kalina that does not sound safe
Oh look. The new Samsung S7 doesn't have a removable battery, just like the S6.
@silverpenguin You don't sound safe either yet we do not annoy you with that.
@MarkBuffalo but does it have an edge?
@kalina Yes, but you can't take out the battery
@MarkBuffalo Of course you can. It is putting it back which is hard.
@ThomasPornin That's a shame... I had a nice upvoted answer to an accepted answer with -10...
@MarkBuffalo you've not been able to remove the battery from any good phone for quite a while
@Simon cant tell if being simon or just hates me today
@ThomasPornin Yeah
o pls penguoon
Do I really sound that harsh?
@kalina And this is why I haven't had a good phone for quite a while.
@Simon yes
Good, it was hard to master.
@Simon I taught you well clearly
@MarkBuffalo booooo
Who wants a freaking Samsung device anyway?
who needs a removable battery
just carry a battery pack around with you
@Simon this so much
@kalina people who need to have private conversations?
icky plasticy horrible devices
@kalina i've pulled the battery on my phone multiple times
if it locks up, it's helpful
@Simon :-D
Whenever you got a good device, you don't need to remove the battery.
Because it never freezes.
@Ohnana hold down the power button
<3 Nexus 5.
@kalina occasionally that doesn't work
"good device" "nexus 5"
and if it gets wet, i remove the battery to prevent damage
@Simon When I travel, my phone drains power so quickly, and heats up. And if you watch the packets, you'll see a lot of really funny things
pull the battery, start cleaning it
@kalina As if that wasn't right.
@Ohnana what do you do with your phones that get them wet?
@kalina ...things.
This is while the phone is pretending to be off
@Ohnana This helps too.
jk it's usually dropping it after a rainstorm
sometimes I find using dedicated devices is still the best solution
@kalina Doesn't work against spy apps that pretend your phone is powered off
or using it in a downpour -- i live in a city so when it rains it RAINS
Phone is kind of the wrong form factor
@MarkBuffalo That's because your colleagues have swapped if for a snooperphone
People think they're so important that agencies want to spy on them.
@MarkBuffalo you're so strange
I bet even pornu isn't that paranoid and I wanna say that he's worth spying more than most people here.
@kalina supposed to do it when chillin', I thought
@ThomasPornin pornu are you paranoid?
@kalina you can remove a battery from any phone...
@RoryAlsop well good luck for some of them
the tools you need :S
@M'vy I didn't mention successfully reinserting it!
@RoryAlsop pls multitasking is one thing but chillin' while driving?
@RoryAlsop that too
@kalina ... I'm sayin' nothin'
And indeed you can smash it to the ground
@kalina yeah -wasn't even funny
@RoryAlsop There was that phone which had a little generator in...
@MarkBuffalo needs a portable faraday cage
You're a portable faraday cage.
I found @MarkBuffalo's real name and address anyway
it wasn't difficult, not many people in the Carolinas buy that much tinfoil
@kalina Agreed, I want to wear it full time
@kalina nooooooooooooooooo
@kalina Easy. Mr Mark Buffalo, Buffalo Street, Buffalo, New York
Speaking of portable Faraday cages, these are popular among pregnant women in China...
Who's Carolina?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Simon two states in the states
They wear faraday pregnancy dresses to protect the baby from "harmful computer radiation."
o lawd
I wanna get drunk and watch Coraline.
Does anybody want to join?
@Simon Nooo... Creepy eyes...
@Matthew Best animation movie ever.
> “When the electromagnetic waves get inside the garment from other directions, there would be no outlets for them to be dispersed. You are actually exposed to a higher level of radiation influence,”
@Simon is king nurd of the dmz
@RoryAlsop I looooooooooooove this song
I has cranked my subwoofer up, and laughing at the crazy bass
Man that's a song from my childhood.. I used to listen to it until I got sick of it
ANd one more before I need to think about moving
@MarkBuffalo yeah - not so much from my childhood :-)
@MarkBuffalo You're a gangsta wannabe?
can you imagine that
worst gangsta ever
@RoryAlsop Pretty sure it's from one of your great*2048 grand children's childhood
@Simon Hey now... rap is really popular on the rez. Gangsta rap, especially
@RoryAlsop \o/ early 90's hip-hop
I stopped liking rap after I turned 12 though
Sadly - I can still remember all the lyrics to these
It sounds like you're trying to make it cool by saying "rez".
rap on da rez
yo meng wanna come chill in da hood in da rez
@MarkBuffalo I'm pretty sure that @RoryAlsop is older than 143500 years so are you talking about a child from millions of years ago or are you saying that @RoryAlsop didn't find anybody to mate until 500 billion years into his existence?
> delivered to our targets throughout the world are intercepted. Next, they are redirected to a secret location where Tailored Access Operations/Access Operations (AO-S326) employees, with the support of the Remote Operations Center (S321), enable the installation of beacon implants directly into our targets’ electronic devices.
tldr: UPS SurePost
@kalina thanks...I think
@RoryAlsop I'm not sure what for

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