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1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@AviD tldr: wear a tinfoil hat and have advanced delusionary schizophrenia?
@AviD rofl
@AviD Ha ha, that's awesome. Particularly the hat tip to Greg Evans, and the fact that it didn't know how to pronounce l0ft.
@Xander It reminds me of some "security experts" I know. (nobody in here)
@MarkBuffalo Yeah, it's depressingly familiar.
@Xander I posted it on my linkedin as a ding
@MarkBuffalo Well, I can't see that now, can I, since you've never connected to me?
...that did not come out right
Or go in right, either.
Ha ha
@MarkBuffalo Send me a connection invite. linkedin.com/in/xandersherry
Already did
@MarkBuffalo Ah, yes, sure enough, there it is.
@Xander Oklahoma Christian University? Are you a fanatic?
@MarkBuffalo More or less.
Thanks for the add, Xander.
@MarkBuffalo Very nice!
@MarkBuffalo Of course. Happy to.
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
@MarkBuffalo Hey now, my wife's degree is from Dominican University, aka Rosary College, aka The Nunnery. And she is not even Christian.
Got some sushi-making stuff for personal-facebookspam-day
white thing is a Sushi bazooka, makes easy peasy rolled sushi, and the red thing is a handy tool to make cube-formed sushi, extremely handy if you don't have such well hands as me
@Lighty looks like a lightsaber
@AviD If it wasn't too unhealthy for the food, I'd (spray)painted into one actually
@AviD sure does
also why not just use a bamboo mat, like literally EVERYone else?
I need a video collector for this room...
@AviD this is a tad more easier for me to use with my hands and such, tried the bamboo mat, couldn;t do it with my hands xd
ah see thats your mistake, you shouldnt be doing it with your hands
@Lighty It looks like it will create sushi in the Crypto.SE logo
Ooooo - interesting question:
Q: Breaking linear congruential generator

Camandros(I am not sure this questions fits this board, if it doesn't please redirect me accordingly) (I can only post two links, so bear with me :p) (can't find any decent tags for this... :( ) As you can see by a previous question of mine on this board, I am doing some work with Devolo powerline device...

P.s. Morning all
@RoryAlsop ikr? :P
he said "bear with me"
Good Morning Everyone!
this is weird and slightly saddenning - I just repcapped twice in a row for a throwaway obvious non answer.
I mean, yes it was the right answer, but it was so trivial that it was barely a question.
mornin' all
Mornin' Rory #2
@RоryMcCune thats what @Simon's mom said
coding in HTML and CSS
@AviD you're a bit early to be starting on @Simon 's mom aren't you?
@RоryMcCune never too early
@HenryWHHack >coding >html & css
@Lighty Yes
html and css
Who's sockpuppet is this?
@Lighty we're not sure
I thought it was @Adi 's but he says not
Well, time for coffee anyway
@RоryMcCune I thought you hypothesized that it was written by that geman kid.
@AviD hmm don't think so, I had my money on Adi
@kalina stuffs sushi in vulnerable mouth
@kalina your call.
what kind of violence against vegetarians is this
@kalina so you're going to ignore the obvious euphemistic character here? good, good.
"but you can eat fish as a vegetarian, fish isn't meat!" -some random girl on facebook, 2k15
Also, technically sushi IS vegetarian. if it has fish it is sashimi.
and Sushi can also have vegetables, not only fish
or rather, it can be.
@RоryMcCune Dude, it's not mine.
@Lighty I really think he's just a retarded person
@Adi yeah I know you said, I was saying that I had originally thought it was yours :)
I thought I was originally @Adi's sockpuppet
You and your original thoughts
@Lighty The key thing is the rice, I believe...
@Matthew You don't say :o
@Matthew Nope. Both are key, the rice and the neta (the stuff inside)
which can be anything, really
kids, kids, the key is to enjoy it!
;) morning
did I kill the chat? :O
@M'vy Trying to be a sexy cat?
@TildalWave you off to B-Sides BTW?
@RоryMcCune owww nooo, I 4got!!
@Adi sorry, was joking in English-French
Oh my god
I Googled "meow"
kinda, I actually "knew" I "most likely" "100%" won't have the time
@TildalWave ahh was going to say there's a contingent gone over from Dundee including some people from $consultancy
if I'd realised it was on when the CFP was on I should've submitted a talk
@RоryMcCune yeah why didn't you?
also they have cool conf badges
@TildalWave only realised it was on after the CFP closed, so missed it :(
hahaha cute
Morse code?
you know I might still jammy it in for a quickie
there's a couple there that owe me beers :)
won't have all days to kill tho
@TildalWave well that's always a good reason to meet up with people!
@RоryMcCune Those are pretty cool indeed o.o
@RоryMcCune yeah and the place is good, you'd like it... kinda an open office / creative center poligon.si/en
dammit if I repcap THREE times in a row from this Imma be super pissed
gonna walk around random hammering things. things that dont deserve it.
talking about this:
A: Anonymous surveys that aren't so anonymous

AviDIf the site is based on ASPX files, then it is more than likely that this is a ASP.NET application - most probably hosted on IIS. IIS has a very simple checkbox to enable Windows Integrated Authentication. IE, on Windows 7, will by default send your credentials to any web server in the loc...

somebody please enlighten me why it is getting so much damn attention.
@AviD upvotes it to annoy tigger
AHA my reverse psychology has worked, now I will gather all the upvotes!
Do we have the python env thingy on other site than stackoverlow ?
@M'vy huh?
@AviD you said ASPX
@TildalWave pls
that was in the question
An interpreter has been added to question/answer IIRC at least on SO
Can't believe 65 upvotes already
Im starting to think it's because of sleazy employers.
@RoryAlsop right??
@AviD you used uppercase
which is obviously better
@RoryAlsop wait, sixty FIVE?? you bastard. ;-)
@AviD Very clever Meester Tigger
by a factor of almost 2
ASPX is the new chimpanzees
already in the top 10 of my answers :-S
Q: What does 'to hook up later' mean?

Nancy TingMy classmate asked me if I want to 'hook up' later. What does that mean? Does he mean to meet up and study? Or something else, like meeting up for food? I have never heard of hooking up before, please explain me.


He want to meet somebody and spend time later.

He wants to get married to somebody later.

He wants to have sexual relationship with somebody later.
wot mate?
it's an ordered list!!
also, all those answers be like "sometimes it means sex, but OBVIOUSLY HE JUST WANTS TO STUDY WITH YOU hurhur GO MEET HIM SOMEPLACE PRIVATE hurhurhur TO STUDY snicker"
don't you hate it when a comment is better than all the answers?
Okay - that flag is too much effort to run through google translate and then check it out
Didn't need to go to everyone
what flag?
Was a flag. Probably from Russian.se by the look of things
Maybe was mod only... I dunno
Was red
oh yeah those ... I might even understand it and be offended by it ... then what? :D
I never even knew I understand so much português
"I've researched this flagged comment - and after 30 minutes, I can confirm I am offended" :-)
if I write that it'll only get me suspended
good morning! whats all this about sexual russians? bit early for that is it not? or maybe i am just lost on the context of this conversation?
we can't comment on your browsing habits :P
burns hard drives ye know nothing
@silverpenguin early? You know the earth isn't flat right? That time is different all the way around?
@kalina that is your opinion
it's not an opinion
@kalina deffo your opinion
im trolling btw
it's all timey wimey wibbly wobbly
if you call that trolling you need to step up your game
@silverpenguin Why?
sub-casual effort at best
@kalina its early for me! @Matthew what did i do D:
@RoryAlsop aren't you supposed to be a timelord?
@kalina plus there is nothing more annoying then telling someone that facts are opinions xD
@silverpenguin we don't tend to troll that much in here, or if we do we restrain it to high class trolling
@silverpenguin Why are you trolling? Or at least, attempting to troll? Are you actively attempting to get people to hate you?
@silverpenguin than :P and you omitted a comma!! how can I ever take you seriously now?? you... you're so disappoint
@Matthew :< It wasnt that annoying :<
@RоryMcCune you are right I need to step up my game to a higher class
@silverpenguin yes but trolling is designed to be annoying, so the intent is there even without the effect
@silverpenguin or, ya know, crazy thought, you could not try to troll the room
@RоryMcCune haha it wasnt that bad!! come on :P
and i even said i was just being annoying quickly
I vote for not trolling. It clutters up the message log
@TildalWave I cannot do the english
is the "trolling" just the "that is your opinion" line or am I missing something?
@silverpenguin You could always answer some questions
Q: Is AES 128 encryption weak for very small payload size?

Gaurav SharmaIf I have a payload of e.g. 8 bits and I want to encrypt it using AES 128, I will need to add some random padding to make the plaintext 128 bits long. Does this padding affect the security of AES?

@Ixrec that was it....
not that bad
That seems like a good one for research then a nice answer
next HNQ for ELL.SE: "Why is 'trolling' so much worse than 'kidding'?"
@Matthew smells like a dupe to me
@Ixrec next time i should just say im kidding, using trolling seemed to make people angry at me :<
Q: Is there any security gain / risk by adding additional padding (beyond what is required) when using AES-256 to encrypt very short strings?

AeaI would like to encrypt some authentication tokens using AES 256 (not tied to this algorithm but it seems to be a reasonable choice). These messages are usually very short at 128-256 bits. I'm concerned foremost about the security, not very concerned about ciphertext length or performance in eith...

what do you think?
@TildalWave hmmm I dont know this question asks if there is risk adding more, the previous one asks about adding less... possibly similar answers but i think a different question... its hard
@silverpenguin I struggle to be provoked by anybody who uses xD
@kalina why do you hate me so much :< i feel your hatred burning me from across the globe
@kalina also whats wrong with xD
don't flatter yourself, I don't care enough to have any feelings about you
@kalina damn i like your fire
smoke screen
:28122895 yeah he tends to jump in head first when those happen.
That is all.
@BarryCarlyon half way there!
mumbles the next lines WOOOOAAAHHH livin on a prayer
"Take my hand. We'll make it I swear"...
@BarryCarlyon sfunny, that was bouncing in my head too
Crikey the Stackoverflow DUNK sound made me jump…
Blooming loud in my deadphones
@AviD pls, we don't need to know
oh ye cultureless goons
@AviD heheh bounce… you got a tigger avatar :-P
@BarryCarlyon yes, things tend to go bounce.
pls, no Jon Bovi!
sometimes boom. occasionally clank.
@TildalWave wrong.
blame @BarryCarlyon.
@RоryMcCune my favorite!
I apologize to everyone
I accept all responsilibitilty for everything EXCEPT your own security issues…
@BarryCarlyon no, dont. We've gotta hold on to what we've got.
@AviD I always sing this at the karaoke
@LucasKauffman you probably suck at it.
when i sing karaoke im like jigglie puff, except no one falls asleep. their ears start dripping with blood and they pass out.... but i still find it just as effective....super effective...
@RоryMcCune should tell @JourneymanGeek that that is our real theme song.
they see me scriptin, they hatin, they all know my scripts are dirty
not eval?
@TildalWave nah copy and pasting off the internet while listening to justin bieber
haha joking i hate him hugs bieber plushies
actually listening to TT and zara larsson ... good new song Girls like
most popular comment on the site:
First of all you didn't follow their advice - they specifically said a musical artist, of which Bieber is neither. — AviD ♦ Jan 20 at 17:27
See thats fine though @TildalWave
i wont even paste a a link to a justin bieber song in fear the whole room will team up and beat me with socks filled with batteries
@silverpenguin Doesn't matter, we would beat you up anyway for being the new meat
Thats a paddlin'
but the most wonderful thing about tiggers is the scream they make when you stand on their tail
really? thats the best you've got?
Donald Trump has won three more states, Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii
@AviD I always sing this at the karaoke
21 mins ago, by Lucas Kauffman
@AviD I always sing this at the karaoke
deja vu
or are you just really insistent about that
"I'm vegan!"
@silverpenguin YES!!!
oh yeah babai first lady is gonna be a Slovenian ... you're all totally fowked LOL
@Adi excited for trump? :P
@silverpenguin Oh yeah, a lot
@AviD mmm connection dropped
@Adi me too, I think it will be hilarious
might be a retry repost
well, probably not as excited since I don't really care either way
it would be like a massive circus in the U.S I dont think he is as bad as the media portrays him be he still isnt good
@kalina That's the cool part of it. I give no ficks whoever wins, but if Trump wins it would be super hilarious
so, yeah, I'd say I'm indifferently excited
@LucasKauffman hahah
as i am english I have to care seeing as we are the U.S's bit on the side
he almost sounds like Steve Jobs, but slightly less intelligent, and slightly more aggressive.
@AviD not enough magical
or amazing
yeah, less of the magical.
Q: How to Restrict User to use ctrl+c copy and ctrl+v clipboard in XRDP Redhat AWS

Rakesh VijayanMy challenge was , I have to restrict the user in AWS Redhat7 RDP session that user shouldn't drag and drop or cut and paste file into or from the server's RDP to users Desktop and vice versa .I succeeded by editing xrdp.in file by comment the bellow lines [channels] Channel names not ...

the only "amazing" Steve Jobs had was the one he kept saying about himself.
watching steve jobs gushing about how the ipad is amazing and magical and feels incredible
but he will still get people to pay more for less as long as its shiney ... just like jobs
types on his mac
I like to think of OSx as the love child between linux and windows..
you'd be wrong
it's more like the love child between BSD and Linux with several layers of eugh on top
@AviD you mean almost like Ballmer? :)
@TildalWave nah, more words than ballmer, less substance.
less substance than ballmer?
meh I like OSx it feels clean.... though i think id rather its core be less unixy and more linuxy
ballmer actually had great substance. Just terrible at sharing it.
@silverpenguin you are not a smart person.
@AviD why you hurt my feels
@silverpenguin oh sorry, didnt mean to. Was just trying to help.
@AviD dude were you enballmered already?
@AviD haha ? :P you dont like OSx?
I am annoyed by all operating systems, but then I really liked Forth on 6809... </fogey>
@AviD seems like he took some substance before going on stage
@AviD I develop on mac and linux :< have not developed on windows since i was 17/18
pshaw who needs operating systems, they just get in the way of punch cards
@kalina oh you'll love this one then
write down the code on paper and post it to people who request your page
@AviD what is your OS then Im guessing windows? if you dont mind me asking
@AviD we were discussing punch cards on our evening out on Friday (as various folks there did work with them) and we ended up googling USB punch card readers - they exist!! Cc @RоryMcCune
@AviD WTF we don't share Amway secrets here in cleartext!!
@RoryAlsop I don't even.
There is a build your own arduino+Lego version!
@AviD do you odd?
not hardly.
@RоryMcCune Do you imaginary?
@RoryAlsop perhaps, but only irrationally
@silverpenguin Windows is best OS
@RоryMcCune Eeeeeeee
far superior your OS
I can't remember what OS Deep Thought runs - need to ask the mice
im just frozen by @kalina statment.... I dont know what life is anymore
@HenryWHHack hacking humans is called "brutal murder and dismemberment"
people are stupid that why there get social engineered Anyone know a called seth

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