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ah, ok
Yeah I still got the non-prohibited stuff
It had two very small bottles of novelty alcoholic drinks
David would have used them to create a super stealthy bomb
so that's why the U.S. customs prevented them from entering U.S. soil
metaphysical thought and star trek...
I liked that video a lot!
@Adi yeah especially the bit right at the end "Still here... you can't stay awake for ever!"
Well, in the context of the Star Trek world, it was quite physical
7 hours ago, by Ohnana
@AviD if you place the knot out of reach, it doesn't matter how tight it is :>
@Ohnana I don't get it.
@DavidFreitag we were making abduction jokes and mine got starred :<
@Ohnana Yeah I still don't get it. Probably because I can't be bothered to read the transcript.
@Adi It looks like most countries prohibit sending alcohol over country lines
@DavidFreitag come to Europe, we're sane :op
@RоryMcCune Sure, you going to pay for my ticket?
@DavidFreitag lol you should get a gig with a nice IoT SF start-up then you'll be flyin' first class all the way :op
@RоryMcCune Or better yet just get a job in europe somewhere and become an expat
@DavidFreitag true true
blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2016/03/07/… <-- dafuq MS-SQL Server on Linux (that'll solve your perf. problems I'm sure @AviD )
Cheapest I could fly to London is $300
@RоryMcCune Lovely
I like this idea
$300 for a 39 hour total travel time
2 hour flight to Toronto with a 6 hour layover, then a 4 hour flight from Toronto to Calgary with a 19 hour layover, then finally a 9 hour flight from Calgary to London
I would kill myself
@Ohnana Dude, that's nothing to do with abduction. That's just BDSM 101. Well, 102 I suppose. 101 is CONSENT!
@Iszi No, 101 is safety word
7 hours ago, by Ohnana
@DavidFreitag That falls under "CONSENT, revocation of".
@Iszi No, that's "stop I'm starting to bleed internally"
@DavidFreitag if you've gotten to that point then something's really wrong
@DavidFreitag Stop == I no longer consent for you to do the thing I previously agreed to allow you to do to me.
like, that's a crush injury
not an impact injury
Seriously, if they're calling "Red" you're (usually) doing it wrong.
i mean, it's not always your fault
@Ohnana What about if you're doing normal stuff?
@Iszi No, it's not "red" it's "Pineapples"
I think consent should be in all cases, even if it's normal
someone last night didn't wait long enough after eating, and then decided to go upside down
@Ohnana :x
needless to say, they learned a valuable lesson in patience
I'm puking
Is that "someone" you?
@Ohnana That's like going swimming just after eating
@DavidFreitag All depends on where you play. A lot of public spaces prefer - if not insist - that you use standardized safe words so the DMs can know when they should come assist.
@MarkBuffalo no, i was bringing the trash can over
@Iszi our party does this. liability.
@Iszi DM? You do BDSM with your DnD crew?
That's some freaky-level Dungeons and Dragons right there.
Scratch that.
@MarkBuffalo very true. consent is good for anytime you're touching another person. informed consent, patient consent, etc.
DM in BDSM public play spaces is usually "Dungeon Monitor".
dunno why
@MarkBuffalo I honestly wouldn't know.
@MarkBuffalo and that's your prerogative
@DavidFreitag Sounds like fun. Not with my D&D crew, mind you - we're back to the sausage-fest bit then. But fun otherwise.
@Iszi What DnD group isn't a sausage fest?
@MarkBuffalo and that's why i ask before touching
i'm kinda the same way
also, removing because lol
@DavidFreitag I've played with a few gals. Couple of them actually kinda hot - and not just "for D&D girls".
@Iszi Sure sure
Hello evening dwellers
It's a mod! Quick scatter!
@RoryAlsop STFU. Work day's not even over yet.
DMZ Canonical Time, damnit!
whistles innocently
@RoryAlsop good evening, my Dauphin
@MarkBuffalo Wait... are you claiming to be @RoryAlsop's father? I thought that wasn't possible? Nobody's older than him!
Yeah, we were talking about Bilateral Defence Strategy Marketing.
No, he is my Dauphin, as in my leader. The leader of my cult. Ah, never mind... this one flew over your head or something
stares at the corner again
Ahhh - too much transcript to catch up on
ehem. Yeah, nothing bad inappropriate happened anyway.
I'm going to assume it was all good, we've solved security and I can go to the beach
to the beach? In this weather?
you're disposing of a body? :O
@RoryAlsop Y'all have beaches that far from the equator? How do you go swimming in a parka?
@Iszi That "y'all" made me vomit a little.
@DavidFreitag Problem?
@Iszi Yes I'd like to not vomit a little ever
secretly hacks @RoryAlsop while he's swimming
@DavidFreitag Y'all must not come 'round the south much.
@Iszi Ok, now you're responsible for cleaning up that mess.
@DavidFreitag I'm not puttin' on a heavy coat and flyin' up that for inta' Yank terr'tory just 'cause y'all can't hold in yer lunch.
I'm surprised that we don't yet have a question to ridicule the joke that is "Cyber Pathogen"...
@Iszi dude it's like 15°C out
@NateKerkhofs s/ Pathogen//
@DavidFreitag C??? Y'all must not even be 'merican!
@Iszi Most unamerican american that has 'murican'd
We might be able to discuss what a Cyber Pathogen might be
@NateKerkhofs You're a Cyber Pathogen.
Or would that be more suited for Worldbuilding?
@NateKerkhofs Sorry I have an extension that changes every instance of "Cloud" and "Cyber" to "Butt" are you saying one of those words?
Yeah, I'm saying the Cy-word
@NateKerkhofs Didn't WoW have a case of that once? Or was it EQ?
Because I don't think you really mean to talk about a Butt Pathogen
Now I know why you laughed when I talked about a Cloud-based program, David.
Yeah, WoW had the corrupted blood incident back in 2007, I think
@MarkBuffalo Yeah those Butt-based programs, huehuehue
and I kept talking about things "in the cloud"... oh my goodness
@NateKerkhofs wat
At least you didn't go "what what, in my cloud"
@NateKerkhofs Hakkar.
@MarkBuffalo wat
@NateKerkhofs ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
Damn, ninja'd.
@DavidFreitag A really contagious spell managed to escape the boss arena and killed thousands of innocent players in capital cities
@DavidFreitag There was a disease in the game, "World of Warcraft," called "Corrupted blood." It would spread to other players if not correctly handled. Well, some guys hearthed back to Orgrimmar/Stormwind (main capital cities for each faction), and murdered the entire server.
@MarkBuffalo Yes I know what WoW is
It was actually a pretty good thing
@NateKerkhofs They had to completely reboot a couple worlds to cure that or something, didn't they?
I would drag Thunderaan to Orgrimmar
@MarkBuffalo LOL cause dieing is really a bad thing in WoW
Because it allowed epidemiologists to check their models for the spread of deadly diseases
And it was accurate
you had the main cities being abandoned
I wonder if something like that happened to EvE
@DavidFreitag eve doesn't need a disease for players to ruin each others
Speaking of which since I have been moving I haven't touched eve in days
@NateKerkhofs Yeah, cause cyber-cities are totally exactly like real cities.
You had people intentionally spreading the plague
@Iszi The spread model is pretty similar
@NateKerkhofs it causes arteriosclerosis of the series of tubes?
@Iszi Woah there are cities on your butt?
@DavidFreitag I'm sure Adam's happy about that.
Also, I liked to hearth back with burning adrenaline, run into the auction house, and put the horrifying murder on everyone
@Iszi Nah he likes to watch
@DavidFreitag I didn't say they were mine. I don't even play WoW.
burning adrenaline -> astral recall -> auction house
@Iszi Yeah but you said butt-cities
Huh. It just now hit me that you've made a whole new meaning for the term cybersex.
@Iszi (◕ᴥ◕)
surprise cybersecks
cloud's ex girlfriend
@DavidFreitag Again, didn't say they were mine.
@MarkBuffalo You played on PvP servers or something?
@DavidFreitag clouderfly
Also I thought debuffs and stuff like that were only transmissible to raid/party?
@DavidFreitag Yeah, and I used to go to RP servers to beg for gold... people would come up and give me gold. I left because it creeped me out that I had a cult following for my "performance."
@Simon 'dat butafly
@DavidFreitag 'dat butt-afly
Please don't play Final Fantasy VII, @Iszi. You're going to be so disappointed every time someone mentions the name of the main character
@MarkBuffalo Public mastubration is only cool when it's not
@NateKerkhofs Cy... anide?
@NateKerkhofs Never really played, but yeah - I was trying to come up with something for that.
@TildalWave No. Cyber-cyanide, yeah.
If there was such a thing.
@Iszi Because honestly, I can't take CIoud Strife seriously if his name was changed into Butt Strife
@Iszi woah butt-cyanide? Is it just as deadly but smells horrifying?
@Iszi cyanogenmod?
@DavidFreitag No, cyanide suppositories.
@DavidFreitag Yeah, it leaves a cloud of cyber pathogens
@NateKerkhofs A butt of butt pathogens?
Cloud-to-cloud lightning is fun.
Also, cloud-to-ground lighting is pretty cool.
Okay, let us butt heads below the cyber clouds, okay
Anyone reading this transcript later is going to be totally confused.
Beavis and Cyber-Head?
Tip: one of those butts is actually a butt
@Iszi Beavis with a tattoo of a butt with a tattoo of a but on it. On his butt.
Oh, new meaning to "iCloud".
@DavidFreitag cloudception?
@Iszi huehuehue iButt
@NateKerkhofs There's nothing new about buttception. They made a series of movies about that
Then, those commercials Microsoft ran a couple years ago... "To the cloud!"
@DavidFreitag I would watch those, but I'm worried I might get my computer a cyber pathogen
@DavidFreitag Rule 34, right? If it exists, there is porn of it... in the cloud.
@Iszi cough human centipede cough
@DavidFreitag Oh, dear. I haven't even seen that and... screw you.
Developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers
Two girls one cup! From the cloud!
@Iszi Oooh my favorite! (things like that don't phase me)
@MarkBuffalo i am a developer here to save the day....what
Okay, this is going a little bit too far. Com, let's extract our head from our clouds
@DavidFreitag This is called sociopathy
@Iszi pls
Since we're on the actual topic of cloud to butt:
@DavidFreitag You likey da chocolate cyber-ice cream, eh?
@Iszi I don't particularly enjoy it, but when I finally watched it I was like "...that's all?"
@NateKerkhofs I for one welcome our nebulous overlords :)
@TildalWave You mean a lot of hot air, right?
@TildalWave So, you're saying... you like the cloud?
Do you like it, in the cloud?
@Iszi neah, dude have an e-spliff
@Simon lololololol
@Iszi This should totally be added to the Sec.SE memes post
+1 inside joke
I love drinking what comes out of clouds
Oh, and then Adobe has that whole line of "Document Cloud" (DC) products!
@DavidFreitag If you truly want it, not difficult AT ALL
the rain water. so delicious
Europe is going INSANE for IoT now
@Adi I would love a job in europe
@MarkBuffalo Dude, if it's anything like rain... someone needs to see a doctor.
But I would need to go to a place where I knew people or I would just implode
@DavidFreitag If you know your way around electronics, coding, and security.. wow
@Adi That's connecting a lot of things to the cloud, you know.
I don't know if the cloud can take it.
@Adi First two much more than the latter
@DavidFreitag Common sense + a bit of buzz-name dropping?
= enough
I hear the cloud will run out of space if we don't all switch to IPv6.
Babies can drown in the metaphorical wet panties of hiring managers reading such CVs
@Adi Well I should say that I have no proven experience in securing things or written code that's tested to be secure.
Oh, almost forgot... "CSI: Cyber"
@RоryMcCune can you not detect the sarcasm?
Other than that there's common sense, but I don't think I could pull any buzzwords from my cloud
@DavidFreitag "... with a track record of contributing to the security community such as Security.StackExchange, one of the biggest online security communities"
Just.. anything, really
@Simon the dumbest thing i've read all day
@Ohnana You're welcome.
@Adi A track record? I have two answers, lol
@Adi Are we really one of the biggest?
@Iszi On my CV we are
@DavidFreitag that is one hell of a strong stomach
@DavidFreitag Answer a few more
Not that difficult
@Iszi Cyder, the cyber cider :)
No not by any means difficult
@Iszi water here is lovely and warm (on the west coast of Scotland) as the Gulf Stream hits us.
@DavidFreitag So.. do it
You want the move, you want the job, then find the motivation
@Ohnana I mean, I didn't sit there watching the whole thing
Admittedly it's -4 outside right now :-)
@DavidFreitag Find a few shitty open source projects and "contribute" to them. Like fix some XSS and obvious SQL injection
@Adi Yeah well at the same time I'm not ready to make that move
start somwhere
@DavidFreitag Oooooh
Well, meh then
@DavidFreitag Start now so you can when you are ready
@Iszi Cybear :)
@DavidFreitag What do you mean "not ready" btw?
@Adi I just need to finish up my goals at my current job
If I leave they'll effectively go out of business
@RoryAlsop Ah, well. You're welcome then.
Plus it's major brownie points on a CV to have entire product lines based on your designs.
"Why do you feel that you will be a good fit for us?": "I have a proven track record that I can start from scratch and build an entire line of products from the ground up starting with a rough outline of goals to hardware and to software."
That sort of deal
Okay, now that that's dealt with, I just have to wait
Anybody here good evening?
Damn, Lazers takes a while to catch the question
Okay someone's here.
@HenryWHHack you just missed a great 15 minutes about cyber pathogens, WoW, extensions that replace words with butt and @DavidFreitag wanting to work in Europe but not yet ready for it
@NateKerkhofs Next year.
2018 I'll be in europe somewhere.
What 15 minutes?
Japan is better than europe just saying
@HenryWHHack check the chat history
18 mins ago, by David Freitag
But I would need to go to a place where I knew people or I would just implode
I miss you japan 😢
@DavidFreitag How often does Lazers update?
Basically my only options are UK/Finland
@DavidFreitag where r u from?
@silverpenguin 'murica
I suppose @JourneymanGeek and @LucasKauffman are in Singapore, and @TildalWave is in... where is it again? Well.. somewhere.
@NateKerkhofs i don't think lazers is in this room
@DavidFreitag Why would you want to leave the land of the free for the land of the niserble weather
@Ohnana Wait, so I'm waiting for my question to post itself for nothing?
Q: So what would a cyber pathogen be, exactly?

Nate KerkhofsMichael Ramos of the San Bernardino justice department issued a statement in the past week, since retracted, about something he calls a "lying dormant cyber pathogen" on the San Bernardino terrorist iPhone, claiming it's part of the reason why Apple needs to unlock the device. By now, this state...

@NateKerkhofs yes
also i VTC'd that
@Ohnana I'm so confused.
@DavidFreitag lazers is a bot that posts new questions as they come in
he sits in the bridge
@Ohnana Don't really care, just wanted to ask it because I hoped it would autopost
So it would confuse people with the cyber to butt plugin installed
Cheese 😃
@DavidFreitag Think I heard something about that yesterday, but not in here.
Oh great, now the support guy is quoting from the help file that I've been reading nonstop for days
@DavidFreitag I'm trying to read that page, but it constantly keeps jumping around because of reloading things or something like that
@DavidFreitag I linked it here yesterday you donut overlord.
@Simon sorry I was busy being on my deathbed
Hey @AviD, I think you should take shrooms ^
This guy is a frigging moron
@Simon aren't you already?
@Simon or did you mean, do I think you should stop?
@Iszi and @RоryMcCune, didja all see that MSSQL is coming to Linux?
@MarkBuffalo Newsflash, Brennan: San Bernardino WAS your second 9/11
"we must backdoor secure standards becuz muh terrorism"
@AviD Hm. Gut reaction is to be shocked, I suppose. But under Satya, not so much. Actually should have seen it coming.
@Simon downvoted for spite. pls.
A: Making a coin fair

Martin BüttnerRetina, 16 14 bytes (.)\1|(.)?. $2 Try it online! Explanation This is fairly simple. The code defines a single regex substitution replacing all (non-overlapping) matches of (.)\1|(.)?. with whatever the second group captured. This combines three different cases into one: (.)\1 --> <empty> ...

+1 program with boobies in it

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