@Adi Um, well... you see... in China, beautiful girls were paid a lot of money to crush kittens to death with high heels. They shared the video in QQ groups and sold it, and made a killing. Pun not intended. :|
@TildalWave We already "limit liberties" on SE regarding so many things. Those who have less than 125 RP can't downvote, and those who have less than 200 can't view the review queue, and those who have less than 2000 can't edit without triggering a review. All of that helps in improving the quality. So, now the second point..why it would work in my example.
@silverpenguin Yeah, I refused to even look at the non-explicit image that was provided of their faces
When the girl finally got caught by the police and arrested, she gave a "heartfelt apology" to the media... and said she was sorry, etc. Yeah right. Sick fuck.
@TildalWave People who star "boobs are cool" and have 25k will keep doing it, but those with less won't (or rather can't). Since there are significantly more people with less than 25k than people with more than 25k, the only logical outcome is that we'll see a decrease in shitty stars.
@DavidFreitag Dunno man, I personally wouldn't want "even more censorship"... so what if the star wall looks like ShitSESays? It gives me a fast overview of what was going on here while I was doing other things, so if all I find there is pointless banter, then that saves me the bother of reading the transcript
xls is pretty simple: column1\t column2\t\ncolumn1 results\tcolumn2 results
@RоryMcCune I am indeed a madman. I'll do whatever it takes to get the job done, lol. Sometimes you are limited, and cannot use libraries... so ghetto tricks like this have to be applied
I've not actually done much with them in a while 'cause I mainly do single web apps these days, but actually doing some externals for the next couple of weeks so might have cause to brush them off again
@RоryMcCune Command line is easier for sure. I just like visually-nice things so that people who come after me can use the products I've created without needing documentation, etc
a lot of stuff is like "point and click on this button without reading any documentation, and you're on your way to victory."
@TildalWave The old faithful used to be Sierra Calibration Systems, but they went out of business forever ago
They use glass cylinders of a fixed size with pistons that get sealed with mercury. As the piston rises due to the flow rate a sonar head at the top can very accurately measure the position of the piston and subsequently the change in volume and the flow rate through a bunch of maths
At this point it doesn't really matter, we've spent something like six figures on the new calibration lab and we're not getting new hardware just because Fluke's software is shit
Many of our instruments use Mass Flow Controllers, but they aren't very absolutely accurate. So we trim them in software using interpolation values collected during calibration.
Well @Adi if you do decide to send something to me, let me know. I'd be happy to pitch in for shipping to use a small cardboard box instead of a padded envelope this time.